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Global Warming, Ways to Stop or Reduce It

Updated on February 15, 2013
One way of reducing our carbon footprint is by using cleaner sources of energy. This coal burning electricity plant is no longer in operation.
One way of reducing our carbon footprint is by using cleaner sources of energy. This coal burning electricity plant is no longer in operation. | Source

By Joan Whetzel

Worldwide efforts to halt and reduce global warming are taking on momentum. However, governments can only do so much. Much of the change needs to come from communities and individuals. The transformation can be accomplished through simple lifestyle changes.

Changes At Home

Individuals and families can help the environment at home in the following ways:

  • Replace incandescent bulbs with fluorescent bulbs.
  • As older appliances wear out, replace them with more energy efficient models.
  • If you haven't already, switch out your older thermostat for a programmable one, and adjust the temperature's so that the heat and air conditioning don't come on so frequently when you and your family are not at home.
  • Replacing air filters monthly will not only keep the air ducts cleaner, it will also keep the central heating and air conditioning systems from having to work so hard, which will in turn use less energy and lower your utility costs.
  • Unplug computers, appliances, and any other electric items in your home (i.e. lamps) when not in use. It seems like a hassle, but keep in mind that, as long as the item in question is plugged in, there is still power being sent to that appliance, computer, or lamp.
  • Close the chimney flue as soon as it's safe to do so after the fire goes out. This will keep your heat - and heating funds - from going up the chimney.
  • Hanging double glazed windows will insulate your home further at their most vulnerable points. This simple measure will keep the house warmer in winter and cooler in summer, without cranking up the heat or A/C. You'll be using less energy and staying comfortable at the same time.
  • Take showers rather than baths. This will use less water and require less hot water from the water heater. Better yet, install a tankless water heater, which heats water only on an as-needed basis.
  • Don't run the dishwasher or wash and dry clothes unless you have a full load. You'll be doing less loads and using less water and energy.
  • Swap incandescent light bulbs for energy efficient fluorescent bulbs and replace old

Changes At Work

Companies can try a few of these measures to help the environment.

  • Go paperless whenever possible. This reduces electricity usage forprinting uposes.
  • Companies may also see an improvement in their bottom line since they won't have to pay to store all that paper and they won't be purchasing as much paper and ink. There will be less paper and ink cartridges filling up our landfills.
  • Make use of paper recycling and getting ink cartridges refilled. This is another way of reducing the amount of trash going into landfills.
  • Allow employees to telecommute when possible. For one thing, they'll be using less gasoline to get to work (less air pollution) and you won't have to heat and air condition as much office space (lower electric and gas bills).

Driving Changes

Individuals can decrease their carbon footprints through better driving habits.

  • Reduce the number of miles you drive your personal automobile by making use of public transportation, or by biking and walking. The added benefit here is that, with gasoline prices breaking the bank and leaving our wallets empty, you'll save a bit of money.
  • Decrease the amount of gas you're using by keeping up with car maintenance, keeping tire's aired up properly, and not leaving your car idling.

Changes in Shopping Habits

A few simple changes in your shopping habits can also be helpful for the environment.

  • Combine errands whenever possible. This uses less gas, and it saves a bit of time too.
  • Purchase products with packaging that has minimal impact on the environment. Examples are buying laundry detergent in biodegradable boxes rather than plastic bottles, purchasing refillable bottles with large quantity refills, and toys in packages without all that molded plastic.
  • Ask for paper bags at the grocery store rather than plastic bags. The plastic bags are not biodegradable, and you end up with so many of them, there's no way they can do anything but take up landfill space.
  • Buy fresh meat and produce whenever possible. You'll end up with less non-biodegradable packaging to get rid of, and you won't be digesting all those preservatives.

Community-wide Changes

Communities can also play their part in reducing global warming.

  • Plant trees to replace all those removed for home and building construction and the trees lost to make paper.
  • Support efforts to reduce coal, oil and natural gas use or to replace it with renewable energy. Besides reducing the world's carbon footprint, it costs less to produce, which should lower energy costs.
  • Quit filling up the landfills with non-biodegradable goods and products. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.


Global Warming Facts. Top Fifty Things to Do to Stop Global Warming.

Do Something. Action Tips --- Ways You Can Stop Global Warming.

Stop Global Warming. Take Action.

LED Lights. Tips to Stop Global Warming.

World Environmental Organization. 100 Top Climate Change Sites.

National Geographic. Global Warming.

Environmental Defense Fund. What You Can Do.


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