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American Distraction

Updated on March 25, 2014

By: Wayne Brown

The citizens of America should be proud. We have finally managed to undermine our morals and values to the point that we no longer understand who we are as a people. At one time back in the day, we conceptually agreed on a way of life which was based on some God-given rights of freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. After all these years, too many of us have forgotten the value of those concepts and are willing to toss them aside in the name of utopian security and outright lies.

When people settle for a system in which everyone’s share is equal and determined by the almighty government, the outcome is mediocrity…plain and simple. Our society is rapidly approaching the point at which defining achievement and outstanding accomplishment is considered selfish and individualistic. Too many believe that celebrating success is simply a cruel way to point out the shortcomings of those who did not achieve those heights. The message is simple…stay in the confines of the herd…embrace mediocrity.

We spend tons and tons of money on education all dispensed from the federal level but our people are not getting smarter and they are not capable of filling jobs which are in need of the skills and talents. Instead they have a PhD in underwater basket-weaving with a minor emphasis in transgender psychology and are intensely frustrated that the job market has turned its back on them. For all the information at their fingertips via the internet, they could not determine that their potential for employment was poor from the first day.

In the USA, we currently have a medical industry which begs for talented and skilled individuals to work in an industry focused on improving the quality of life and extending our stay here on the planet. That industry is plagued with litigation with lawyers lurking on every corner looking for yet another way to generate a frivolous lawsuit which can still be settled out of court for way too much money. We have a federal government loaded to the walls with lawyer-types unwilling to legislate relief of any substance for the problem. Instead, the answer is for the government to take over the healthcare industry allowing the lawyers to prey on the mass revenues of the American taxpayer in their legal actions. Along the way, the skills and talents that populate the industry begin to look to other pursuits in order to avoid the hassles leaving the industry to a state of mediocrity which the government is so good at creating.

We currently have a Congress so devoid of leadership that it cannot meet its Constitutional obligations and pass a viable budget to restrain the spending habits of the federal monster that is operating so totally out of control. We have a president who looks for new ways to trample the Constitution in an attempt to find the limits at which he will be called to desist and by whom. These people throw out the term leadership as if there is someone in their midst who is familiar with that process but alas all we have is bunch of overpaid drunks drawing six-figure salaries for what should be a part-time job and a president who can find more inspiration in books by the likes of Saul Alinsky, a rabid, radical socialist, than he can in the root document of our society, The Constitution. It is a sad day in America when it is so obvious that the sitting president has little or no respect for the roots of our culture and beginning as a free nation…a sad day.

We have an economy that is mired in stagnation with private sector businesses afraid to commit to anything for fear that tax policies and Obama-Care will require the funds they have on hand just to keep the doors open. Meanwhile, the most optimistic estimates of unemployment linger at 8.5% and that figure ignores the people who have just given up. Businesses are not growing and jobs are not being created because the government has its black boot heel pressed firmly on the neck of the private sector keeping it at bay while the politicians throw more and more borrowed money out in the name of job creation and economic stimulus…money that passes over us like rain clouds that never give up a drop. Americans are feeling the economic stagnation and watching as businesses lock their doors for good and walk away while a stubborn government continues to hail itself as the savior of the economy and the country yet, in reality, taking us all down into a long spiral of mediocrity.

Those who populate Washington and claim that inflation is of little consequence have not been to the grocery store lately or for that matter to any retail outlet which pays to have its inventories shipped to the point of sale. The price of fuel is driving prices up and up and even in those areas of the country where unemployment is lower, businesses are suffering at the fears of price conscious consumers who are spending far too much of their income of their transportation to and from work. Given all of that, there was no urgency on the part of the president to approve the oil/gas pipeline between the USA and Canada…no priority at all. Let them eat cake.

Our debt continues to pile up to record levels as the government operates without a plan or a budget for that matter. The only true efforts taking place in Washington are those surrounding new ideas for spending. Both sides of the aisle are rotten to the core and totally inept at everything except the ability to earmark and pork-barrel taxpayer revenues. In that area, they are experts. Yet with all their inability to accomplish anything they still manage to be insured of a fat retirement check for life and benefits that no American will ever have in their old age and for what….bankrupting the country?

Our military is on the road to being gutted under the guise of becoming a lean, mean, technology-driven machine. This is the one area that the Washington politicians seem to be able to agree upon as being the primary target when it comes to making spending cuts. The number one protection arm of the citizens of this country is being gutted so the welfare state can continue to buy votes and hand out government cheese for political favors and we, the citizens, just sit back and watch. Mediocre may be a word that is too powerful to use in the description of our military by the time the Obama Administration is through with it. And who better to lead the charge than Leon Panetta, a life-long resident of the Washington political culture and so highly adept as being the mule willing to carry the water.

The conservative side of the aisle sits back and allows Obama to create distraction after distraction in the public place as we head toward the November elections. People are arguing over birth control as if it is some kind of huge dilemma yet the real dilemma is the president attacking the Constitution. The real dilemma is a president who tries every day to find some new way to create class envy and class warfare in the population. The real dilemma is a national debt that has doubled in three years of one administration and is on track to double again if Obama gets a second-term in office. The real dilemma is having a president who cannot see that his economic strategy is a failure yet he continues to demand that the government remain at the forefront of economic upturn and job creation. The real dilemma is that we cannot stay focused on the one thing that is prolonging this nightmare….the miserable performance of Barack Obama and his minions in Congress who are willing to forego the financial health and welfare of this nation to remain in power and control.

We need to be asking ourselves what we want over the next four years in this country. We need to be looking at what has taken place in the past four years as a reminder. Re-electing this president and this Congress is not the answer unless what we desire is four more years of the same, four more years of failed leadership, four more years of out-of-control spending, four more years of government growth, four more years of growth in the welfare state, four more years which could be the final nails in the coffin of this once great nation for time on end. If not, at the very least, it will spell out our future in capital letters as a nation of people…..M-E-D-I-O-C-R-I-T-Y-!

As a nation, we are a people on a ship that is headed in the wrong direction, both financially and socially. We are on a course which will tear at the seams of our fabric and threaten our every freedom and liberty as individuals. We are headed to a destination where the government permeates every aspect of one’s life and the opportunity for choices is long gone. If we continue the status quo beyond the November elections of 2012, there is likely no turning back.

At this time, this moment in America’s history, we need a Captain to step forward; a Captain willing to turn the ship and return to the values on which we were founded. We need a leader who values personal freedoms, individual liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We need a president and a congress populated with people who take their oath of office seriously and who work each day to defend and uphold the Constitution against all comers, either friend or foe. We do not have that now in any shape or form and that cannot stand. If it does, this country will not stand, not as it was created and not as it has been for so very long…a great nation of free people.

As we approach this election process, do not become distracted. Do not fall for the sideline arguments purposely created to distract from the miserable record of this presidential administration and designed as such to create even more division in our ranks as a public. Divide and conquer is the order of the day in the Obama Administration and so far his attempts have been far more successful than anything he has accomplished in the arena of his duties as President of the United States. Keep the focus on his performance; his record and keep moving any discussion back to that point every time it wanders off on some distraction. This president must be forced to stand and defend his four years in office as a justification of why he deserves four more. He cannot do that…it is beyond human ability for it is one of the most miserable failures on record of anyone who has held the office. Stay on that focus; don’t be distracted. Choose to make a change or resolve to embrace mediocrity.

©Copyright WBrown2012. All Rights Reserved.

17 February 2012


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