Can a bully ever become a trusted President?

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  1. Joan King profile image70
    Joan Kingposted 11 years ago

    Can a bully ever become a trusted President?

    Mitt Romney wants to be president but admits to bullying a gay teenage student. As the report goes, Romney didn't like the bleach blond hair of the student draped over one eye  so he tackled him, pinned him to the ground and cut off his hair as the boy cried for help. Is this just a youthful prank or can Romney be trusted to lead all citizens of the USA fairly?

  2. profile image0
    Longhunterposted 11 years ago

    Wow, such a leading question.

    Perhaps even you have done things your not proud of just as Romney's not proud of what we did.

    As a side note, I wonder if Obama is now proud of his cocaine usage. Of course, the use of cocaine could explain some of his policies and thought process.

    1. Joan King profile image70
      Joan Kingposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The question is about Romney bullying a gay student. If you have proof of what you are saying about Obama write a hub about it. I only deal in facts.

    2. RickErnest profile image61
      RickErnestposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Look up his television interview regarding his drug experimentation.

  3. profile image0
    Brenda Durhamposted 11 years ago

    Longhunter has a very valid point, especially considering the topic question.  You posed the question, yes, a very leading question.   Obama is indeed a bully too, and therefore NOT a trusted President.   You ask can a bully ever become a trusted President........who knows?   A change of ways and heart might lead to a President become trusted.  Notice I said "may".    But your dear Obama isn't likely to change, from the evidence of his previous and current actions.    There is hope for Romney, however.   One consideration would be that liberals could stop spouting double standards and understand the concept of repentance and forgiveness, both of which Romney has illustrated, while Obama has not and probably will not.

    1. Joan King profile image70
      Joan Kingposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Touchy! touchy! Do I smell fear?

  4. wingedcentaur profile image62
    wingedcentaurposted 11 years ago

    HI Joan King!

    Longhunter's right, that is a tough question. But I suppose, if we want to be as precise as possible, we might put the question this way: Given Mitt Romney's history of bullying a gay teen, when he was himself a teenager, would it be fair to expect the adult Romney to be just a bullying of the LGBT community in the sphere of the law and public policy?

    It's one thing (conservative, I suppose) to want to hang on to the idea about 'marriage being the union of a man and a woman,' as a personal, religious, 'moral' viewpoint. It is quite another to go out of your way to use the legislative process to make life hard for the LGBT. For example, I seem to recall something about the last Bush administration cutting off funding for foreign aid agencies that provided abortion services. Remember that?

    I would call such an action being an international bully on a woman's right to choose..... But Bush did that as a supposed expression of his born-again religious faith -- you know, throwing a bone to the Religious Right in this country.

    Anyway, its tough to say. Would a President Romney being a LGBT bully, as he was in high school? Hard to say. But I would guess he is not as dependent on the religous right as W was; Romney comes across like a 'moderate' (center-right) on social issues.... He's a Mormon but he downplays it....

    So many things to consider with a question like that (Can a bully ever become President?).

    Take it easy.

    1. Joan King profile image70
      Joan Kingposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes I guess it was ok to believe in the right to have several wives on religious grounds not so long ago, but not in the right of the gay community to choose a partner for life or to even live their lives without being bullied. Can one trust a bully?

    2. cat on a soapbox profile image93
      cat on a soapboxposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Well, I think you just hit a commonality between some gays and some Mormons! They both ask why should legal marriage only be between one man and one woman? Just because my forefathers did things doesn't mean I personally accept the behavior.

    3. wmhoward4 profile image64
      wmhoward4posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      There was polygamy in the Obama ancestry too. But please censor this because you worship him blindly.

  5. wmhoward4 profile image64
    wmhoward4posted 11 years ago

    Can a man who hides his past be a trusted president?
    Can a man who worked with cop-killer Bill Ayers and criminal gang ACORN be a trusted president?
    Can a man who takes big money from Wall Street and then punishes them with giving them stimulas funds from taxpayers be a trusted president?
    Can a person who regularly shows his disdain for the State of Israel be trusted?
    Can a person who took funds fron George Soros who betrayed his own people to the Nazis in WWII ever be trusted?

    If you put your trust in this Chicago gangsta you have been deceived.

    1. Joan King profile image70
      Joan Kingposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Not understandign what you are saying. Little did I know that my simple question would result in rants andnot answers.

    2. wmhoward4 profile image64
      wmhoward4posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      @Joan King Don't play the "I don't understand" game. Your purpose was clear. The question was designed to get a thread of anti-Romney rants going. You hoped everyone would be of the same mindset. But Obama is the bully and we do not worship him.

  6. feenix profile image58
    feenixposted 11 years ago

    If it weren't for bullies, there wouldn't be any civilization.

    1. Conservative Lady profile image70
      Conservative Ladyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Very True!

  7. cat on a soapbox profile image93
    cat on a soapboxposted 11 years ago

    Thank God the things that we did as young rebellious teens are not held against us as adults. Otherwise, we would never get anywhere!   I believe in forgiveness and second chances.

  8. ercramer36 profile image91
    ercramer36posted 11 years ago

    If we hold that against Romney, do we hold attending socialist conferences against President Obama?  Eating dog?  Drug and cocaine use?  All of which is stated in his autobiography, Dreams of my Father.

    1. Joan King profile image70
      Joan Kingposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Do you hold eating dog against a billion people in the world? Do you know how many times you ate dog and didn't know it? Get serious.

    2. cat on a soapbox profile image93
      cat on a soapboxposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I could substitute "bullying" for "eating dog" in this sentence with the same effect.
      I am sure that we are all guilty of doing something mean and wrong - intended or not.  Forgiveness is important!

  9. Conservative Lady profile image70
    Conservative Ladyposted 11 years ago

    Would you consider a boy in elementary school that pushed a fellow elementary student (female student) to the ground and made her cry in front of all their class mates a bully? That is what Obama admitted to in his book Dreams of my Father. Have you read it?

    1. Joan King profile image70
      Joan Kingposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes I have read it and I am glad you have. The difference is that Mitt Romney was an adult when he held down a gay young man and forceably cut off his hair. he should have known better.There is a difference between a child  and an adult.

    2. Conservative Lady profile image70
      Conservative Ladyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The man that supposedly spilled the story on the Romney incident is also saying he was very misquoted and did not say what the media attributed to him. Romney does not remember the incident but apologized anyway.

    3. Joan King profile image70
      Joan Kingposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Actually the story about Romney's attack on the student was given to the Washington Post by five former students who were involved. … oubling-in

  10. antiliberal profile image60
    antiliberalposted 11 years ago

    Well Obama admitted to bullying a little girl in his book. At least Romney picked on a boy.

    1. Joan King profile image70
      Joan Kingposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      A childish prank is much different than what Mitt Romney did as an adult  - forceably holding down a gay student and cutting off his hair as he screamed for help.

    2. cat on a soapbox profile image93
      cat on a soapboxposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It's shameful that the importance of choosing an important world leader has come down to a trivial game of Tit for Tat!  Only in "Amercia."

  11. Availiasvision profile image81
    Availiasvisionposted 11 years ago

    If that excludes you from public office, then no one is good enough to be President.  Is he really a threat, or is the other side trying to dig up dirt.  I guess I'm unqualified to run for President then.

    1. cat on a soapbox profile image93
      cat on a soapboxposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Perhaps we need a Presidential Candidate Qualifications Manual. It could rival the size of the Healthcare Reform Bill which was just under 2,000 pages.

    2. wmhoward4 profile image64
      wmhoward4posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      @ Availiavision  This is typical lefty thinking. Like when Dan Quail was in the National Guard so they called him a draft dodger. But when Clinton came along it was "unfair" to hold him to the same standard. Same applies to harrassment, OK only 4them


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