Is our military overworked, over-exposed, and under-equipped around the world an

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  1. Perspycacious profile image62
    Perspycaciousposted 11 years ago

    Is our military overworked, over-exposed, and under-equipped around the world and at home?

    With our military personnel stationed abroad from Okinawa, Japan to Stuttgart, Germany and all the ships at sea, and planes airborne at any given time, not to mention hot fighting in Afghanistan, do you know who they are, where they are, and why they are there?  Is Congress really "supporting our troops"?  And, does the current president really know what he may be calling on them to do tomorrow with the weapons and equipment already at hand?
    In a republic that likes to think of itself as a democracy, are you an informed citizen who cares about such questions?  What do you do to stay informed?

  2. Dr Billy Kidd profile image88
    Dr Billy Kiddposted 11 years ago

    The new military will be sent to enforce oil policy. It will use increasingly sophisticated weapons to get nay-sayers out of the way.

    If there are 63 drone bases in the U.S., can you imagine how many their are in the world? I do not think the average American thinks about these issues--only gas prices.

    People are detached so far from the military that the new American may not even have patriotic thoughts evoked by hearing of our military accomplishments, So went Rome, down the drain, when the hired army did the work and Rome sometimes didn't even pay them.

  3. hi friend profile image61
    hi friendposted 11 years ago

    Military personnel are over-worked  and they are deployed to save the country and to ensure peace and security.

  4. junkseller profile image78
    junksellerposted 11 years ago

    Many ground units are overworked. The high rates of mental health issues seem to be an indicator of this stress. A lot of boats are being pushed harder than they really should be and the general opinion seems to be that we just have too few hulls in the water and it seems to me that there are some pretty serious issues with getting spare parts for military equipment out to all the branches. A big part of the problem I think is that politicians look 2-3 years in the future so there really isn't any planning for 8-10 year conflicts.

    Republicans call for more spending and more stuff. Democrats call for reduced spending but neither puts forth a clear strategic vision for the military and then describes the size, equipment, deployment, etc. they want in order to fulfill that strategic vision. This is a really important discussion that just isn't happening.

    Americans in general seem poorly informed. I'd love, for instance, to know the percentage of Americans who could name all 11 carriers. Probably about the same percentage who could name all 15 of the Cabinet members.

    We have no real democracy. All we have is what our ignorance allows money to buy.

    1. Perspycacious profile image62
      Perspycaciousposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      What a detailed and scarey comment!  Who isn't listening to the military advisors whose expertise is needed?  Shame on them!  We pay to train the best, reward their experience with leadership positions, and then we ignore their advice at great risk?

    2. junkseller profile image78
      junksellerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I don't know that it is not listening so much as who's listening to who changes so often. I don't know if I am right, but a consistent long-term vision does seem lacking which is especially problematic for things like logistics and troop rotations.

  5. feenix profile image57
    feenixposted 11 years ago

    I served two tours of duty in Vietnam as a combat infantry soldier. And when I was on active duty, my attitude was, I am nothing but a dog that is supposed to kill and get killed.

    The point is, the U.S. Armed Forces' being "over-worked, over-exposed and under-equipped" is a reality that has always existed and that will never cease to exist. It is one of the costs of keeping the U.S. safe and secure.

    Airborne! All the way! Can't stop! Won't stop!

    For God and Country, I will give my life!


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