Even Conservatives Duped by Liberal Media Branding

  1. SparklingJewel profile image66
    SparklingJewelposted 13 years ago

    Sarah Palin: Even Conservatives Duped by Liberal Media Branding

        * Posted by Lloyd Marcus on February 28, 2011 at 10:28am
        * View Lloyd Marcus's blog

    This article is not about endorsing Sarah Palin for president. It is about illustrating the liberal media's ability to brand an image. Case in point, conservatives saying Palin is not smart enough to be president.

    The Left launched their “Sarah Palin is Stupid” campaign the next day after her incredible VP nomination acceptance speech. A woman, pretty, smart, witty, confident and bold with an ability to inspire and fire up the conservative base, Sarah Palin was the Left's worst nightmare. They were livid. The only thing which could have made it worse would have been if Palin was black. The Left would have surely lost their minds.

    The clarion call went out,”Palin MUST be destroyed!”

    When Sarah Palin appeared on Saturday Night Live, I watched with a bunch of my conservative friends. My friends laughed and made comments such as, “This is great. It shows Palin is a good sport and doesn't take herself too seriously.”

    I thought, “This is wrong. Why help the Left sell the message to their audience that Palin is stupid?” Humor is a powerful sales tool.

    The assault on Palin's intellect intensified daily. Every word out of Palin's mouth was dissected and placed under a microscope. Then, viewed through a lens tainted with the paradigm that “Palin is stupid”. Who amongst us could withstand our every utterance judged with such extreme scrutiny?

    Conservatives saying under their breath at cocktail parties that Palin isn't too bright is evidence the liberal media's branding of her has worked on some level.

    Frustratingly, the facts completely prove otherwise. Palin was extremely successful as Governor of Alaska.

    For crying out loud, what has His Royal Obamaness achieved qualifying him to run the country? Nothing. Obama was a community organizer. He taught people they were entitled victims of an unfair America and how to extort freebies. He only served 144 days in the senate before running for president.

    Obama's presidential qualifications: He is half black and liberal. This won him 100% liberal media support and 96% of the black vote. Obama is well spoken and looked good in a swim suit.

    Remember when Obama said America had 57 states? Immediately to his defense, the liberal media said, “Obama was tired”. Imagine if Palin had said the same thing. The liberal media would have gagged us with at least three days of 24/7 coverage of the story. Every report would parrot the same mantra, “This conservative woman is truly an idiot”.

    While the liberal media no longer enjoys their Walter Cronkite single voice “bully pulpit”, their ability to brand a person or issue is still quite powerful. They took a man who had never run a business, state or donut shop and convinced millions of Americans he was a political leader unlike any before him. Obama was the smartest guy in the room; eminently qualified to run America and probably the world.

    Brilliantly despicable, the liberal media exploited Obama's race to get their liberal black guy elected. They deemed any attempt to subject Obama to the normal vetting procedures for one applying for the position of Leader of the Free World to be racist. Even Obama's anti-America associates and racist pastor of 20 years did not matter.

    With fake Greek columns on the set behind him, extra reverb on his voice and a teleprompter, the democrats with liberal media support branded Obama, in the minds of millions, as The Messiah. He was “The One we have been waiting for”. You could almost hear angels singing, “Ahhhhhhhhh!”

    Meanwhile, without special effects, Sarah Palin truly is a super woman epitomizing everything feminists claim to wish for all women. She has achieved extraordinary success in and outside of the home. And yet, Palin is successfully branded by the liberal media, an idiot, in the minds of many.

    Clearly, Palin's presidential qualifications far exceed Obama's. As I stated, this article is not about endorsing Palin for President. I am simply illustrating the liberal media's power to shape an image and public opinion, including opinions of some conservatives.

    We tea party patriots have made tremendous inroads in countering the liberal media's propaganda and getting out the truth. This is why they are franticly burning the midnight oil conceiving ways to shut down talk radio and control the internet.

    While the liberal media's ability to shape public opinion is in severe decline, they remain relentless. They still believe they set the rules of engagement, defining what behavior and comments are deemed racist and uncivil. They even think they can select our candidates; dictating who is and who is not electable.

    Some on our side still crave to be accepted by the liberal media. They are embarrassed to be named among those “crazy tea party people”. Thus, they pander to the Left saying things like, “They're right, Palin is a joke. And yes, we conservatives should be willing to work with liberal democrats”. Unfortunately, “willing to work with” ALWAYS means compromising our values, not theirs. Thank God, most of us “get it”. We realize “The Left” simply must be defeated.

    Liberal mainstream media, your “glory days” of distorting the truth, monopolizing coverage and totally controlling public opinion are over. We The People truly are Taking Back America! Taking Back America video http://vimeo.com/14767123

    Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

  2. 2besure profile image80
    2besureposted 13 years ago

    As a conservative and a Born Again Christian woman, I began to really listened to what Sarah Palin was saying and watching was she was doing.  At first I was excited that a strong Christian woman was visible in politics. The more I heard, the less I was impressed.  She is not someone who I would trust to govern my state much like the country. My opinion of her changed not because of liberal media.

  3. Ron Montgomery profile image60
    Ron Montgomeryposted 13 years ago

    Sarah Palin has branded herself as a mindless twit.  You can't blame the media for running with it.  If she doesn't like it, she should say something intelligent.


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