The Caucus-Conservative Bloggers Cheer Palin Film

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  1. profile image0
    kimberlyslyricsposted 12 years ago

    Being Canadian I haven't a clue but sounded interesting  smile  For someone? … alin-film/

    Have a good day smile

    1. bbnix profile image61
      bbnixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      So it's a comedy then..?

      1. profile image0
        kimberlyslyricsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        no clue.

        1. bbnix profile image61
          bbnixposted 12 years agoin reply to this


    2. Uninvited Writer profile image80
      Uninvited Writerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Is it a cartoon?

  2. lovemychris profile image78
    lovemychrisposted 12 years ago

    When Breitfart said: “As we’ve noticed in the past few weeks,” he said, “the truth is like a nuclear bomb to the mainstream media.”

    He should have said; MY truth is like a nuclear many people has he gotten fired now?
    Shirley Sherrod, ACORN, Weiner....Why IS it that the "msm" give his stories so much press???

    Could he be a "favored son"? Me thinks so.

    Like Hilary said YEARS ago...there is a vast right-wing conspiracy should anyone choose to take a look at it.....
    For,as you can see in this article...they don't like Republicans either. Only those who will bend to their will.

    Breitfart...the gas never ends.

    1. TMMason profile image60
      TMMasonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The NAACP got Sherrod fired, ACORN is a criminal org and needed to be gone, and Wiener is a pervert nad a joke and got what he deserved. Besides he still gets his loot and goodies form us, so what does he have to cry about.

      1. lovemychris profile image78
        lovemychrisposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Who says he's crying? HE of all people knows who got him.

        The Fart-Man....of the Right.
        The Fartster.
        Breitfart of the Perpetual Gas.
        The Fart-Man Cometh.

        Mommy! Something smells!

        1. dutchman1951 profile image60
          dutchman1951posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          TM, this is crapola, I believe you are a calculated internet Plant for the GOP/Tea Party to poison the net so Obama can not use it like he did for part of his campagin,

          Reason; his color, and prejudice feelings.  This takes a twisted mind. Palin is there to take the Emphasis off Candidates that are not necessarly in the Tea corner, and bust up the monies, so they can not run a good campagin. She is an underhanded Plant that would sell herself for any dollar!

          You follow a Circuis Clown not capable of taking the office, and a John Burcher in Rand Paul who is only there to destroy roe vs wade and has nothing to offer for world problems but isolationism, and thats deadly for us as a country.

          This stuff is all lies, nothing more. Nothig Christian about it, noting redeaming about it, nothing educational, just NOTHING!

          Acorn was voted on and funded by Congress and the Senate, and they caught up to it. Weiner is a sick man, and he is out, this is behind us.
          Also Acorn was alowed to re-structure its debt and Bank of america bought it in notes so IRS lifted the leans, Read the Chicago Times Herald.

          so what, its over. The GOP has nothing viable, but a budget thats cuts out the botton, and we have no real production base any more to produce product to sell on a world market, to put back the monies. 

          The GOP has not one answer for it, except to cut "everyone's retirment" and not one offer as to how the US is to make monies, but to buy it's own Debt, which is a tactical delay before raping the Stock market and deliberately crashing it. So they can align us with the World Bank as our Bank and get off the Fed Reserve system, which is not under thier control.

          In otherwise, privatise our monies and seal it with legal corporate actions.

          Medicare is broke because Greedy Politicans borrowed 12 Trillion, and left it with IOU's so they could patronise thier own states and get votes.

          I suspect Social Security is also that way, but the figures are smeared and fogged deliberately.

          They offer no real exploration of sources to Help the USA fill its coffuers at all. All smoke and mirrors.

          Nothing, they are doing no work  in Treaties and Tarrif agreements with other Nations, nothing in factory re-structuring at all. Nothing to open markets for good so Jobs can come back.

          They killed the electric rail, every Republican Govenor who had a state involved, and jobs possible refused it.   Saying they would not take Obama's monies to build it because it is stimulus and thus not thier idea, so thus it would not work, all of it is a Political ploy to go opposite the Democratic Party. Without reguard to how this Country has been left.

          No concerns what so ever for real jobs it will bring and real hope for recovery. They are a dirty underhanded party. And are proving it every day.

          It is more of the same Old Yale Corporate mentality. Cut the lies man, look with real vision, this is all lies and scare tactics that only affect the un-educated and backward.  Your back door is very visable here!

          As for Weiner, he is a Milionare, he really could care less, he knows he can re-strycture and build a PR campagin as the forgiven man, he could care less for any of us.

          Just like Tom Delay and the Casino scandle. There is no such thing as an Honest Politician or Millionaire. So Stop the garbage writing. It is of no use.


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