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Home Church.

Updated on August 3, 2013

What is a home church?

Home Church is exactly as the name suggests, it is a church that is held in someone’s home. We used to call Home Church a “Home Cell”, but because of the bad elements also calling their destructive gatherings “cells” or “terrorist cell”, we have changed the name to be more scriptural.

We read in the Bible in the book of Acts that the followers of Christ held church from home to home. They were called the “Ecclesia” – “the called out ones”.

Home Church 2013.

We call our gatherings Home Church.

A Home Church consists of 6 to 12 members who are very serious in their relationship with Jesus the Christ. This is the perfect number because of the personal attention needed by each individual and the time that could be spent with each member, without neglecting anyone.

The Bible tells us to go out and make disciples – followers of Jesus. This requires close attention and mostly teaching by example. It also requires that you share your life with these “called out ones” so that they can see your walk, how you deal with adversity and the problems we all face in our walk with the Lord.

The Home Churches also have a leader or facilitator. The work of the leader is to facilitate the gathering so order could be kept. His function is also to pray or to ask someone to pray for the needs in the group. He is not the boss over the others; he simply keeps the order, as there are young babes that are like children who need to be seen. These young babes can take over the gathering, trying to get attention, if not guided correctly.

Location of our Home Church, Crosby, Johannesburg

Churches were started out of houses.

The New Testament uses the term ‘church’ for a gathering of Christians, the word ‘church’ appear 79 times in the New Testament.

The word ‘church’ does not appear once in the Old Testament.

The Old Testament uses the term ‘congregation’ and this word appears 331 times in the Old Testament.

Romans 16:5, ‘Likewise greet the church that is in their house’.

Colossians 4:15, ‘Salute the brethren which are in Laodicea , and Nymphas, and the church which is in his house’.

Acts 2:46. People went from house to house serving each other.

1 Corinthians 16:19, ‘The churches of Asia salute you. Aquila and Priscilla salute you much in the Lord, with the church that is in their house’.

Minster to the Home Church 2010.

Activity in the home church:

There must be a timeline when everyone gathers in a private home of one of the members for the home church gathering. When all are seated, the facilitator opens with prayer.

An ice breaker will be introduced to produce a comfortable atmosphere. People are more open when they have had a good laugh, especially the new visitors. Ice breakers could be when you play musical chairs or tell the group what was the funniest thing that has ever happened to you.

After the ice breaker, the group will put on worship music and for the next 20 to 45minutes praise and worship God. during worship, the Holy Spirit usually moves and then there could be manifestations like tongues, prophesy, praying for the sick, casting out of demons, ect.

After the working of the Spirit of God in the peoples lives, time is given to testify of what God has done in your life. Encourage those in the group to share their testimony with others.

Rev 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

At this time, people bring revelations from the word, reading of psalms and ministering to one another in song.

Col 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

The facilitator always gives everyone time to share, but stops the motor-mouths talking all the time so that everyone gets an equal opportunity to participate in the gathering. The quiet ones should be encouraged to speak by asking them a question. This helps the facilitator and any other mature Christians in the group to establish their spiritual maturity or lack thereof. Any person in the group who wants to take them under their wing to support and disciple them to help them grow, can do so.

The facilitator will read from the word (Bible) or he will appoint someone to do it. This will be pre meditated scripture been given by God. Some times each member can be asked to read different verses from the Bible. Then the scriptures will be discussed in depth and questions will be asked by the facilitator to encourage personal growth. Questions will be answered by all members but some will be skipped because they are spiritually mature and already know the answers.

Home church group 2011.

The reason for asking questions instead of preaching/teaching is threefold;

1.To encourage the babes to look deeper at the word being set before them

2.To stimulate their desire to understand the word (to encourage personal growth)

3.To evaluate growth in the group

When people have been touched by God’s word, and need prayer, then you pray for them. Close the gathering with prayer.

Always remember that although there is a program that can be followed and should be observed some of the time, we are always subject to the flow of the Holy Spirit above any program.

How long will the Home Church gathering be in general?

You can gather for 2 to 3 hours. We gather together on a Thursdays, weekly, but any day will do. You can come together as many times in the week as you and the others are willing and able.

The Home Church is an excellent place to minister on baptism and the Holy Spirit, to explain and have communion and to share on BASIC doctrine. It is NOT a place to propagate certain Church teachings or private beliefs.

Stay with basic bible teachings and promote spiritual growth of Jesus followers, not leader followers.

I pray that this hub will encourage you to go out and disciple the young in Christ on a more personal level.


Mega Church
Small Church
Home Church
No Personal Relationship
More Personal Relationship
One on One
Slow or no Growth
All about money
Infighting and Debt ridden
Body of Christ is lived

Praying for Jan Hofmeyer.

Jacque been baptized 2009.

What is your opinion?

Do you believe that God's Spirit is moving more in:

See results

Home church groups.

Home Church Groups is the responsibility of each cell group to cultivate healthy relationships, marriages, spiritual growth, gift development, prayer, and worship.

Each home church will determine its own purpose that is in submission to the greater mission of the Kingdom of God.

The home group is the tool or vehicle whereby evangelism in the Church must be done. “If you do not evangelize you will fossilize”. It provides fellowship, follow - up and nature of new Christians.

When a home church groups grow too large it is time to multiply, leaders will be trained to start another home group.

Home Church Groups have more than one purpose.

Their primary purpose is to grow and multiply.

However, another purpose is evangelical in that they are open for non-Christians to visit and they are to reach out into their communities with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Outreaches are often held to reach the unsaved. Feeding schemes or reaching out to poorer families are practiced ect.

Petro being baptized in the Home church as the members witness.

"Hobo" for Jesus, collecting money for the Youth.

Bring the little children to Jesus.

True Revival will be known by:

1. People in the Home Church must have a hunger for the Word of God.
2. They must be open to receive the Word of God and close to the worldly influence.
3. The Home Church are not focused on how long the meeting is but are eager to hear and learn all that the Holy Spirit has for them.
4. All people in the home chursh take each sermon personally and weep - when under conviction - because of what the Lord is showing them about sin.
5. You take what you learned in the Home church, each Bible message and then share it with others.
6. There is never a day that goes by that the Home church members do not read their Bible and pray.
7. Each week there is a set time to fast and pray.
8. People of the home church are not living on the World's principles but on God's principles.
9. The Home Church has a repenting heart whereby people easily confess any and all sin in our walk with Christ.
10. They freely worship God on their own without anyone telling them to do so.
11. The home church are obedient to leadership.
12. They are always on time for the home church - excited and eager to get there early so that they do not miss anything.

The question you need to ask yourself is this - are you experiencing revival in your spiritual walk?
No one can answer that question but you.

Your answer will depend totally on the amount of time that you give to God in your life.

Home Church 2009.


Lindie Gericke baptized 4/7/13

Home church 13 June 2013

Home Church 2013
Home Church 2013
Children Church.
Children Church.

Bring the little children to Jesus!

Contact us!

Our church has grown from one home church group that kept multiplying Into a small church.

If you are interested in our home church groups, please see link below and contact us.


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