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How To Share Our Prayer Lives (Article 15)

Updated on January 11, 2021


Scripture base, Luke 16:19-31

Attitudes> Rich man vs poor man and right perspective according to God’s word.

The rich man was self sufficient, selfish and relied on no one, having no physical needs, but his spirit was neither attentive to God or to others. He was clothed in the finest wears, his table had the food and his storehouse had provision. But he was not clothed in compassion nor the fruit of God’s Spirit, and yet he had all things with which to help others. He died a selfish, autonomous inhumane man.

In the spiritual we need to look at ourselves with an understanding of the riches of Christ that are ours. Rich with the glory and majesty of God. (see Eph.3:14-19)

1) But how are we clothed in these riches?

2) What are our attitudes and thoughts toward what God has given us, and who we are in Christ?

3) What are we doing with what we have and with whom are we sharing and so on?

4) We know we are to posses the Spirit of God and allow the fruit of the Spirit grow and be seen and for others to partake in them.

5) How can others enjoy these fruit unless we share them?

Love, joy, peace patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control.

(From Gal.5:22-23, Rom.12)

So how do we “share” this fruit?

It must be laid out like real fruit on a table, for others to see, taste, experience and that is what will happen, others will enjoy us because of our fruitfulness, which also means Christ likeness.

There is a necessity for us to be aware of our rich provisions, our anointing, gifting, so we are able to share with those in need. Being blessed in order to give away blessing. There is need of becoming aware of others and their need (want), through discernment, attentiveness in prayer, listening much and speaking little. Our intuitiveness and attention allows us to pray effectively meeting the other person(s) at their point of distress or requirement. This is where the compassion of Christ and faith meet on behalf of another, this is very important.

Seeing and Hearing

The rich man in the story knew this poor man. He was at his gate and yet he never shared any of what he possed with him. He may have even despised him. He received good, while the other received evil.

6) What are we sharing in our prayers for others, for the body of Christ, family, work, country and so on?

7) Are we stuck in self-centredness?

8) How much notice are we taking?

There are many things that are obvious but if we only see ourselves we will miss all these needs that are before us daily. Many are suffering at the hands of the enemy and we know that this enemy takes pleasure in the destruction of faith in God, wreaking havoc on all those who are weak or are befallen easily to sin. Many are bruised, wounded and full of sores.

As intercessors there is this requirement to become aware of the needs within the body. To be effective means to become more and more attentive to Holy Spirit and his prompting within us. He knows the hurting and the dying ones. He knows who are suffering evil, who are helpless such as Lazarus and we must know also so we can effectively touch their want. It’s important for us to become more sensitive, both to Holy Spirit and others. Many are not able to share openly but as we press God he will reveal it to us. This requires genuine love and commitment and as we intercede we will see what it is that God wants to do, and we can lend a hand in the process. This is God’s will for us.

Table of The Lord

The rich mans table symbolizes the provisions of God on our behalf.

9) Where are we?

10) Are we sitting participating in the riches of God?

11) Are we taking our adoption, our ambassadorship seriously?

12) Do we fully recognize our spiritual inheritance?

13) Does scripture and the promises of God line up with what Jesus has said; was (past tense) and is (present tense) ours to possess and to carry out until his return?

14) Or are we as Lazarus wishing only for the crumbs that might fall from his table?

(See Rom.8:14-17, Gal.3:25-4:7,Eph.1:3-23)

The enemy of our souls would like us to believe that we have no inheritance. He likes to keep us subdued under his evil influence and in a state of helplessness like Lazarus, full of open sores and wounds. If he can keep us here then we are no threat to him or his kingdom. He likes to see the church spewing open sores for the entire world to see. He wants the dogs to come amongst us and lick the wounds so they continue to remain open and helplessness lingers. He wants us to die an early death, because when you are dead you cannot change what is a part of the living.

Our Mandate

Father God never intended for us to be laid outside at his gate, yet the church is full of this type of attitude. The intercessor is to move amongst the people and assist the wounded, maimed, broken, blind and oppressed.

(See Is.61, Luke 4:18-19 the Mandate of Jesus)

The intercessor’s prayers are to bridge the gulf that exists in these people’s lives. Our crying out should be touching the heart of God, not falling into a chasm, the place of unfruitfulness because of a lack of faith. The enemy wants to keep our prayers subdued through ungodly mindset, unworthy lifestyle that continuously accepts his lies and living based upon feelings rather than believing the word of God and standing on faith in him, and walking in the Spirit.

God wants to lift us from deadness in prayer to life flowing kingdom praying with authority. We must know that we are seated with Christ, and that we have a voice before God to intercede, to be the go between, and to be a bridge for others.

(See Eph.2:6-10)

We do not need someone else to pray/intercede. We are commissioned, we have the tools and we have the teacher, so let’s get on with the job.

The dead die because they are not hearing. They were dead from the beginning. The word says “that they would not hear Moses and the prophets.” The word hear means that and to also believe and act upon the same. We have both the words of Moses, the prophets, and the living word through Jesus and all he is in God the Father. Are we hearing and acting upon it? This word is to give life to us and allow us to live out the same actions as Jesus and the Father. God’s plan is that we come into all the truth, and his truth setting us free to do his will in and through Holy Spirit within us, with power. (See:Lk.6:29-31 Eph.3:16-17)

No Separation

In the story the rich man went to a separated place, a place of anguish. His selfishness was so great that he even wanted Lazarus to go and warn his family, so they might not go here also. This showed the unrepentant heart that took him into this separation from God.

We as intercessors must not find ourselves separated from God. Honesty and humility must be deeply rooted within us. We know how to surrender to the Lord, but sometimes the practice of these things slip our attention and we find pride subtly grows within us. We also know we are the temple of his Holy Spirit, a present tense action; therefore our responsibility is to keep the temple flowing in holiness.

How we accomplish this is simply spending time in God’s presence. This participation will vary for each of us, but the end result will be the same. Hopefully by now our prayer life is not built upon fleshly performance, but is deeply rooted in Christ Jesus and Holy Spirit causing us to be more Christ like as we now walk after the Spirit. He is the only one who can accomplish this within us, forming in us the personality of Jesus, and help us to be one with all three. We do not want to diminish the work of the Spirit by giving in to works of the flesh. Then we return to futility and fleshliness and we leave no room for God, and attitudes of pride rise up saying, “look what I have accomplished, through my studies, memorization, work, time, effort” and so on. If God is to be glorified then we are to become less and less that he may be more.

A New Creation

So how does the intercessor rise above these attitudes? We will to do God’s will, with all our heart, mind, strength, willing ourselves to have the mind of Christ and to live as if we are one with the Father and Jesus according to Jesus prayer. (See Jn. 17:6-19) We must want it and believe that this type of communion is possible. Faith will take us there as we release ourselves and his word within us continues to strengthen that faith.


Satan does not want you to have this type of understanding; because he knows when you do your life of prayer/intercession will take on more authority and dimension threatening the kingdom of darkness.

We need Holy light through Christ in us to dispel the darkness. It starts with us first, and sometimes this process takes some time before we recognize what might be buried in us, but God is longsuffering and patient and kind. He continually waits to assist us.


There remains today a thick fog of darkness over the church. I believe it is the intercessor’s job to penetrate this darkness and get God’s power released to dispel it. The prayer warriors, intercessors of the past knew how to break through. God is raising up fresh warriors and intercessor’s world wide to accomplish his plan for our near future.

We need to speak these truths of God to ourselves continually. This battle over truth all happens within our minds. Holy Spirit must have access to all our thought life to assist us in finding the avenue with which God’s grace can have free reign. The apostle Paul understood the daily task of having God’s presence fully influence him. Just as the larger artery in our neck allows an unrestricted flow of blood to our brain, so we do not slip into a state of unconsciousness, we need a constant unrestricted flow of Holy Spirit power touching our spirit. This lays down a pathway of illumination into the throne room of God.

If we are in a state of unconsciousness in the natural, what does this mean?

Comatose: unable to comprehend; without all our faculties of a conscious mind or totally unaware. This is where Satan desires us to be with regards to all the truth of God that has any affect against his kingdom and our position in Christ. God on the other hand desires for us to be alive, unclouded, awake, aware, full of Holy Spirit affecting the lives of others, especially in prayer. This is the greatest tool to accomplish unprecedented feats for God in Jesus name.

Be Informed

If we went to war with another country, we would want to have all the latest equipment at our disposal. We would have all the necessary information about their weaponry, tactics, and so on. We would want the best commanders, troops, Special Forces. We would have all the state of the art tools at our control, because as the times have changed the waging of war changes with it. Should it be any different in the spiritual? We need state of the art weaponry and all the information God can supply us as unrestricted as possible.

What are the restrictions that cause us grief? They are unbelief, misplaced authority factors, childishness, lack of faith, and our own minds condemning the foolishness of our actions. There are mindsets from weaknesses within us, to improper teaching binding us and stopping the flow of Holy Spirit. We may be trying to discern in the mind and be absent in our spirit.

There could be judgments made against others, unforgiveness, anger, malice even, the list goes on.

We also struggle with the righteousness of Christ, his strength and power within us. There are many other distractions and it’s important for us to be free, intuitive and teachable at all times.

Christ Jesus has done for us what we could never do. Grace has given us the gift of righteousness before God. Holy Spirit is the provision into the rest of God that he has intended for us to partake in. Unfortunately, we do not believe that it’s that simple and we fight within ourselves. So our prayer life goes from misery to misery, from feeling to feeling. Touching the heart of God on Monday but by Friday we are totally fried and we don’t think we have a spiritual life at all. We started the journey of prayer/intercession with expectation of arriving but we never really got there.

The apostle Paul takes us into a life of dying to self through Romans, what the cross means and walking in the Spirit.

What does dying to self mean to us right now? Until we know we are dead, we cannot truly live. But dead to what, and alive to what?

Our prayer life and our walk with God hinge on this reality. Dead; to self, attitudes, judgements, wrong ambition, selfishness, lack of using our giftings and so on.

Alive; with Christ, one with the Father, and Holy Spirit who indwells us. Able to ask and receive, seek and find, knocking that doors may be opened. Believing that you have when you ask, and asking anything of the Father in Jesus name. And doing greater things than Jesus did because he has gone to be with the Father, leaving us an inheritance and a path to follow; but not necessarily a set singular formula. What I mean by this is, he is the only way to the Father, but once we arrive at salvation, the journey from here becomes unique to our individuality and calling. Heart attitude and humility will be the primary key to unity and power in God. Attitude of mind, lifestyle, our love of others, and God, his word, and Holy Spirit living and active united with our spirit are major keys. If we believe our life is no longer ours, then we must be dead?


State of mind, behavior, conduct regarding a matter, indication of opinion or purpose.

Prov. 23:7 “How a man thinks, so he is. Putting on a feast, only thinking of himself”

27:19b “a man’s heart reflects the man.”

“But with God all things are possible.” Matt.19:26, Mk.10:27. So as much as it is possible therefore let us think with the mind of Christ and fulfill the desire of God’s heart.

Watchman Nee on prayer says this, “God and Holy Spirit are like the engines of a great and powerful train, ready at all times to roll. Our job is to simply lay down the tracks for that train to roll onto. He has all the power, and we have all the resources.”

(From the book: The Spiritual Man)


QUERY (From Handbook)

Riches in Christ.

1) ATTITUDE:Mental view, opinion (judgement), a posture,

disposition, behavior.

In the spiritual we need to look at ourselves with an understanding of the riches of Christ that are ours. Rich with the glory and majesty of God.

(See Eph.3:14-19)

Sharing requires what? Possessing something to share. You cannot share what you do not have.

What didn’t the rich man have? (Compassion, kindness, goodness)

Love, joy, peace patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control.

(From Gal.5:22-23, Rom.12)

2) LOVE, JOY, PEACE: Three key ingredients for our life in Christ to be seen, observed, shared. The others can be improved upon as we grow in these virtues and character. Redeeming our soul bound virtue with Spirit life.

There is a love in the world that is easy to do. (See Luke 6:32) If you love those who love you…

Matt.12:34b “Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.”

15:18 “… out of the mouth come from the heart.”

Jn.13:35 “… by this all men will know you are my disciples, if you…”

Rom.12:9 “love must be sincere…” vs. 10 “devoted to one another in…”

1Cor.8:1-3 “Love builds up. Who loves God is known by God”

13:4-13 “the way of love…”

3) Their want> Why this word instead of need? (Jesus many times asked “what do you want me to do for you?”)

Seeing and Hearing


As intercessors there is this requirement to become aware of the needs within the body. This requires genuine love and commitment and as we intercede we will see what it is that God wants to do, and we can lend a hand in the process. This is God’s will for us.

Table of the Lord

The rich mans table symbolizes the provisions of God on our behalf.

(See Rom.8:14-17, Gal.3:25-4:7, Eph.1:3-23)

Our Mandate

Father God never intended for us to be laid outside at his gate, yet the church is full of this type of attitude. The intercessor is to move amongst the people and assist the wounded, maimed, broken, blind and oppressed.

(See Is.61, Luke 4:18-19 the Mandate of Jesus)

The intercessor’s prayers are to bridge the gulf that exists in these people’s lives. God wants to lift us from deadness in prayer to life flowing kingdom praying with authority. We must know that we are seated with Christ, and that we have a voice before God to intercede, to be the go between, and to be a bridge for others.

(See Eph.2:6-10)

We do not need some one else to pray/intercede. We are commissioned, we have the tools and we have the teacher, so let’s get on with the job.

4) What are bridges for?

No Separation

We also know we are the temple of his Holy Spirit, a present tense action; therefore our responsibility is to keep the temple flowing in holiness.

5) Jesus cleansed the temple of what and who?

A New Creation

We will to do God’s will, with all our heart, mind, strength, willing ourselves to have the mind of Christ and to live as if we are one with the Father and Jesus according to Jesus prayer.

Paul says, “But you HAVE the MIND of CHRIST.” Present tense. 1Cor.2:16


Knowing ourselves and our place.

Breakthrough (Are we there Yet?)

God on the other hand desires for us to be alive, unclouded, awake, aware, full of Holy Spirit affecting the lives of others, especially in prayer. This is the greatest tool to accomplish unprecedented feats for God in Jesus name.

Be Informed

Everyone is familiar with this saying “Curiosity killed the cat.”

This is a new one, “Naivety killed the Christian.” (Me)

You Are Wanted!! Dead & Alive!!

What does dying to self mean to us right now? Until we know we are dead, we cannot truly live. But dead to what, and alive to what?

Our prayer life and our walk with God hinge on this reality. Dead; to self, attitudes, judgments, wrong ambition, selfishness and so on.

Alive; with Christ, one with the Father, and Holy Spirit who indwells us. Able to ask and receive, seek and find, knocking that doors may be opened. Believing that you have when you ask, and asking anything of the Father in Jesus name. And doing greater things than Jesus did because he has gone to be with the Father, leaving us an inheritance and a path to follow; but not necessarily a set singular formula. What I mean by this is, he is the only way to the Father, but once we arrive at salvation, the journey from here becomes unique to our individuality and calling. Heart attitude and humility will be the primary key to unity and power in God. Attitude of mind, lifestyle, our love of others, and God, his word, and Holy Spirit living and active united with our spirit are major keys. If we believe our life is no longer ours, then we must be dead?


State of mind, behavior, conduct regarding a matter, indication of opinion or purpose.

Prov. 23:7 “How a man thinks, so he is. Putting on a feast, only thinking of himself” (Literal meaning)

27:19b “a man’s heart reflects the man.”

Getting free can be a process; but if He has called you to intercession He will gladly assist you with what you need to get free.

Laying tracks for God and Holy Spirit requires genuine hard work.


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