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How to Make Brown Sugar Scrub

Updated on March 1, 2013

Natural Sugar Scrub

One nice thing about this natural brown sugar scrub base is that it is simple and you can always add the other ingredients later if you want to spruce it up. You can make a large amount of this scrub and let its scents mix really well. I chose Turbinado type sugar because it has a large ground that doesn’t fall apart or look like mushy mud when it is mixed with oil. The best part is that it scrubs your body without the roughness of a salt scrub!

You will need something in which to store the scrub while the scents mix, such as a kitchen storage canister that seals, and you will need a small plastic jar such as one of those travel jars you can buy at the drugstore. A picture of one type of seal-able type canister is included in this article.

Make It!

Ok, down to the basic ingredients for the Sugar Scrub!

These three ingredients go into the sealable canister.

-l pound brown Turbinado Sugar

-1 small handful of Lavender flowers

-25 drops of pure Fine Lavender Essential Oil

  • First put the Sugar into the canister.
  • Add a small handful of fresh Lavender flower buds—you can usually get these at growing herbal shops, markets with bulk and whole foods, or you may grow and harvest your own. I’ve known someone who bought them online too.
  • Add 5 drops of pure Fine Lavender Essential Oil at a time. Then take a wooden spoon and mix it into the sugar. Just shaking it won’t cover the need yet. You need to mix it continuously for about 2 full minutes.
  • Continue adding 5 drops of E.O. and then mixing it all together for about 2 minutes until you’ve done this five times total.

Seal the canister and put it in a place where it won’t be disturbed. Shake it for 1 minute or so a couple of times every week. Store the Sugar scrub for 4-8 weeks, shaking it at least a couple of times a week.

Next Steps

When you are ready to give the gift you can mix something special in it. To begin you open your canister, give it one last mix and scoop the amount you want to gift into a glass bowl.

Then, depending on what the person likes you can add a Tablespoon of lemon juice or virgin coconut oil, but really the mixture is perfect with just the lavender in it.

Add Oatmeal to Fight Skin Inflammation

If you want to include something like ground up oatmeal, you need to add this ingredient with the base ingredients so it will have time to mix. If you choose to use oatmeal, it needs to be ground up, not the oatmeal flakes that we eat and no one-minute oatmeal, either. The kind you need to buy to grind up is the kind gotten in-bulk, for example at Whole Foods or some other health food store. To mix with the ingredients listed for the scrub base, use 1—2 cup of ground-up, raw oatmeal, depending on your preference and need. As I said earlier in this article it helps to calm skin inflammation. If the skin is terribly inflamed, please do not use anything on it before you consult your doctor. It could be painful. Everything soaks into the skin and contributes to our body's health.

Add Coffee to Work on Cellulite

If you choose to add coffee grounds to your sugar scrub, they can be fine or course, depending on how tough your skin is, your age, any cuts or inflammation, and other skin factors. With the scrub base you want to mix about 1 cup of coffee grounds and mix well.

Final Ingredient

It’s time to mix in the last ingredient!  This ingredient goes in all the Sugar scrubs you make.  It can be any one of several oils including: 

  • Avocado oil
  • Vitamin E oil
  • Jojoba oil
  • Almond oil
  • Grapeseed oil or
  • any other high-quality oil.

Put the final ingredient in the scrub about 3 days before you need it, so the oil can soak fully into the scrub.  The amount of Sugar scrub you put in the bowl will determine how much of the oil with which you begin.  If you put between ¾-1 cup of scrub into the bowl, begin by measuring 3 tablespoons of the oil and mix until the scrub is coated with the oil.

Add 1—2 tablespoons of oil at a time, being sure to mix each time.  When all the scrub is saturated with oil and not a grain is dry, you can put it in a small plastic jar you can buy at a drug store.   Before closing the lid, add a tablespoon of oil to the top of the sugar scrub so there is a layer of oil about 1/16 or 1/32 inches deep.   Add a sticker label, a bow, a popsicle stick, and a card or note and your set!

Gift it or Use it

Include a popsicle stick with the scrub to use getting the scrub out of the jar, so that no hands touch the mixture.  This helps to prevent contamination of the scrub.   

Before use in the shower, mix the scrub a little to make sure the oil is mixed in well.  Soap up and rinse prior to using the sugar scrub.

Put small amount of the scrub on a washcloth or sponge and gently apply to your whole body.  It doesn’t take a lot of pressure to get a good body scrub, so do this gently.


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