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Easy Sugar Scrub Recipe

Updated on July 19, 2013
Easy Sugar Scrub Recipe.
Easy Sugar Scrub Recipe. | Source

What's in My Kitchen?

I nicknamed this my “What’s in my kitchen “ face and body scrub. Why?

Well, it was exactly what I was thinking as I wandered into the kitchen. It could equally be called “Quick as a flash sugar scrub” due to it taking less than a minute to make.

Well, there I was after coming in from a walk with Mick and Coco in the middle of our heatwave, feeling like I fancied a quick and easy face scrub to make and use there and then.

Something that literally challenged me to make using ingredients on hand, be they in the fridge, the cupboard or in a container growing!

The purpose of doing this was not just for me but to show how anyone can do this easily.

Exfoliate With Sugar

one of the best for exfoliating the skin gently when  combined with the right ingredients.
one of the best for exfoliating the skin gently when combined with the right ingredients. | Source

Secret Ingredients

honey and lemon are a perfect combination in a homemade skin care recipe.
honey and lemon are a perfect combination in a homemade skin care recipe. | Source

The Familiar Facts ~

It is not always easy to gather ingredients for recipes you fancy making without a trip to the store or to buy online.

Everyone has budgets so recipes are put on hold for later when you have the ingredients necessary.

Sometimes we are itching to make “something” but don’t know what.

We head to the fridge to see what is there and remember we are not due to do the weekly shop until tomorrow.

We turn to the cupboards to check the stock piles, find them depleted and don’t really see anything inspiring. Sound familiar?

Whether it is cooking up a meal based on utilizing what’s in the kitchen or a skin care product, I guarantee you will have SOME beneficial ingredients and equipment is a simple cup.

Good Enough to Eat

regular granulated white sugar is the perfect base ingredient and is cheap to buy.
regular granulated white sugar is the perfect base ingredient and is cheap to buy. | Source

Dissecting a Face Scrub ~

A face scrub is one of the most important elements to a skin care routine and is designed to primarily remove the dead skin cells that we shed continually.

As we age, the skin sheds at a slower rate but still need removing. Different ingredients are effective for exfoliating the skin at home.

My choice was Sugar as it is one of the best and I knew I had it. While it may not be the best for our health it is extremely skin friendly. Most of us will have granulated white sugar or brown sugar.

To moisten up your scrub you now need ingredients to combine with the sugar which have moisturizing, nourishing and softening properties.

Looking at what I had, I picked two liquids, Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Milk.

Nutritional Goodness in Olive Oil

buy extra virgin olive oil as it is the purest form and worth spending a little bit extra on.
buy extra virgin olive oil as it is the purest form and worth spending a little bit extra on. | Source


Olive oil is such a power house for the skin.

This nourishing, moisturizing oil is rich in vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and nutrients.

Olive oil may be used alone as a moisturizer, for the hair, the nail cuticles and even in place of shaving cream.

As i use this oil predominantly for cooking with, I now turn to it regularly as an addition to varieties of skin care and personal hygiene product.

A heavier oil than other oils such as jojoba oil, it is wonderful for dry or dehydrated skins and used sparingly it has healing properties for acne prone skin.

Food For The Skin

A natural skin softener it may be combined with many different scrub ingredients including  citrus fruits.
A natural skin softener it may be combined with many different scrub ingredients including citrus fruits. | Source

Milk ~

Since childhood we have known about milk building strong bones and teeth and having all the nutritional goodies for a healthy body.

It is an ingredient we always have in the fridge and its beneficial uses on the skin go way back to ancient times.

If it is good enough for Cleopatra, it is good enough for me! Suitable for all skin types it is moisturizing, soothing and softening with great healing properties.

A few other suggestions for milk are to use it in the bath, as a skin toner or use in different face mask recipes.

Beauty at Your Fingertips

your kitchen will hold more than you realize with the array of beauty products waiting to be made.
your kitchen will hold more than you realize with the array of beauty products waiting to be made. | Source

Which ingredients do you always have?

See results

Suzie’s Recipe ~

I wanted a scrub that was versatile and gentle enough for both face and body and these three ingredients fitted the bill perfectly.

No dash to the store or need to postpone your face scrub. Measuring is in small quantities and to be honest I did not measure things exactly but rather used a teaspoon as a guide.

Great additions to any recipe are essential oils so feel free to add 1-2 drops of your chosen scent. Lavender, rosemary, rose, sandalwood, frankincense, peppermint and carrot seed oil are all excellent choices with skin and therapeutic benefits.

2-3 tsp Granulated Sugar

½ tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil

½ tsp Milk



  • Add the sugar to a wide mouthed cup or small bowl.
  • Add in your olive oil and milk and mix to your own consistency.
  • If you feel you need more sugar add in at a teaspoon at a time.
  • If you need more liquid, add a drop of one or other or both milk and olive oil.

To Apply:

  • Apply to slightly dampened skin in small circular movements, massaging in well for a few minutes.
  • Remove by rinsing the face in tepid water, finishing with a splash of cold water.
  • This scrub may be applied to face and body. I used it on my feet and on my face which both felt instantly smooth, soft and moisturized.
  • As I had some left over, I kept it tightly covered in the fridge for a couple of days and it was fine to reuse in the shower as a body scrub and another face application 2 days later. With milk in this recipe I would not keep it any longer than 2-3 days.

Alternative Ideas

instead of sugar
instead of olive oil
instead of milk
brown sugar
jojoba oil
castor sugar
sweet almond oil
coconut milk
coconut oil
cucumber pulp
vitamin E oil
lemon juice
almond meal
orange juice
distilled water
lime juice
salt (body scrub)
apricot kernel oil
tomato pulp
L ascorbic acid
lavender oil
castor oil

"Creating health awareness through homemade beauty products"

Author Info ~

Information on the author, her bio and full body of works available @ Suzie HQ

Credit to sharkye11 ~


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