I just watched 'The Bishop's Wife', again, and it made me smile, again! The messages, the meaning throughout this film are innumerable. Subtle at times, not so subtle in moments. That's the power of this film or of any of these great films discussed, and what enables them to endure the test of time.
Hello to putting the past behind us! Hello to a brand new year and a brand new era! One filled with brand new opportunities, and a return of the lost ones.
If I may quote Joe Biden, and that's a fact Jack! Democrats keep shooting themselves in the foot, because they can't help but to insult, all who do not fall in behind them and pile on! It's as if they have a 'Mean Girl Complex'; even when they fake nice, kind, and accepting... it's an epic fail!
I am beyond ready for Election 2024 to be over; but the many lies which are being told and being sold; so blatant, misguided, and misleading, are really starting to tick me off.
My faith and my upbringing have shaped and molded me! From our Founding Fathers to Goldwater & Reagan to English Icons Locke, Churchill, Thatcher, French Philosophers Montesquieu & Tocqueville, German Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, all have influenced my politics, my philosophy, the way I think & vote.
Because I keep hearing about it, reminded of it, I'm going to take another stab at it. I've never gone quietly without putting up a fight, not about to start now!What is it that I keep hearing? A majority of women aren't pro-Life & will put Democrats in office because abortion matters most to them!
Out of the political loop with life stuff, intermittent service, hurricanes and such, I stumbled across a story about J.D. Vance and it got me to to thinking... and writing.
Donald Trump is 1 for 2 thus far, what do you say we make it 2 for 3 America? This little detour with the Dems has done us zero favors. I hear no one proclaiming the winning ways of Biden-Harris-Walz! Why stay with them? They had their turn; time to turn back to Trump & make America Great Again!
A successful businessman, an entrepreneur, a family man, an America and Liberty-loving man, a God-loving man. A man like none other before, who would become President.
The highly anticipated Presidential Debate, Donald J. Trump (R) v. Kamala Harris (D) hit the airwaves Sept. 10, 2024 at 9:00 p.m. E.T. Sharing my initial thoughts & responses, during the debate, my after thoughts, some speculation, as well as some hard truths!
As we enter into what will undoubtedly be the wildest and most turbulent time of this election season, there's still but one who remains constant, and his name is Donald J. Trump. Tried & true Trump; tried as no other before, true to his message and true to his word.
The Democratic National Convention (DNC) just wrapped up and my takeaway --- it could very well have been called the Trump Derangement Syndrome Convention (TDSC). They appear to have a worse case of it now than ever before! They made some room for abortion, but none for, "We the People"!
One of my favorite songs triggered this one. Once Tuesday is gone, we never get it back. The good Lord willing, we'll get many more Tuesdays, but this one is in the books, as the saying goes. We don't get do-over days. Only lessons.
When everything happening goes against all that is normal, natural, stable, honorable, Holy & Sacred...I will continue to Pray!
In an interview with Tucker Carlson, J.D. Vance refers to "childless cat ladies", suggesting that those without a stake in the future of America, could be what's wrong in America. The Lefties are all in a tizzy, but I think, in the kindest of manner, Mr. Vance is onto something here.
I looked forward to each day of the RNC, as never before. Each day, better than the last. Faith, Patriotism, love & respect for American traditions, showed up & were on full display! A whole different vibe than RNC's past; already fed-up Americans, nearly lost their Presidential pick...to a bullet!
Are you Spiritual? More Religious? Are you a person of Faith? Are you a believer and follower of Jesus Christ? Are you agnostic; skeptical, with more questions than answers? Do you ever question why you are here, what the purpose of life is, and, more importantly, what the purpose of your life is?
Continuing our stroll through country music ballads of the 80's & 90's, with number fourteen in the series. Highlighting girl groups, some great collaborations, a song which has withstood the test of time. There's always another great ballad just ahead, around the bend. This era did not disappoint!
Have you noticed how "Democracy" has been crammed down our throats, while the fact that we are "a Constitutional Republic", gets ignored? Why is that?
Can't say God, because, apparently, there are many Gods & everyone has their own personal God! Can't say pregnant women, but you can say "pregnant people" (can't offend men!) Also, pregnant doesn't mean,"with child"?! Can't turn away males from participating in female sports- that's just Sexist!
The Saga of Donald J. Trump, is every bit, America's Saga.
It is time, it has been a while since I wrote about the majesty of America; so many hurdles, obstacles and slippery slopes thrown in to deter. I am not deterred. How about you, American Patriot? We have only begun to fight!
I love traditional country music, in particular, the country music ballad. The 1980's, and especially the 1990's, set a very high bar and Toby Keith, God Rest His Soul, was right there in the midst of it. This, number thirteen in the series, honors his music.
We can ride this dark & treacherous storm, on this current course, blindly and obediently, for only so long, before it turns on us, consumes and devours us. We must take back control of our Country, we must change the course, become the "Storm of Reckoning" and save our Country!
We have arrived, we are in a whole new realm now. What to do, what to do; go with the flow, resist, ignore, hide?
Would the city survive? Could the city survive? That would be up to the people. The people who were put in charge nearly 250 years ago, but forgot somewhere along the way.
Americana; a way of Life.It can’t cave to pressure or whims, it doesn’t give up its sovereignty or sell its soul for favor, gain, wealth, power.It’s cherishing the gift of living in the greatest country that God gave man; honoring that, showing respect for liberty’s value & freedom’s cost.It's Love.
Sharing thoughts which came to me as, first, I was prompted and challenged by the word, "book". Again, as I was writing, but had already developed a theme. Lastly, in the aftermath, with the latest controversies. I feel as if we are being tested in our faith, as never before!
Inspired by 'Words Help Creativity'. Week 67. The word is, "Book".
On one hand, we have a great speech about seizing the spirit of 1776, making a return to our roots and on the other, a smug, angry speech about seizing a man's property, in an ongoing attempt to destroy him and bring him to his knees! Taking the American dream & the American spirit...down with him!
12th in this series. It has been a while! Time can get away from us so quickly, but thank goodness, great music lives on and isn’t going anywhere!
The 70’s generation will recognize my title from ‘Smokey and the Bandit' & 'Convoy'. It’s time to introduce them to new generations, as truckers & concerned citizens from all walks, unite in a convoy; taking on the mission of calling attention to a Border, a Country, in crisis!
I am very concerned with our silence & for the future of this Country!While those who are the loudest, contribute to our demise - Push for abortion, but not for "woman"hood, parenthood & childhood! Be kind; accept men into our sports & fields! Be fair; vote in the "woman" of color, because you must!
Illegal caravan after caravan, group after group, cannot and must not, be ignored. We are still a Republic; but we must get in the game, and understand what is at stake or it will be forever lost!
We've arrived, don't get too excited, unless you've had a hand in getting us here! I never thought I'd see the day, in the United States of America, where Patriots, the lovers of America, no different than those who forged this great Nation, would be made out to be, America's Enemy!
Video has been compiled; even from the phones/social media of Hamas terrorists; keepsakes to share with dear old Mom and Dad about their day of killing Jews. Dysfunction on a level that the majority of humanity can't comprehend nor fathom.
Eleventh in the Series. It has been too long since I've written about and shared some of the music that I love to love. So much going on in this world to bring us down, but music lifts us up! Especially the love songs. We need more love songs!
Behind the Walls, Beneath the Dome; Israel Continues to Fight, to Exist!
800+ Israelis killed, 2,000 wounded, as of this writing, Monday, October 9th, 2023. Over 100 Israelis, including women & children, taken hostage; it is presumed, they will be used as deterrents, human shields. Presently, their punishment for existing, is to be paraded about and publicly humiliated.
Be bold, even when sent home, even when not Barbie or Ken-ed up for the camera...with canned Political Party speak! Speak your convictions, share the facts, stand your ground! We the people did our part electing you; Representatives, do your part! Thank you to the few who are on the side of America.
I've just heard that Jimmy Buffett has passed away. I have so many great memories of good times, with his fun and iconic songs, very much at the center. Songs which will live on, as the songs of my childhood, teenage years, summer vacations, all have. Word Prompts, Help Creativity Week 65 "Vacation"
Inspired by a songwriter who was inspired to write a song about power and greed, right here in America; smack dab in the middle of, our Nation's Capital.
Although we've known that COVID, as the flu, is here to stay, suddenly we must be afraid and very afraid, again! It may require looking into measures to make voting "convenient" once more! Speaking of voting, no matter the body blows,Trump's still standing, he hasn't tapped out, he's not even wobbly
How did such an innocent phrase ever become so controversial, toxic at times, in these United States? Is this where we are today; with an upcoming election? Those with the greatest influence over all aspects of our lives, get to decide whether America gets to be great or not, and not, We the People?
The great divide here in the States, which has become as expansive as the Grand Canyon, isn't only due to our chosen political parties/politics. It also involves how we've been brought up; what & how we've been taught to think about our Country and how we've processed that. It's all a part of it.
I wasn't sure what to think about the so-called misogynistic, Influencer Andrew Tate, so as with any topic, I didn't take Wikipedia's word or the word of CNN or of anyone else; you might say, I am not easily influenced! I delved into it and began forming my very own opinion.
Word Prompt Week 64, Sacrifice. My first thought, our National Anthem. Written words, which have become our most recognizable song. Words which emphasize such sacrifice, from those who brought us Independence from tyrannical rule, to those who have or would lay down their lives for us, for freedom!
Donald Trump has been the target for far too long. It is past time to give D.C. career politicians, their due! For starters, giving Trump his due; the four years which were stolen from him, by them! We do our part, and then Trump will take it from there! What do you say?
I can't take credit for the topic of this particular article, Jesus was way ahead of me with his many parables, but I can reflect. This is me, reflecting...
I dream of a future for my grandchildren's generation which is free of judgment, equity and quotas and full of equal opportunities, for all!
It's been a while since I found myself offended by 'Frosty the Snowman', during the Christmas season. Until now, Summer and baseball! What is it with some of these team names?
10th in the series. When a song is so good that even decades later, it assists in helping a contestant, in this case, Bryce Leatherwood, in winning a singing competition, it's a great song, with staying power.
Video evidence of J6 is incrementally coming out. After years of Donald Trump, not Joe Biden, insisting that Americans see all of it---not just parts, pieces, cherry-picked explosive segments, as the J6 [Activists] Commission chose to do, but all of it! Cherry-picked keeps innocent people locked up!
{Word Prompt Week 62 - "Problem"} We weren't meant to be paper doll cut-outs, each the same as the next. Although there are many things we agree upon, oftentimes, a different view/perspective, isn't a problem, it's what's required. Unique perspectives bring color, light, clarity & perhaps, solution.
9th in the series, I may keep this going with constant reminders of songs and/or artists that I’ve either unintentionally overlooked or have allowed to escape {not fade} from my memories. The fact that I keep showing up with more, should tell you all that you need to know about a great era of music!
A world in which each and every concern we have is dismissed, as out of touch & not keeping up with the times. All while knowledge and wisdom, are dismissed as antiquated dogma. Is this a world you wish to be a part of? A world you wish to leave behind for your children & grandchildren?
After questioning the lack of concern and urgency coming from the Biden Administration, in the aftermath of the train derailment and toxic chemical spill in Ohio; all while he & his Party obsess over climate speculation, I was told I was out of line & that one has nothing to do with the other? Why?
Good things come, when we all come together, for we are better together. One Nation under God, witnessed a miracle with Damar Hamlin. Nothing positive comes when wedges are placed, pitting us one against the other, nor when victimhood is promoted, empowering Government over us and over our lives.
Nancy Pelosi(D)draped in African Kente Cloth, on her knees, politicking like a Pro! Joe Biden(D) pandering, on MLK day, in a black church, just as Hillary Clinton had done years before.This Party, these people, are as phony as three dollar bills, but as predictable as rain!
Word Prompts by Brenda, Week 60, "Beginnings". With both of my sons getting married, there was no hesitation in the direction I would go with this prompt.
If you follow politics, not much changed as we entered into a new year. Wondering if Kevin McCarthy(R) or someone else, would be Speaker. On pins and needles, as to the prognosis of NFL football player Damar Hamlin! Prayers abounded, so did many questions needing answers, which didn't come.....
8th in the series and in the midst of the Holidays.
Dec. 7th, 1941, on a Sunday morning, at 7:56 without provocation, without warning, without a declaration of war, the Japanese Imperial Navy attacked the U.S. by bombing Pearl Harbor. On Dec. 8th, President Roosevelt let the Nation and the world know -that we were, in fact, at war with Japan.
7th in Series. Welcome back music lovers, I hope that we have some new fans joining us and hope to add to our ever-growing country music ballads lover's list! For us, some of the best music ever produced, in particular, the country music ballad, came out during the late 80's and on through the 90's.
Oblivion gets promoted & inanimate objects, the blame! As crime soars and wickedness reigns; we mindlessly follow snake oil salesmen, rather than our gut instincts, our common sense, Our Faith! We don't need a "great reset", we require a good kick in the gut, via a spiritual awakening, via Revival!
It has been a little over a year and a half since my Mom passed on. I think of her often. Along with her death, our immediate and extended family experienced a lot of death in a short span of time. It is all part of the cycle, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.
Word prompt challenge, by Brenda Arledge, Week 58. The word, "Generation". I immediately thought about this quote, the song by Mike & the Mechanics and about how, at times, things get so crazy, all you can do, is blame those who came before.
6th in Series. Back to the music! It is necessary to take a break from the day to day, from time to time (especially on romantic holidays) What better way than with music? For me, therapy/relaxation is found, when I can get lost in some great music; such as, a classic country music ballad.
When a "woman" is chastised for using what has been the name of a sports team since the 1930's, all while "woman" is no longer definable; it's official, all the marbles have been lost!
We all make plans, we create timelines/a schedule of how we expect the next chapter of our lives to go and what we expect to happen. Sometimes life cooperates, but more often, not so much!
When it comes to Sports, where are we now? Have we gotten past the NFL, MLB, etc. going woke & embracing total frauds, such as Colin Kaepernick and fraudulent groups, such as BLM, while kicking their loyal fans and this Country - to the curb? I hope so! Good thing Sports Fans understand "Loyalty"!
According to Joe Biden's "Soul of America" speech, these are the biggest threats. With everything going on in the world, this is what this man believes threatens this Nation? The weather & Constituents/Parents that give a damn! What does that say about him and his Party? They're right to be scared!
I was accused of being "half-human" for not seeing climate change as something other than what it is, ever-changing weather! But, this is what the left does; no room for discussion, no introduction of facts, nor talking it out. It's all about condemning non-believers.
Don't worry about what the D.C. swamp has been up to, as they've continually placed us & America last! Relax, the Government has your back, they would never steer us wrong. Right? Forget about those dusty, antiquated documents penned by foolish old men, what did they know? Volumes! You're fired!
Spilling my heart out again, once more; this time it's a little heavier, the spill, a little messier.
5th in Series. Back to the ballads. It has been a minute since I left off, but lucky for us, these timeless classics aren't going anywhere! I will do my best to help see to that. Enjoy!
Another tragic shooting has affected one family yet again. One family, two separate shootings, one hitting too close to home and the other, making a direct hit! These sad stories are about so much more than what is being held in the hands, of these robbers of life.
Have you ever thought about this season, this time that we are all in, together? Why now? Why us? Why were we born for such a time as this? What is our role? Do we have a role? These things I ponder.
Efforts to have us fall in line have grown exponentially over the past few years.Once subtle attempts, turned into full blown, in-our-face, lies & threats.These efforts, if compiled, could be titled, 'How to Destroy a Nation In a Few Simple Steps'; MSM leading the way, propaganda the tool of choice.
I had no cause to believe that the 2020 Election nor all which transpired after would be fair, just, impartial! Hard to keep an open mind, when all we've heard since hearing Trump and Politics, has been anything but fair, just, impartial! The so-called Insurrection was a culmination of Fed-Up!
What has happened to the U.S.A. and when will we begin to have an honest conversation about it? I personally believe that this modern day unrest, disrespect & disregard for life itself (especially of, the most pure and innocent among us) has everything to do with the rejection of God and God's Laws.
After thirty-two years, we closed the front door to a home where we lived for exactly, half of our lives, for the very last time. Bittersweet is the word of the moment.
Could Trump's team have come up with anything better than that which the Biden-Harris team came up with? Meant to insult? Belittle? But it backfired on them, big time. The joke turned out to be on them.
Now, finally, individual states, via the wishes of their constituency, will determine abortion policy. As far as time restraints, exceptions considered, etc., the people of each State will have the final say, the final word, the vote, on this over-politicized life and death matter.
Females are pushing for abortion on demand, including Harris! Females are not standing up for young ladies who are being pushed out of their own sports, including Harris! A President must stand up for the Right to Life, for the pursuits of women & for Liberty for All!
This woman refuses to be erased via progressive, woke, warped, nonsense! Silenced so that frauds and imitators might play a wicked game of grown-up make-believe! I refuse, not budging, not getting caught up in this trap; this unnatural, bizarre, game! I am not obsolete, I am Woman; now Hear me Roar!
Dedicated to Ukrainians and Israelis and all, fighting to exist, wherever they may reside!
Sad and terrifying news coming out of Canada with the freedom convoy. For those who have been peacefully assembling, in an attempt to preserve their rights, it matters not how kind or peaceful they are...they are currently being dealt with, properly {as a Tyrant might say!}
The finale? Perhaps. We'll see! The grand finale may not be written until Hillary Clinton goes to jail for a long, long time. If Justice truly prevails in this young startup Country of ours, it is what must happen. There can't be one set of rules for us and another set for the Clintons, Bidens, etc.
From parents to students, from sports stars to radio personalities, from doctors to truckers - the people are standing in the way of abusive Government, all across the globe.
While illegal, unvetted migrants are welcomed into the States, provided transportation, covered by charities, settled into sanctuary cities, Angel Families are far from settled. They are forgotten and forsaken, more isolated than we can begin to comprehend.
BLM is suddenly out of the limelight, which they craved, carved out and owned for much too long; but the damage they've done, is front and center, as the honoring of fallen Police Officers, as they are laid to rest, has become an almost daily occurrence.
Several years post COVID and so much damage was done, beyond the damned virus! The "It Takes a Village" nonsense, failed from one end of this earth to the other, certainly here in America! It interrupted, manipulated, took advantage & it destroyed lives --especially, the lives of children!
I speculated quite a bit in an article written after 1/6/21. So much that we did not know! I mistakenly assumed, all video would be released, all would have their day in Court, Justice would be served. I knew the left would use 1/6 to their full advantage, but to compare it to Pearl Harbor & 9-11!
Feeling so sentimental this time of the year, remembering loved ones lost, saddened by families battling sickness and uncertainty and for the type of headlines we see today! Although the Good News is, Love wins out in the end --- oftentimes, getting there, can be hard on the heart, soul and mind!
Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Eve prepare our hearts and our minds for a brand New Year. A fresh new start full of possibilities, promise and renewal, starts well before the first day of the new year!
Christmas is no doubt, the most wonderful time of the year for Christians, but also for non-Christians, participating in the festivities & in the giving! The world, if only for a brief moment in time is much kinder, more loving, a much better place, which says a lot about what we are celebrating!
Does eyewitness, physical and video evidence matter any longer in a Country working its way toward full-blown insanity? Are we to become as those individuals who were attempting to harm or kill Kyle Rittenhouse, criminally insane or raging with hate, with each MSM dog whistle we hear?
It is so easy to take our Veterans for granted and to look right through them; not noticing them on a park bench, in line at the grocery store, having coffee at the local Diner. We must do better to not only see them, but to thank and to honor them, for their selfless service to our Country.
It's so easy to take our Military for granted, as we go through our day; getting kids to school, going to our jobs. Whether we attend football games or the Opera, we remain free to do so, due to those busting it & getting it done --- for God & Country, our U.S. Military.
Please give me Trump; give me polarizing, give me New York-style mean tweets, MSM slamming/shaming, any day over this fiasco that is the Biden Administration. We are plummeting fast, we need a hand up quickly and Joe Biden's hand is not extended nor available, it is being held by our enemies!
With each new day, more madness in the United States of America, born out of a corrupt, hellbent on power, tyrannical, newly placed Administration and nothing else! Ultimatums, such as, it’s the jab or its your job…have no place in our Government!
Some word prompts go unnoticed, while others will grab my attention and unleash the beast {so to speak} as this one did. Challenge word, “habit” (Brenda Arledge's Week 34 Word Challenge) led me to think of bad habits and then, this mind of mine, took it from there....
We have a President who mandates, dictates, threatens & walks away from questions of concern, then wonders why we are so divided! Many groups of people, including airline pilots, health care workers, superstar basketball players (among many others) refuse to step aside, refuse to be pushed out.
We are constantly bombarded with "wokeness"; against U.S. traditions, brotherhood, faith, patriotism, conscience, reason, freedom, work ethic, education, compassion...The Woke work to destroy these wonderful attributes, utilizing lies! No to lies, no to envy, no to hate...no to division, No to Woke!
You would have to be living in the State of Denial, to not notice that the Red State of Texas, is beginning to look very much like the Blue State of California! You’d have to be playing dumb, to not realize that it’s intentional. The left/the Dem Party, has had their sights set on Texas for years!
What will it take for some American citizens to understand that what we already have here in the United States, but are participating in either giving away or standing idly by, as its taken from us, with minimal push back, hurts us and will eventually destroy us?
From the current debates & heated discussions currently happening in school board meetings on the masking of students to mandated/forced vaccines in the work place and the push back, it’s a good representation of where we are as a Country. It's a divide which we must close, there's too much at stake
Who is this man, portraying the President of the United States of America? Has some sickness caused his heart to turn black, loss of his humanity a side effect or has he always somehow managed to hide his lack of humanity...until now?
Our elections have been compromised, our Government has been compromised, American citizens and Afghan allies’ safety have been compromised, as have countless other lives! As our American way of life remains on life support, our Government thinks it's a good time to play ball with the Taliban!
When it comes to Covid, the governing of your Country, each and every thing which directly affects you and your loved ones, do you shut up, accept and comply or do you always question with boldness?
If you've become the target of the Biden Administration's wrath, you are doing something RIGHT!
As frustrated as many of us often get, whether it's the complete lack of respect shown our flag, our National Anthem, our Country; this current warm embrace of communism; the rewriting, reprinting, retelling of our history…remember, a large percentage has been lackadaisical from the start.
My oh my, such lengths and for what? So that massive cheating in our elections...may be able to continue? I haven't heard any better explanation, have you?
This subject isn't my forte' by any means, you'll typically find me in Politics or, In the News Section, but hearing of more and more young ladies, thinking they aren't good enough, pretty enough, voluptuous enough, etc., having 'procedures' done at younger and younger ages, has brought me here.
The destructive Dems only do harm ; but this latest Marxism love fest of their s, on full display, here on American soil, is beyond forgivable. It's detrimental and will be what ends us, if we don't come back to our senses, get it together and back in touch with the principles of our founding!
What is to become of the United States of America? More importantly, what is in store for our children, our grandchildren? What does their future look like? Is "fundamental transformation" becoming more clear with each headline you read, more evident with each new news story you hear/image you view?
The anti-America D.C. Swamp made him out to be what they needed him to be, in order to defeat him. But when all their pieces couldn't be made to fit their puzzle of him, cheating was required. As he began his run for a 2nd term, under indictment on trumped-up charges, the fix was already in!
I cannot hear this song by Eric Church without thinking of my Parents. The way they lived, "ain't for everybody", but they truly lived and I admire them so much for it.
The word and/or hot topic for the day - No, not woke. No, not political correctness. No, not critical race theory or equity. No, not cancel culture or social justice. No, not cooling, heating, changing-weather, climate crisis! And no, not socialism! Today's word/hot topic, is Government "Giveaways".
Dedicating this one to all who have had to say goodbye to their Moms.
Many similarities. Usually predictable....but not always. So goes Nature and so goes Human Nature.
Falsehoods and bogus information circulating, ruling & ruining the day; such garbage crammed down our throats! We must get back in the word of God, with focus on the family. Critical thinking, not theory, common sense, not nonsense. Respect for our fellow man/woman...including those in uniform.
Many in the Mainstream Media have made a dangerous practice of convicting now, asking questions later. They have gotten away with igniting the fire, fanning the flames and then leaving the scene, come what may.....for far too long!
It is possible to take a stand, to make a point, to welcome back normalcy into our lives, without making a scene. I am challenging all who read this to join me in this endeavor, it's the only way we take our lives back...OUT FROM UNDER GOVERNMENT'S THUMB! What do you say...READY to get naked-faced!
My mind is blown over the things which make it into my News feed! Such as: Georgia wishes to deny Voters hydration, their demands are discriminatory. GA Law; have i.d. in order to vote and own water if a wait's anticipated. This is enough to outrage the left, MLB, for one, has had it! Wow just wow!
Closing in on ten years of doing what I love to do...write! I am so thankful for the opportunity provided by Hub Pages and I am forever grateful to those who have guided, supported, constructively criticized, followed and have taken the time to comment and/or discuss various topics. Thank you all!
I don't think so. I don't believe for an instant that citizens of this great Country are ready to trade it in for whatever 'the left' has envisioned for us. No retreat, no surrender!
How many lives do you know of that were directly affected by COVID, beyond the inconveniences? I'm talking in a very costly, significant & impactful way, due to Government policies centered around Covid? Did you begin to wonder if the nightmare would ever end? I did. This is our story/nightmare:
Dedicated to Rush Limbaugh and my fellow Dittoheads
It has been suggested that we consider a 'Reality Czar' as a part of the Biden Administration. One more almighty ruler, a truth detecting Wizard, in a position to have even more control and power over We the People. Scary!
When Donald Trump hit D.C. like a man on fire, I wrote of buckling up and holding on, because finally, someone was there to get things done for the benefit of the people. I will suggest once more, buckle up and hold on, but for different reasons, they are putting lives in jeopardy, we aren't safe!
We may be down, but don’t count us out. Times may seem bleak, but we’ve been through bleak times before. How much fire do we have left in the belly?
For starters, have we ever been any further apart from each other, from God? From where I stand, I don't see how we progress, in any positive form or fashion, when HATE has been allowed to fester, grow, control the narrative, hold the spotlight, bringing us to this DARK place in time.
Because we dared to elect an outsider, Donald J. Trump, we are being paid back? Career politician D.C. Swamp dwellers, many spineless Reps and Senators, certainly the biased, leftist MSM, have already condemned us for what happened in D.C. on January 6, 2021, before any evidence has been presented.
What now for our beloved United States of America? Are you, personally, ready to give up on this Country, in lieu of something else? What does "something else" look like and is there any room in it for we the people?
We are being asked to accept a lot, including; fraud, deception, false imprisonment, espionage, cowardice.....How much more do we accept? How much longer do we turn a blind eye or worse...see with two good eyes, but choose to ignore?
Why was every good news story buried during the Trump Admin? Why was there such urgency in working against him, working to hurt him. Why the constant tearing down of him & his effective policy? Why were facts tossed aside, replaced with hearsay, conspiracy theories, lies, and then repeated, as fact?
What are the odds that a very unpopular, unmotivated career politician could unseat a very accomplished and very popular sitting President. Well...let's talk about those odds, shall we?
Listening to today's Left, day in and day out pondering how the United States has managed to survive for over 240 years...without them...is excruciating! This current crop of leftists are the worst; always telling us that our Country is worthless and that we need THEM to save us from ourselves!
What a year! I usually don't like to say goodbye to another year, sentiments and all that...time we'll never get back...but to 2020 I'll say goodbye and good riddance!
What a crazy year with too many storms; a crappy gift of a virus from China, a corrupt Biden family completely ignored by the mainstream media and to top it off...election results which make no sense to freedom-loving thinkers, so they are counting and investigating in Georgia and in other places.
I cherish the freedom which grants me/us, the great privilege of voting in the greatest Country that God gave man! Freedom comes at a great cost, we must never forget that. We can’t afford complacency, and we cannot be fooled by anything promised as better, there's nothing better. God Bless America!
Holding onto and fighting for, those things which ground us, prepare us, sustain us, and, therefore, actually matter in the grand scheme of things, is crucial.
Joe Biden isn't much of a campaigner is he? Maybe, back in the day, he was, I don’t remember... He didn’t get a chance to be while in the shadow of Barack Obama! I get that...but, wouldn’t you think he would have given it HIS all? It’s the Presidential race for crying out loud!?!
People are livid that they are being censored more and more by big tech and fed lies and distortions by MSM, as they should be! Imagine one political party, social & mainstream media, in your life, tenfold...a hundredfold, monopilizing and controlling your every thought? That's the Left's game plan!
"Soul" became the word of the day for the Democratic candidates and their spokespeople, but, I'd hear the word and the image of the bottom of Biden's shoe would come to mind. walking all over the U.S. Constitution, the American citizen and their Rights.....to boot!
Sincere and earnest prayers are being sent heavens way for ALL across the globe. Praying for the healing of bodies, minds, broken hearts and broken spirits and for broken Nations everywhere. Praying that all those who use this virus against us, are crushed... long before our Human Spirit is!
Is my jaw supposed to drop with this epiphany, sorry, it dropped long ago, when activist men in robes decided that it was perfectly fine to end the life of a babe in the womb and it drops when witnessing the general disregard for life, which that horrific decision has spawned.
I had a great childhood, but I missed growing up in just one house, in just one town, in just one State. I suppose many of those that had that type of childhood, would say they missed moving from place
All of this beyond bad, disgusting, hiding-behind-masks criminal {bordering on treasonous} behavior! has ticked off many law-abiding, rules-respecting, America-loving, all in...when it’s peaceful protesting... American citizens!
Anticipating cooler weather is one thing, expecting it, anticipating it, but not getting it, is something else entirely!
Viewing the 9-11 tribute, the reading of the names, all of those emotions rushing back in, like the many heroes that rushed in on that sad, heart-wrenching day, left me feeling nauseous and repulsed by the actions of teams/athletes/sportscasters, media, NPR, etc., as they further divide us.
After the Democratic Convention and the Republican Convention were behind us, the debates and a little more sparring had taken place, we all sat back and waited for the fat lady to sing!
Bernie Sanders is giddy with the prospect of his progressive, socialist agenda, via Biden/Harris, taking hold in the U.S., but not so quick. We have seen this show before, even before the Obama Admin. and it never goes well!
Elections have consequences! The Biden/Harris team plans to continue implementing the same progressive, transformational, destructive...leftist policies that the Obama/Biden team began.
It is as if, propaganda (pretending and promoting BLM as if it is something other than what it actually is, for example) is replacing common sense, reason and good judgment. It is as if adults are being reprogrammed, while kids are being programmed...from the start!
Can things get any crazier? Between COVID-19, BLM screwing up sports, upcoming elections... Am I jinxing us just by asking the question? I'd like to rephrase the question please...
You don't have to look very hard to find Marxist BLM involved in nearly every aspect of American life! It has spread more rapidly and is far more destructive, than this most current Chinese virus! We will eventually take down the virus, but will it be too late to cure the United States of America?
We hear a lot about Socialism, Progressivism, Marxism, Communism; the "isms" Joe Biden (D) embraces! From Donald Trump (R) we hear; Patriotism, Capitalism, American can-do-ism, the "isms" he embraces! These "isms" are as far apart as can be, as was our choice in 2020, as will be our choice in 2024.
The following song came on, while on a date night with my hubby, reminding me, there's a time for everything & this time was for enjoying each other’s company, not for venting! It also reminded me that there is a time and a season for all things; we have lingered too long in the season of Covid.
It is time to get off the fence and figure out...just where it is that you stand! If you stand with this great Country, this Republic of ours...you must fight for it, because we are losing it! Marxism/Communism is beyond resurgence, it is spreading quicker than wildfires, here in the U.S.A.!!!
The title says it all! I don't believe for one second that the majority of Americans are okay with any of this or want any part of this destruction of our Country! Only an enemy of the United States of America...would participate in such despicable and criminal acts!
I will not look for offense at every turn, nor will I live in the past. I don’t seek out imperfections or live to find fault in others, I’ll extend that same courtesy to my Country. God Bless America!
This is nothing new, it has been going on for ages. As a result of their pandering, their rhetoric, their theatrics, and their lack of any substance whatsoever, they keep faking their way through, destroying everything in their path.
If I need to tune out the news, in order to tune out negativity, I do. My common sense hasn't failed me yet, I don't expect it will. I refuse to remain silent, while this dangerous ideology of the far left Democratic Party makes a mockery of our God-given rights, guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution
Fourth in the Series
With each new day, a story of fellow citizens, being harassed by their elected Dem Reps; on top of all of that, they must contend with criminals, ALLOWED to infiltrate peaceful protests...inflicting damage, creating chaos, threatening our President and tearing our Country apart, a piece at a time!
Third in the Series; I knew I loved the music of this era, working on these articles has helped me realize just how much. Although I do enjoy some of the Country music of today, it just doesn't have the same character or appeal for me. I hope that those of you following, are enjoying the selections.
I love this time of year; fall in the air, spooky movies on the TV lineup, looking forward to the holidays and the 2024 election. As for the Left, the Dems, their intent seems to keep us living in fear of something! Right now it's Donald Trump. They have me distrusting them more than ever before!
LIFE: How do you describe life? The best adjectives have been overused. Oftentimes when describing 'Life', there just aren't sufficient means, adequate descriptions or appropriate words. It is in these moments, I choose to go with - Simply Sublime.
I refuse to give up on living my life indefinitely, so that a handful of liberals might feel some sense of empowerment over me, over my life.
An event, a pandemic, which has taken its toll {on the world} cannot control us indefinitely. We cannot allow it to! When opportunity speaks to you, break every chain, push every limit, get out of the shadows & into the light. LIVE your LIFE today! None of us have the promise of tomorrow...
Second in the Series.
Insensitive? Nope just having a little fun in the midst of the madness and then, I'm done with that and back to being dead serious!
The very first in what will, hopefully, be a continuing series. Please follow along, I'll be sharing some of the greatest music from some of the most talented artists, which came out of a great era in Country music! It will be fun and hopefully these selections will bring back some great memories.
As we age, it's often said that we lose our filter, but for some of us, speaking up and speaking out, is a part of our genetic makeup. At least now, my kids can blame it on my age. Now is not the time for silence, there is too much at stake. All of us need to get loud!
The handling and mishandling of the 2020 pandemic has been eye-opening. I've gone past concern for friends, for family, for neighbors...for their livelihoods, to wondering what cruel intentions, some politicians have up their sleeves and in store for us!
It's time to get back in the groove folks! Covid took so much from us, Government seized the moment and never let up, in keeping us down! They've been on a power trip ever since. It is time to take our Country back and rid D.C. of the swampy stench. It is the task at hand, our duty.
In spite of road blocks & obstacles placed by the leftist Party, kept there by a biased media (along with a pandemic) President Trump was able to stay the course.
It has been over a year since we first heard the words Corona, Covid and the number 19, while some of us are so done, others still live in fear. Sad.
Tell yourself it is perfectly okay, to take the time needed and then don't hesitate...go for it! Your body, soul, mind and spirit will thank you!
I need to separate myself from those harmful things, which I cannot see, but are often taking control and getting the very best of me! When I begin to sense a disconnect, it's time for me to escape, it's time for me to get away! How are you doing? What is currently summoning you and why?
While in the midst of the racing season; another type of race was ongoing, the Primaries. While Socialists were comparing America-loving Trump supporters to Nazis, President Trump continued to do, what he did best, supporting all things Americana! May God always bless our amazing Country!
What else does the Democratic Party have going for them? Seriously, what else do they have to offer? Que the Jeopardy jingle.....
We cannot give up on this amazing Country of ours, there isn’t anything better, no other, even comes close! We must hold the line.
Many are beginning to understand that their elected officials and political parties are not working for them and do not have their best interests at heart. No, it's not the Alamo, but there's a reason why so many American citizens were on guard, holding the line and very active in this past election
Making the case for the man who has been vilified without substance, without restraint, without truth or honesty, and without boundaries.... beyond measure! The guy defending life, liberty and our Pursuit of Happiness, is the guy most vilified! Go figure!
My Faith sustains me! It may not be as necessary as the air I breathe or the blood which flows within, but I value it every bit as much!
Nancy Pelosi created a further divide of this Country, for no good reason! It was all about the Democratic Party and the D.C. establishment's desire to own all the power and there was no room for Donald Trump, as they refused to accept the will of the people by stopping him...whatever it took!
To the Lovers of America, I know you are out there; I talk to you, I hear you on talk radio, I read your articles and your posts on social media (they reflect such pride and much concern too) I see the Stars and Stripes flying outside your homes and businesses. This is dedicated to you all.
We’ve no way of knowing what the future holds in store for us. We desire and anticipate good health, good fortune, a long life. But life is a series of unknowns and so we hope and pray for the best. As I age, I am more grateful than ever before, for each new day.
Forget all about women power; what we need is conservative power, as in conservative representation, whether male or female, matters not. All working together to rid this country of the warped lefties! That's what's required. Spread the word, conservatism isn't only cool, it saves our Republic!
As an observer, it appears to me that the Democratic Party has evolved into an elitist gathering; above it all...in their Ivory Towers; looking out over the peasants below, expected to hang onto their every word, accept their every action.
Not looking good for the blue Party; they’ve chosen feelings, assumptions, presumptions, wishes, feelings, fabrication over facts, feelings and as a result of their having no substance whatsoever...American voters are leaving the Democratic Party in droves!
Inspired by Hub Pages or bad food one; dedicated to Writers and to Dreamers
Alpha:the Beginning;Omega:the End. God, the Great I Am
The House Majority leader, Nancy Pelosi, moves forward with Impeachment plans, plans which have been in place, since before Trump swore on the Bible....
I can hear the conversations now. They’ve been down in the dumps, having lost Gunner. It will be good for them! It will lift their spirits, they love their grand dogs...
Through Honor Flight, Veterans are given the opportunity to spend a day in our Nation's Capital, visiting the Memorials and receiving recognition. I have had the honor of welcoming home two groups, in the Central Florida area. All of this made possible, through the great work of 'Honor Flight'