Early labor is the time it takes for the cervix to reach 3-4 centimeters. Signs of early labor include irregular contractions (5 or more minutes apart, lasting 30-90 seconds), lower back pain, and pelvic pressure. This article discusses the most effective approach to speed up your early labor.
What can you do at home to help with labor pain? Can you take Tylenol? What else can you do? Fortunately, there are many pain relief options available. Here's an extensive list of alternative, non-medicated, and pharmaceutical options for at-home pain management during labor.
In this day and age, cell phones have become a necessity. With the development of the smart phone, more and more people rely on their cell phone for every day life. But, are YOU paying too much?
Nurses play an important role in customer service and customer satisfaction in healthcare. Trying to improve your customer service skills? Here are some suggestions for good customer service practices for nurses.
The Station Nightclub Fire is the 4th deadliest nightclub fire in American history. On Februart 20, 2003; 100 men and women died in a fire caused by the use of pyrotechnics in a nughtclub with numerous fire hazards.
A career in nursing should not be pursued lightly. Ask yourself the right questions to decide whether nursing is right for you. If you're already a nurse, take the proper steps toward becoming a successful nurse.
By the age of retirement, the average person will have wasted about 10 years watching television. Television has some serious negative effects not ony for children but for adults as well.
Cultural differences creates unique challenges in healthcare. Culturally sensitive care is important. Considerations that should be made in order to provide culturally sensitive care are discussed.
Group B Strep is a common bacteria that can be harmful to our babies. Find out more information about Group B Strep transmission, effects, preventions and treatment.
Prenatal care is directly related to having a healthy pregnancy. Choosing a prenatal care provider is very important. Read more to find out what your provider options are.
Natural birth is being chosen by more pregnant women every day. This article contains information about natural induction methods, labor, and childbirth.
Top 10 thing they don't tell you about childbirth.
The third stage of labor is delivery of the placenta. There is much to be considered with regards to the placenta, such as delayed cord clamping, cord blood banking, and whether to keep or dispose of it.
Moms and birth partners can help the birth process go more smoothly. Here's what to avoid during labor and delivery, as well as alternative suggestions to consider and how to stay relaxed as much as possible.
Signs and symptoms of labor. Helpful information about coping with early labor at home for both mom's and dad's. Also, when to call the doctor or come in to the hospital.