A 40-year-old woman today does not have the same physiology as her grandmother did at 40. Better nutrition, medical care, and lifestyle all contribute to a more youthful appearance and activity levels. These days, much of the aging process is actually under an individual woman’s control.
As we aim to lose weight, there is always a question: "Where Does The Fat Go When You Lose Weight?". Here is the answer...
Free radicals are associated with oxidization which is an interaction between oxygen molecule and other properties. Oxidization occurs in metals as well as body tissues and symbolizes the concept of aging.
Our genes are passed down to us from our parents. Therefore, from the time of conception our DNA encoded information that predetermined our pattern of aging.
The aging theory states that prolong abuse results in overuse of the body which can destroy cells in the body.
This aging theory focuses on hormonal influences on body functions. It’s very interesting because it shows how our vitality, basic body functions and reproductively are sustained by hormones.
How do we age? What do we know about human aging? As we move forward with technological progress and innovations in the medical world, we learn and uncover the secrets of youth.