A poetic saga on the addictions that surround us all from one time to another. Let the Witch in white bring in the grey sails that are the defining saga for each and every addict alive and dead from the disease. The sails of the ship bring in the tide, and the culling of witches watch with glee.
Erik Erikson, an individual with many creative talents, was most certainly one of the pioneers of psychology and aspects of psycho-social behaviors. In this article, you'll find his theories.
The Countries of Armenia & Azerbaijan, nestled within the South Caucasus region, just south of Russia, just North of Iran. Throuhout history, Armenia and Azerbaijan have been barraged with bad luck.
Sumeria: A time of booming economic, political, and equality movements that proved to show their culture was the greatest of the time. This article helps to place together the pieces of the puzzle.
Have you ever wondered who actually began to pioneer the field of psychology, the man behind Introspection? Wilhelm Wundt was a psychologist, physician, and Author, a true trend-setter in Germany.
What exactly is Selflessness, and can it truly be reached in a lifetime? This article helps to explain the various notions behind this concept from the individual level onto the sociological aspects of culture and how it relates to Selflessness.
A Essay on the Comparision between the Gregorian chants of the Medieval Period and the Motets of the Renaissance. Two pieces of musical masterpieces are studied directly, "Pascha Nostrum" and "Osculetur me Osculo".
"America," by Allen Ginsberg, takes a critical look at American capitalism and propaganda during the Cold War.