Once upon a time, tales of fantastic fiction such as sci-fi and fantasy were few and far between. The occasional book from certain authors like H.G. Wells, the rare short story from the likes of Hugo Gernsback were all that was out there. There was...
Gargo Six-Shinbone ran the seediest, bloodiest tavern in any known part of the universe. As far away as Parsec Bend and the reaches of the Nautilus Nebula, the darkest alleys and the dirtiest slums scarcely allowed the lowest whisper of Gargo's....
Imagine, if you will, that L. Frank Baum's immortal children's classic The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and its blockbuster 1939 film adaptation starring Judy Garland have both been turned on their heads: Dorothy wears a wide-brimmed Stetson, sitting...
I'd like to say a few words on the subject of criticism: literary, film, and pop culture in general. Anyone who has perused my Hubs knows that I have strong opinions, sometimes strongly worded, about a lot of things. When I write a review, whether...
I was recently fortunate enough to make contact with Tom Hutchison of Big Dog Ink, who has a number of new comics titles debuting over the next several months. He's been kind enough to give me a preview of Issue #1 of Critter. Part of Critter's...
Where to begin, where to begin? Oh, sweet mother of mercy, I didn't know it was going to hurt so bad. SPOILER ALERT: I will be discussing the entire contents of the movie here, including elements of the ending and such. I'm advising that you read...
THE WORLD WILL DIE SCREAMING Starring Darwin Flynn, the Scarlet Saint by Phil Bledsoe Chapter One: Couch Potatoes of the Carpathians A lone man on horseback, holding the reins of a second horse, waits at a remote airfield in the Carpathian...
Ariel Gore is probably best known (among those who have heard of her) as the creator of a self-published zine called "The Hip Mama Survival Guide." Zines, for those who don't know, are half-sized magazine or comic books made by photocopying pages...
"I Sell the Dead" directed by Glenn McQuaid, starring Dominic Monaghan and Ron Perlman is an awesome horror-comedy I recently enjoyed from my local library. The story is told as the last-minute death-row confession of Arthur Blake, a...