I am a nature lover. This is my bliss, my healing, my joy. As a photographer its also a source of sharing. To be able to share these blissful moments is everything.
I am 66 this year, and I am WWOOFing in Dorset. WWOOFing you ask? Is that something to do with regression and dogs? No. I haven't gone mad (yet). WWOOFing is an acronym for “Willing Workers On Organic Farms." Learn about my experience here.
How I started a home-based business, decorated my front and back yard using only things I found left out on trash day and from nature walks; city, country & beach. I found all I needed to get creative!
My sons are all grown and I am in my sixties and alone. I miss my sons very much; and when they hurt, I can't pick them up and make everything better. It's hard to be so low down on their agenda...
Inspirational poem about the things we often take for granted and the amazing beauty in life, love and nature.
A quick gratitude list - in no particular order.
Poem written from the heart for a loved one with a terminal illness.
A simple prayer for those times when we drift away from the source of all that is good and light.
Lady Of The Lake explained in a concise and thought-provoking summary of this femme fatale.
A poem about how we all wish we could 'disappear through the floor' during embarrassing or painful moments with an ex.
A dedication to the Native Indians who made their home on shell mounds in Tidy Island, West Florida.
A humorous, tongue-in-cheek account of a day in the life of a middle-aged woman. Is it aging or absentmindedness?
Hubs are scored. This affects almost all people. This hub addresses how the scoring affects the writers.
College rejection letters are very hurtful to students. How to understand the politics behind the letter and move forward with confidence.
I once 'fire-walked' by mistake (there was a smoldering grey fire on the beach that I absentmindedly walked over. I wasn't impressed. I think I'd rather have a glass of wine to relieve stress - and you?
Rag and Bone Men were commonplace when I grew up in UK. This is a nostalgic look at those things we took for granted, but which are no longer a part of our society.
Joey is a small aircraft used between the channel islands. This is an account of my once weekly aviation adventures on Joey.
Parrots are very intelligent; especially the African Grey. True story of ALEX and other Greys with great, intelligence, humor and emotional capacity.
A poem about the seasons of a fruit tree and how that can be compared to the life of female; bride (Spring), mother (Summer) Wise, older woman (Autumn)and finally accepting aging and death gracefully (Winter).
An account of the effect of words and their influence on the early life of a writer.
Happiness and peace of mind is something we can have all the time. This hub helps remind us to stay positive and simple attitude changes and steps to take towards happiness and fulfillment.
The eyes are the windows to the soul. A poem written for a loved one.
How to stretch a chicken for 5 meals, nourishing soups, crumbles and suggestions for very low cost and nourishing meals.
True story of the mating ritual of Sandhill Cranes taking place in my yard!
True story about my experience as Cabin Crew when the aircraft Flaps went "tech" on the old Viscount Propeller airplanes.
Description of my yacht trip from Guernsey to Sark in the beautiful Channel Islands, UK. There are few experiences I can imagine that are more amazing than island hopping from Guernsey to the beautiful Channel Islands.
An account of my experiences speaking British English in America with some amusing misunderstandings!
A Poem written about a lovely moment between mother and son.
Great tips on how to make money (with no money) and how to save a lot of money.