A Discrete Motor Skill is one which has a clear start and end point. An example of this is flicking a light switch, it is either on or off, from the picture on the right, you can see that in order to turn the switch on, you need to position your...
This article will take a close look at the differences between open and closed motor skills, while also providing photographic examples of what each of these skills looks like.
Looking for a new film to watch?, perhaps you've ran out of Footy films, theres bound to be at least one film here that you were unaware of or simply forgot about, so look no further for inspiration for that film you were planning to watch tonight.
Camera tech The quality of broadcast have improved by an increase in the technology of the camera, firstly the frames per second was increased and development to enable a better continuity of visuals during a televised match. Then a big break...
A Brief Overview of Media and its History within Sport (Football) "The main means of mass communication (Television, Radio and newspapers) regarded collectively" (OxfordDictionary.com) This definition is perhaps outdated as new forms of mass...
Modelling When teaching new skills to players or reinforcing current ones a coach is reccomended to show a perfect model of how that skill is executed, depending on the skill at hand it may be difficult for the coach to perform the skill...
Intro to Adaptations From a Darwinian standpoint humans have been adapting and evolving for millions of years, since we grew legs in order to deal better with being a land based mammal, evolving from primates and developing opposable thumbs...
What are the differences between the three types of human muscles? Find examples and complete descriptions of cardiac, smooth, and skeletal muscles.
The Psychological responses to negative events has been studied and documented, most significantly by ‘Elizabeth Kubler-ross’ who in her book (Death and Dying, 1969) outlined what she determined as the ‘The five stages of grief’, also known...
Are you better as a Endurance Athlete or as a strength athelete, the body is already from birth better equiped to do one over the other, read on to find out why, knowing your strengths and weaknesses can be very helpful in choosing your path in...
Bruce Tuckmans Forming-Storming-Norming-Peforming Theory Anybody in a Sports Team either as a player or coach should read this, it gives a good insight into Teams and could really help you to understand your own team and the proccess its going...