It's not your fault you are a terrible person. It's written in the stars. No matter what sign you are; you are destined to be a horrible human being. A humorous look at the darker side of Astrology.
Learn about the universal law of compensation, how it ties in with the law of attraction and how to use it to further improve your life and well-being.
Get the inside scoop on all the little known tricks of the trade for increasing sales and building repeat business. How to design and work a booth that rocks!
101 original writing prompts for writers of all genres and styles. All writers benefits from trying different styles and this is a great place to start. Kick writer's block with a prompt.
Not having much luck with law of attraction and manifesting? That's because the Law of Attraction is only the beginning - learn the basics of the 12 universal laws and how they work together to create the life of your dreams.