This is the rarest breed of horse on the Planet and it needs knowledgable help and support.
This planet is full of amazing and wonderful things. And all the time there are very good people out there who work hard to save, sustain and bring to our notice the wonders of this planet we call home.
Two special plants which have their own special way of surviving, but they both need our help and care in the wild. There are 911 species at least under threat in Malaysia and this number takes Malaysia into third place globally for endangered wildlife species.
This is my first, hard look at Malaysian wildlife, and I can see there is alot more to interest and fascinate.
Wolves are family orientated, shy and much maligned even today. But they are a really beautiful animal and do not deserve the bad reputation and fear we humans have given them.
Two rare and unusual butterflies , because both drop to the ground to pupate and one does that with help.
Italy is quite a small country, but it has a large number of natural species which are thriving and with good help there are others recovering too.
My hope and dream is to visit Madagascar and Mauritius as well in the not too distant future. I hope that there will still be some of the species I have learnt a little about still there for me to see for real.
With so many bird species to choose from, where does one start. Here is a just a few for the second of my hubs about the disappearing species of Mdagascar.
Madagascar with its unique species of Flora and Fauna seems to be in trouble. I hope the conservationists and all of us who can will be able to slow down the process and maybe in some cases reverse it.
I love the look of all Owls, and to see them flying low across the countryside, or swooping down to catch a meal is an amazing sight. Those who get to see them paddling for their dinner are so fortunate.
The Hirola is called a "living fossil". How terrible it would be if that title changed to Fossil.
The Iiwi is a much-loved bird in Hawaii, as is it plumage. Though the use of its feathers for cloaks and headdresses is not why the numbers are declining
The Amur leopard is undoubtaedly one of the rarest big cats on Earth and needs all the help and support it can get. Just look at those eyes!
Probably the oldest of all bred horses, The Caspian is a true beauty in both looks and nature.
A very pretty, and very rare British pony. A great all-rounder and family friend.
What is it that is appealing about Owls, for me their huge eyes, and the fact that they start so ugly and end up such a beautiful bird.
Unique, and unusual, The Chinese Pangolin is a very unusual animal and deserves care, protection and more of the right kind of attention.
In the last 3 days there has been 2 enormous earthquakes out in the Indian Ocean near Indonesia and here in Italy a number of small ones including one at around 8o'clock this morning.
In my opinion the tiger is one of the most beautiful of the Big Cats and this particular animal is again in need of our help to keep it thriving in the wild. I realise it is not one of the most endangered but this beautiful animal still needs our help.
Not natures most beautiful for sure, but a noble and willing beast that has been mans helper for at least 3500 years. I like them.
Unique, cute, a rare and unusual animal.
An Elephant is an Elephant, but there are distinctive differences and similarities.
I realise that there will always be natural selection within the species that inhabit our planet, however, too many are being rushed to extinction and its not nature forcing the speed.
Alot of attention is given to the Amazon which is highly justified, but Madagascar needs alot of help too and is as rich is biodiversity ,if somewhat smaller.
A learning journey for me into just how amazing the plants in the rainforests are and how we can benefit from them. We need them.
Yet another species which is being driven to extinction, this bear is almost gone.
I have been through the menopause and used herbal remedies, because I had heard about what I have now researched and written about. I hope this once again highlights the unnecessary use of these dignified and sensitive animals.
I saw a question asking about if there were animals with our horns, and found the answer. Yes there are, though very rare.
I was inspired to do this small hub as the result of a question that was asked. What is the difference between Shires and Clydesdale's? Yes there are differences, but similarities too, and both breeds need our help to survive.
Traditional food, or overly expensive gourmet eating, whichever you decide the Truffle is unique, difficult to produce but so worth eating. It has a flavour like nothing you have ever tasted and will continue to stand out as special in the world of food.
There must be many who feel as I do, we just want to go home!
The enviromental and ecological problems that we as humans are dealing with are mostly manmade. I know it is late in the day, but people really need to take note if they want to see future generations survive and thrive.
Visiting what was the centre of any ancient civilisation can be a memorable and wonderful experience. In Rome it is most certainly so, particularly on the first visit. And even better if you take yourself around and give yourself time to absorb as much as possible in one visit. You may need to...
Religion is always a difficult subject to deal with. one has to be so careful not to offend. However, having read all the comments posted on the debate raging at the moment I am hoping this gives a short, concise but balanced view of Faith.
We have had a number of Boxers over the years and all have been special in their own way, but Missy was mine and I was hers, what more can I say. You always miss that special friend.
Today on the news here in Italy I saw a short article about an Italian racehorse who is totally blind, but he wins. Sadly i could find little more out about him, however inspiring!
I was looking at the hub of photos of beautiful horses and realised i had known alot and have a fair knowledge of horses and ponies. And the thoroughbred is without doubt the most unique of breeds.
Trees are one of our most versatile resources and as with all other natural resources we have only in recent years really understood this. I am hoping you will read, and be encouraged to go and plant, even a little tree , somewhere.
Having recently spoken to friends over at home in Luxor I realised just how much I missed seeing the working animals, but even more just what hardships they must be suffering at the moment.
I am hoping that people will look at this hub and it will help them see beyond what is happening in Egypt at the moment, make them smile a little and encourage a visit or a return of happy memories.
Im not sure why I wrote this, but the thoughts were in my head after a long conversation with a dear friend,who is doing just that, starting a whole new life at nearly 60yrs of age.
The picture was posted on my facebook page. It seemed to deserve some kind of opinion and comment. Though I do believe in societies throughout the world that good men who love and appreciate the women in their lives are outnumbering those who do not value women as we should be.
We all know how frustrating, inconvenient and cold snow can be. However when there is snow it also gives an impression of clean, fresh life and of course it can mean time off school for the kids and fun for all.
This is a brief essay and only touches the surface of actually what happens when jealousy arises for no reason in one person against another. In this case it is do to with a family relationship and the feeling that the person suffering from the unjustified jealousy is losing control of their...
A change of lifestyle, a better way to live, more freedom , better food, all this has been said about being self sufficient. For me, its about working with Mother Nature, the seasons, the soil and the simple joy of being out in the fresh air and reaping the rewards of hard but enjoyable work. Of...
Two photos showing the unique sunset on the River is unique!! Words , trying to express in a small way how things are on a daily basis on the banks of the Nile at Luxor. The home I have grown to love. Egypt may be in troubled waters right now, but the Nile is consistent and flows calmly...