As if us females didn`t have enough to contend with, first puberty and for some childbirth. What is this hideous monster who`s sucking the life out of us and making us wear our knickers back to front, stumbling round the place crying for some other unknown reason, and finding our keys in the fridge?
Nowadays, you have to be an early bird to get to see your doctor. I`ve forgotten who mine is to be honest. 5 minute slots are not long enough for hypochondriacs by the way, sort it out..
The streets, the fields, the valleys, the meadows, the lakes, the cobbled stones, the four seasons, and the madness of what makes England "Dear old Blighty"
A sensitive and very honest portrayal of a young man with true heart! Will make you cry with touching moments of joy and sadness, in equal measure. Forrest will be taken to heart directly..
Two of my best friends gone from my life, leaving me with a host of treasured memories. My world was richer for having known them and a little colder for having lost them. Loving you always mum and Ka