4 tips for eliminating negative self-talk and create a better and more positive view of yourself.
Many times panic attacks are not panic attacks at all. It is really the result of an emotional reaction that triggers past traumatic memories. Find out the difference between panic attacks and PTSD triggers.
If Only thinking is a side effect of PTSD and stops your healing dead in its tracks? Learn to change your thinking patterns and become healthier.
A habit develops quietly without your knowledge. A habit can become uncomfortable, destructive or even toxic. 5 Tips to change your habits into positive ones.
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) has been a very misinterpreted, underestimated, misunderstood, and feared disorder. In this article, I will discuss using the unification method to heal via a programmed DID system.
18 self-talk statements let you know your mind is ruling you. The learn 6 tips on how to calm your negative self-talk and turn it positive.
It is the formation of core beliefs in your subconscious mind that powerfully influences your opinion of yourself and the development of your identity.
What is ruling your life is a collection of algorithms embedded in your subconscious mind. These algorithms are termed "mind code." Learn to hack your mind code and take back your control from negative algorithms.
Dissociative Identity Disorder or DID is a very misunderstood condition. DID is a normal reaction to repeated overwhelming life-threatening events as a result of abuse and traumatic experiences.
This 20 question thought addiction assessment can help you to determine if you are experiencing a thought addiction or not.
Thoughts are a gift. Yet thoughts can turn 180 degrees and show a dark side. 7 indications to help you figure out if your mind & emotions are under attack.
There is a true connection between trauma/abuse, and the formation of addictions in survivors. Learn more about how the connection forms.
Thought addiction is possible. It is the gateway to other addictive behavior. Become more mindful of thought addiction and tips to stop thought addiction.
Thought looping, as know as overthinking, ruminating or habitual thoughts can seriously affect how you live your life. 6 tips on how to unblock looping thoughts.
Core beliefs are very powerful self-messages which formed as you grow up. Core belief influences how you act, feel, think, and react. Here are three tips for re-scripting your negative core beliefs into positive ones.
DID systems are the result of a normal reaction to repetitive abuse and trauma. Change your mindset to positive on how you view Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Why do you do what you do and think the way you do? 4 tips on what might be your answer.
Everyone experiences fear right now. If you run from fear then you will never stop running and you won't be able to stand up for anything in your life including yourself.
What is blocking you from achieving your goals? Here are 5 questions to ask yourself to help you reach your goals and have a positive experience doing them.
Six tips on how to change self-destructive expectations while enhancing your personal power to live a healthier and fuller life.
Change your mental programming. 8 ways to change your thinking so it will no longer block your success. Increase your command over your thought patterns.