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Ernest Festus Awudey (Ernest Festus)

Joined 4 years ago from Ho, Ghana.

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    The Two Natures Of Jesus Christ I: His Divinity

    3 years ago

    The center of Christianity is Jesus Christ. He is the revealer of God in human form. It is therefore imperative to know and understand the divinity of Jesus Christ as fully God.

  • Classical Conditioning—Learning By Association

    Classical Conditioning—Learning By Association

    3 years ago

    There are various kinds of learning identified by psychologists. One of them is classical conditioning also known as learning by association, which was discovered by the Russian Psychologist, Ivan Pavlov in the 1860s. Classical conditioning is therefore also called Pavlovian conditioning.

  • Who Really Is Jesus of Nazareth

    Who Really Is Jesus of Nazareth

    3 years ago

    Jesus Christ is one of the religious leaders existing in the world today. Here are some outstanding facts about Jesus Christ which makes him different from all other religious leaders in history. He is the image of the invisible God, the true definition of light, and many more.

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    Jesus As The Son of God and The Son of Man Contradicting?

    3 years ago

    The christological titles of Jesus: Son of God and Son of Man are two of the self designation titles which are mainly found in the Gospels and some few passages in the rest of the New Testament. The titles should not be understood in the sense of the two natures of God—Jesus truly God and truly man

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    Accounting For Depreciation

    3 years ago

    In the preparation of financial statements, adjustments are made to ensure that actual profits are disclosed at the end of the period. Among these adjustments include prepayments, accruals, provisions for depreciation, bad and doubtful debts. Today, I would like to focus on the depreciation aspect.

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    3 Things You Can't Do Without

    2 years ago

    Three things we can't do without: shedding of blood, faith and Jesus Christ. Without these 3 things, our Christian journey is incomplete and/non-existent.

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    10 Powerful Old Testament Passages That Changed My Worldview

    3 years ago

    The Bible is written by holy men of God who were moved by the Holy Spirit. Today, I would like to share 10 powerful scriptures from the Old Testament which literally changed my worldview.

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    The Future Of Accounting

    3 years ago

    Literally everything is being affected by technology. The field of accounting is no exception. Accounting is undeniably changing in a fast-paced technological environment, largely due to the emergence of intelligence technology, including machine learning, and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

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    Accounting Concepts And Conventions

    3 years ago

    Accountants are governed by certain rules and customs in the preparation of financial statements, penned by various professional bodies in the field such as the IASB called Accounting Concepts And Conventions.

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    The Underlying Power of God's Word

    2 years ago

    The inspired word of God, the Bible, is a very powerful weapon available to God's people. The word leads to true success, points to salvation, a weapon to fight the enemy, and sanctifies us. The word of God carries so much power. Even the whole world was framed by the word of God.

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    The Forgotten Person Of The Godhead

    3 years ago

    When Paul met them, he asked the obvious question: Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed? Everyone of us need to ask this question. They replied, "No, we have never even heard that there's a Holy Spirit." The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead.

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    The Power of A Rightful Prayer

    3 years ago

    A powerful prevailing prayer is the one from the heart. One that flows deep down from the soul. Is your prayer intense like that of Hannah? Pray to God with all your heart, soul and mind and He will act.

  • What Really Is Prayer

    What Really Is Prayer

    3 years ago

    In the Christendom, there are some key aspects of our walk with God that are indispensable and cannot be considered as an option. Prayer is one them. Reading the word of God ( the Bible) is another. Thanksgiving, praise and worship is another. Prayer is basically communicating with God.

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    The Fruit Of The Holy Spirit

    2 years ago

    Understanding the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives as believers is very crucial. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, faithfulness, meekness and temperance. Against such there is no law.

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    Hymns Review: And Can It Be That I should Gain An Interest In The Saviour's Blood

    2 years ago

    "And Can It Be That I Should Gain" is a Methodist hymn penned by Charles Wesley. It expresses Charles Wesley's full assurance of salvation in Christ Jesus which occurred at the mechanic shop of a poor man called John Bray on May 21, 1738, which was a Pentecost Sunday.

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    The Tripartite Nature of Man—Body, Soul And Spirit

    2 years ago

    The fundamental truth is that man is made up of three parts—body, soul and spirit. This is because God created us in his own image and likeness—He is triune (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). It's therefore necessary to understand our composition as triune beings.

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    Six Fascinating Lessons From The Eagle

    2 years ago

    Nature is endowed with lots and lots of things that we can learn from. Most of these things Include animals, plants, and whole lot more. Today, I would like to highlight on five very important lessons about the creature called the eagle.

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    The Kind Of Repentance God Seeks

    2 years ago

    Repentance is a very delicate decision in our Christian journey because it is what transitions us from our worldly lifestyle into the life God calls us to live. However, most of us have not truely repented but we think we are. So then let's take a look at how genuine repentance looks like.

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    Hymns Review: O Thou Who Camest from Above

    2 years ago

    This hymn was written and published by Charles Wesley, one of the greatest hymnists in history (known to have written over 6500 hymns in his lifetime) in 1762 in Short Hymns on Selected Passages of the Holy Scriptures. He later edited it in 1780 for use by the People Called Methodists.

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    The Role of Faith In Stepping Into The Supernatural

    2 years ago

    When you believe that the world is only but a physical creation, then you are living under the greatest deception ever. Do you know that when God created the universe, He actually created two kinds of universe—visible and invisible? Well only faith brings us to this reality. Let's explore.

  • Is He What He Claims To Be

    Is He What He Claims To Be

    3 years ago

    Throughout history, chiefly after the fall of man, the world has been searching for truth. This quest is the gateway to the discovery of the various subjects of study in the world. Science, economics, religion, business, etc. were all founded as a result of the search for truth. What then is truth?

  • What True Love Is All About

    What True Love Is All About

    3 years ago

    Life is all about relations. Relationships are composed of many variables or let’s say, ingredients, and these may include friendship, sexual intimacy, family tides, business partners, and of course, love. But I would like to focus on this one thing called love, because it’s the greatest variable.

  • Health Risks of High Sugar Intake And It's Prevention

    Health Risks of High Sugar Intake And It's Prevention

    2 years ago

    Today, the average person consumes about 16 teaspoons of sugar per day. What is even more disturbing is that people are consuming excessive amount of sugar in the form of fructose or high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) which practically causes a lot health problems some of which are explained here


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