Every day we write different blogs on different topics. Here is a poem about the importance of blogs.
Nature has created many beautiful things for us. Everyone feels this beauty with five senses. This poem is about how we feel beauty with our five senses.
Many Students pass the tests and many fail. Those who pass the test do hard work in background. Those who fail they don't even think about the test. This is a fact.
Many People in our lives hate us. But we should have a good Faith in us. This Faith will help us to succeed. This poem is about the haters of our lives.
People suffer through various difficulties. Here is a poem about the sufferings of a girl.
The poor in the society are the targets of crual rich people.Poor cannot even enjoy their own rights. This poem is about the brutality of rich upon poor.
Aah! Poor in the brutal world do not get their rights. This poem is about the rights of poor and the abilities of poor.
People always seek ways to degrade others because they cannot beat them. These lines are about the haters around us.
Moon refreshes the thoughts of Poets. Here is a poem to reveal the wonderful beauty of the Moon. All the wonders of the Moon are filled in this poem.