No. Yet a 16W suit may fit a size 18 customer. As she examines the fit she may choose to do some minor alterations in order to feel comfortable in the clothes. I will say it early and I will say it again; sizes vary from designer to designer.
Lemon offers three types of phytochemicals that you would do well to learn about right now. 1. Organic acids such as citric acid, malic acid, and acetic acid. These acids help you to use up vitamin C, and kill germs in your body. 2. Flavonoids such as hesperidin and diosmin are found in the peel...
Men are from Mars and want to go back there Women are from Venus and want to take us there None will leave the other, none will take the bait Both won’t go together, no one wants to wait Women are from Venus and wish to talk...
I love to preach on the theme of the cross of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the axis of salvation, the climax of the cosmic conflict between good and evil. So Fanny Crosby’s ‘Near the Cross’ is a favourite of mine. Her writing career flowered at a school for the blind in New York where she received...