This retired teacher, now a Teacher Induction coach, was not expecting the realization she stumbled upon when she returned to a previous job site.
Many Baby Boomers have faced, or are facing, the loss of their parents. This is a particularly hard time because no one wants to watch their loved ones fail with the physical and mental ravages of old age. This article addresses five ways the author has learned how to navigate her mother's decline.
In this series, the author shares her life as a Baby Boomer, with special attention to the social and political trends of the mid-twentieth century until present day.
This is a continuing series of one Baby Boomer's life as she grew up through the social and political times of mid-twentieth century until the present.
This is a continuing series from a Baby Boomer who highlights her life via the social and political trends of mid-century America to the present.
With these short snippets from her life, Jeaninne Escallier Kato hopes to give the readers a taste of social and political America from the mid-twentieth century until the present.
Through these slice of life vignettes, the author presents the reader with a collective memory of mid-twentieth century social trends until the present.
Through these short snippets of the author's life, Jeaninne Escallier Kato hopes to portray sociological and political slices of the mid-20th century America until now.
Through these short snippets of her life, Jeaninne hopes to shed light on the social and political movements of American life from the mid-20th century until the present.
This author shares her personal snapshots, spanning from the mid-20th century until now. She believes one person's story can spark common ground for a generation.
This is a series of snapshots of what it was like for one Baby Boomer's development from the mid 20th century America until the present. Even in the smallest of daily details, we can relate as a collective society.
A continuation of daily vignettes reflecting the social and political times of the mid-20th century from one Baby Boomer's perspective.
Follow the author as she breaks down her life in small vignettes. These vignettes reflect the social and political times of the mid 20th century until the present.
Every immigrant, legal or otherwise, is motivated to create a better life.
Caring for elderly parents can be frustrating and emotional, but looking for the deeper meaning can transform into the most sacred and profound time between a middle-aged child and his or her frail parents.
The author shares five simple techniques that have helped her transition from being a hobby writer to a published writer. She uses all five for every article, story or essay she writes.
As a result of learning Spanish later in life, this author extolls the benefits gained in order to keep her youthful and active in the world.
New teachers are not only responsible for the expertise in their chosen field of study, they are also hit with a myriad of unexpected hurdles not addressed in teaching universities and programs across the country. This experienced teacher addresses a few of them in this five-point article.
One common denominator for all children to learn confidently is the acquisition of intrinsic learning; that is, teaching our students to become independently successful learners.
The author uses these tried and true tips for retaining her youthful exuberance, which will sustain her for life.
Are two dogs better than one? Learn about the benefits of raising two dogs together and the kind of magic that can happen when they bond.