I have a question to ask that I often ask myself. What good is your faith ------------------------------------------------ to others? Right now, because of COVID-19, we’re asked to follow social distancing guidelines. We spend more time in our homes where our good and bad traits are amplified.
The primary criticism against Christianity is that it is controlling and overrides the objective reasoning of its members. I will admit that I have strong opinions about the inerrancy of scripture and its historical accuracy. But I bristle at the suggestion that I'm not thinking for myself.
The debate about abortion revolves around two issues. First is whether the fetus is part of the mother's body and second is whether liberals or conservatives are more compassionate.
The 4th of July gives us a date. But Christianity gives us the faith that our nation was built upon.
We can be persistent in prayer for our own needs and the needs of our family. But are we able to be persistent in prayer for those hard cases in our family that frustrate us on a regular basis?
Our failure to pass on our Godly heritage is the reason for the moral void that Satan has filled in. It’s not the forces that attack us but that we have left the field of spiritual battle.
Just a simple question. How does one witness to the Gospel without using the Bible or references to the Bible?
Are men following God in their role as husband, father, and provider? Are they engaged with the very people they say they love?
This is a very joyous yet convicting Psalm. We focus on the benefits of salvation without giving attention to our new purpose of being a light to lost souls.
I noticed I was involved in a one way conversation with God. I seldom remembered to thank Him...When I did give thanks they were limited to the benefits that I received when God followed my plan.
There’s no one who went to greater lengths to show their love for us than Jesus did. Such a love does not demand but longs for a response. This newness of life comes from emulating our Savior.
The goal of "A Call to Arms (CtA)" is to equip men in their role as spiritual leaders and protectors in their homes, church, and community. Men need to equip themselves for spiritual warfare.