I watched the new Star Trek: Discovery. Saddly, I was not impressed.
Movie Review of Quentin Tarantino's The Hateful Eight, 70mm Roadshow version.
How a movie got me over a bad day.
Defending Watchmen, Man Of Steel, and 300 director Zack Snyder from fandom
A tribute to the man we knew as Egon - Harold Ramis
What to make of Oblivion, the new cinematic event from Joseph Kosinski, the director of TRON: Legacy and the producers of Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes, starring Tom Cruise? Well, funny enough, you get exactly what you’d expect mixing those...
Steven Spielberg had a huge 1993, between the awesome spectacle and box office bonanza that was Jurassic Park, and the destined for Oscar gold, emotionally powerful Schindler’s List. One of these films would make a great candidate for 3D...
“Yo Joe!” That signature battle cry was a familiar one at my house, as my brother and I spent literally thousands of hours absorbed in G.I.JOE. Reading the comics, watching the cartoon, and playing with the action figures. So when Stephen...
James Franco heads an ensemble cast in the first volley fired in Hollywood’s battle over 2013 box office: Oz, The Great And Powerful. I’ll admit to some early trepidation, as its brought to us by the same producers and studio as the most recent...
Review of A Good Day To Die Hard
Quentin Tarantino is back, and back in a big way with the Academy Award nominated DJANGO UNCHAINED. Set in the South just two years before the Civil War, the tale revolves around bounty hunter Dr. King (Christoph Waltz), who needs help from a slave...
So, the 2013 Oscar Nominations were announced last week. Geeks collectively held their breath... and once again came away disappointed. Once again, the academy has decided NOT to reward the geek genre with anything other than technical awards. I'm...
Never judge a book by it's cover. That's the lesson we're taught early and often as children and it never fails to be an important one. So when I was at my local library and saw a girl in a packing box full of styrofoam peanuts smiling suggestively...
This year marks several anniversaries, not the least of which is the 25th anniversary of the Fox broadcasting network. Geeks among us know that Fox is both savior and devil when it comes to science fiction and niche television, having given us good...
So i just finished reading a graphic novel tie in for Heroes (what can I say, I'm behind) and I couldn't help but think... Why are superheroes popular? I mean, yes, they do all that cool stuff we can't, like fly and walk through walls and...
"Bond, James Bond." Mel and I have been on mission, on her majesties secret service. 2012 marks the 50th anniversary of the release of DR. NO to theaters, and today sees the US release of SKYFALL, the newest Bond film in the franchise. ...
One of the biggest pieces of news to hit the pipeline in... well, almost EVER has been this week's acquisition of LucasFilm by Disney. George Lucas, notorious for wanting to keep STAR WARS fresh and yet retain control over the property sold it...
For many, memories of Halloween involve elaborate costumes, trick-or-treating, a party with family or a scary movie with friends. For me, those memories involve leaving the trick-or-treating, the party, or forgoing the movie. They mean locking...
One of the most frustrating things about science fiction (and one of my favorites), are the bold claims made in the genre that are ultimately proven false. This isn't to say these claims shouldn't be made. After all, one of the great things about...
Stephen King's magnum opus The Dark Tower is a difficult set of books to pin down and describe: A sprawling western, a science fiction laced fantasy, an epic tale on par with The Lord Of The Rings... all of these descriptions fit. The story centers...
Fewer film franchies are as big, bold and beloved as STAR WARS. George Lucas tapped into something very primal with his story of heroes and villains set "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away", something that sparked a flaming torch that fandom...
Did you ever notice that fantasy novels tend to include maps of their fictional locations? It's become quite the trope now that when you crack the cover to the latest adventure novel you are bound to find some sort of line drawn map within it's...
This week, something extraordinary happened. I'm not referring to a successful preseason game for a football team, or the reuniting of a loving couple, or even a political rally, thou those things too undoubtedly happened. I'm talking about the...
Hollywood is dead, the prophets of doom and gloom will tell you. And they may be right. For every fantastic, Oscar winning original idea, there are an equal number of empty headed, big budget blockbusters that just bust. We've been buried in an...
In Stephen King's magnum opus The Dark Tower, the heroes embark on a journey to save Mid-World (and in deed, all worlds) from the insane Crimson King, who seeks to topple the Dark Tower which sits at the nexus point of all creation. The tight-knit...