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Lois Ryan (LoisRyan1965)

Joined 7 years ago from Binghamton NY

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    How to Get Certified in Herbalism

    5 years ago

    Herbalism is a traditional medicinal practice where plants and their oils and extracts are used for medical purposes. Herbalism goes by different names such as herbology, medical herbalism, phytotherapy, and botanical science to name a few.

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    Home Remedies for Acne That Work

    24 months ago

    Acne, more commonly known as pimples or “zits”, is a skin condition common among teenagers. While teenagers are often the victims of acne due to hormone changes, many adults can suffer from this as well. The good news is that the same remedies can work for all age groups who suffer from acne.

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    Home Remedies for Chest Congestion

    2 years ago

    Cold and flu season is a terrible time of year. It comes with a wide variety of symptoms including fevers, chills, headaches, stuffiness, sneezing and coughing. As your body recovers, one of the lingering symptoms that likes to stick around is chest congestion. Try these home remedies.

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    The Health Benefits of Tapioca

    2 years ago

    Tapioca is a popular food item throughout the world. While being necessary for people living in impoverished countries, you may want to include it in your pantry because of its health benefits.

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    Home Remedies for Low-Density Lipoprotein: The Bad Cholesterol

    4 years ago

    Not all cholesterol is bad. As a matter of fact, we need this fatty substance in our bodies for us to live a healthy life. It is the bad cholesterol we need to be wary of. This can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease. Read on to learn how to lower your bad cholesterol levels.

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    The Health Benefits of Molasses

    2 years ago

    Is molasses good for you? Many people do not like the taste of molasses because it is too sweet. However, once you learn about the health benefits of molasses, you may want to consider and take one to two teaspoons of this thick and sticky sweetener.

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    Home Remedies for First Degree Burns

    2 years ago

    Since burns come in all types of degrees, you need to know what type of burn you have and the proper way to care for it. You can help first degree burns with items from your cupboard.

  • The Health Benefits of Blackberries

    The Health Benefits of Blackberries

    5 years ago

    Whether you like eating blackberries by the handful or when they are baked in a pie or cake, do not think of them as only a delicious treat. There are many health benefits of these berries.

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    Home Remedies for Psoriasis

    5 years ago

    Psoriasis is a chronic condition that causes red and scaly patches to appear on your skin. With this condition, new skin cells are formed on top of older cells at a faster rate than your body can get rid of the dead cells. There are several home remedies that you can try to prevent flare-ups.

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    Home Remedies for Sore Muscles and Muscle Cramps

    4 years ago

    Your muscles may become sore for a wide variety of reasons. Whatever the reasons for your sore muscles, you do not want to feel uncomfortable. While sore muscles take a few days to heal on their own, you may want to find ways to speed up the healing.

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    Effective Home Remedies for Earaches

    4 years ago

    Most earaches either occur in the outer, middle, or inner ear or when the Eustachian tube is blocked. There are many different causes for earaches and infections. Fortunately, there are also many natural remedies to help relieve you of the pain.

  • The Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

    The Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

    5 years ago

    Who does not love the taste of chocolate? If you eat it in moderation, chocolate is not bad for you, especially if it is dark chocolate. However, not all dark chocolate is the same. To get the most health benefits out of dark chocolate, make sure it is 70% cocoa.

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    The Health Benefits of Bulgur Wheat

    2 years ago

    Bulgur wheat, a staple food in the Middle East, is a natural product of Durum wheat grains. There are many health-related reasons why one should stock this healthy staple.

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    Home Remedies for Bladder Infections

    5 years ago

    Bladder infections, or urinary tract infections, are a very common ailment in both men and women. Never a good thing to have, they are caused by bacteria that enters the urethra-the tube that lets the urine leave your body-and stays and grows in your bladder. Try these home remedies.

  • Effective Home Remedies for constipation

    Effective Home Remedies for constipation

    5 years ago

    Constipation is a condition where it is difficult to have a bowel movement or none at all. Even if you don’t have problems having a bowel movement, if you go three times a week or less, you constipated. You need to pass stools more often to give your body overall health. Follow these remedies.

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    Beauty Uses With Honey

    5 years ago

    There are many health benefits of honey. It is loaded with numerous vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and many health properties. Not only is honey healthy for you, it can make you look and feel beautiful.

  • Home Remedies For Chapped Skin and Lips

    Home Remedies For Chapped Skin and Lips

    5 years ago

    Chapped skin is a common problem people experience when exposed to cold weather and winds. Any area that is exposed can be affected. This includes the hands and lips. If you suffer from any of these, there are home remedies that you can try.

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    Home Remedies For Bee and Wasp Stings

    5 years ago

    At some time in your life, you will most likely get stung by a bee or a wasp. For most people, the area where the insect stings you gets inflamed. While it hurts, the pain will go away after a few days. There are several home remedies that will help speed up the healing process.

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    Natural Ways to Fight Morning Sickness

    4 years ago

    The first trimester of your pregnancy is usually the worst because of morning sickness. You basically are hit with a strong feeling of nausea and the sudden need to vomit. If you are an expecting mother, try these natural remedies.

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    The Healing Properties of Artic Root

    5 years ago

    Artctic root contains many healing properties. Read on to find about them.

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    The Healing Properties of Burdock

    5 years ago

    Who can deny that burdock is an annoying plant? Believe it or not, these plants do serve a purpose in our lives. They contain many healing properties. As a matter of fact, they have been used for hundreds of years to treat one health ailment or another.

  • The Health Benefits of Fennel

    The Health Benefits of Fennel

    5 years ago

    Fennel is an excellent culinary herb that adds a pleasing flavor to many recipes. However, did you know that this herb can be used to treat many health ailments? This stalks, leaves and seeds are rich in vitamins and minerals.

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    Home Remedies and Techniques for Jet Lag

    2 years ago

    Jet lag is a condition that affects people who fly through different time zones. Whether you are flying for business or fun, it can make your flying experience and stay less enjoyable if you allow it to take over your life. Learn ways to avoid getting jet lag.

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    The Healing Properties of Black Haw

    5 years ago

    Thousands of years before modern medicine came into existence, people used plants and herbs to treat a large variety of illnesses, ailments and diseases. One such plant is black haw.

  • The Health Benefits of Licorice

    The Health Benefits of Licorice

    5 years ago

    Did you know that licorice is more than a candy that is pleasing to our taste buds? This candy actually comes from the licorice plant, where its roots and stems are packed with many health benefits and healing properties. It has been used for many years among both the Chinese and Native Americans

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    Common Cooking Herbs Which Can Be Used as Medicine

    5 years ago

    If you look in your spice rack or kitchen cabinet, you can find some powerful medications. Many herbs and spices including garlic, parsley, thyme and others have many health benefits and healing properties. You can easily grow most of them them in your garden

  • The Health Benefits of Organic Coconut Oil

    The Health Benefits of Organic Coconut Oil

    5 years ago

    The ancient people did not need books or the latest technology. They just knew. They knew what plants and oils they could use to cure, treat and prevent a variety of ailments. It should be no surprise that organic coconut oil will make a delicious and healthy addition to the kitchen.

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    The Health Benefits of Turmeric

    2 years ago

    Do you use turmeric often? Turmeric is an excellent addition to any meal, adding zest to the flavor. However, satisfying your taste buds is not the only benefit of this spice. It was been used for thousands of years to treat many health ailments.

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    The Health Benefits of Horseradish

    5 years ago

    While horseradish is native to European and Asian countries, it is a popular condiment and food source worldwide. The use of this condiment dates back to the ancient Greeks where it was used as a medicinal herb to treat many health conditions and ailments because of its many health benefits.

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    The Health Benefits of Beetroot and Beetroot Juice

    2 years ago

    Beetroot or beets have a long history. Dating back to ancient Greek, Roman and Arabian times, beets had been used for many reasons. It was considered to be a luxury vegetable, something delicious to eat. The ancient people respected it not only as a delicious vegetable but also for its many health

  • The Health Benefits of Sage

    The Health Benefits of Sage

    5 years ago

    Native to the Mediterranean parts of the world, sage is a popular spice in many dishes, used as a rub in many meat dishes or as an alternative to salt as a flavoring. This herb has been used since ancient time not only as a culinary herb but because of its many health benefits.

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    The Health Benefits of Morel, Reishi, and Portobello Mushrooms

    18 months ago

    Many people think of mushrooms as vegetables. However, they actually belong to the fungi family. While they do not contain healthy organisms such as chlorophyll or vascular tissue that are found in plants, this fungus is packed full of nutrients. You might consider including them in your diet.

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    The Healing Properties of Feverfew

    2 years ago

    As the name suggests, feverfew has been used for centuries as a medicinal herb to reduce fevers. However, there are many additional healing properties that this plant contains.

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    The Healing Properties of Black Cohosh and Blue Cohosh

    5 years ago

    Both black cohosh and blue cohose are herbs that are favored with the Native Americans. They have many health benefits and healing properties, which one of the most popular use was treating the symptoms of PMS and menopause.

  • The Healing Properties of Lavender

    The Healing Properties of Lavender

    5 years ago

    Lavender has many healing properties. It has been used for thousands of years to treat many health ailments. It not only is safer and less expensive than prescription and over-the-counter medications, you save money with fewer trips to the doctor.

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    The Healing Properties of Poppy

    5 years ago

    There are many healing properties of poppies. This plant has been used for thousands of years, dating back to the ancient Egyptians, to treat a number of ailments. It should be no surprise that marigold can replace many traditional medications in the medicine cabinet.

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    The Healing Properties of Rosemary

    5 years ago

    Rosemary is found in many gardens and used as a popular herb in cooking. It will be a welcome addition to any medicine cabinet. It not only is safer and less expensive than prescription and over-the-counter medications, you also save money with fewer trips to the doctor.

  • The Health Benefits of Hops

    The Health Benefits of Hops

    5 years ago

    How can there be health benefits to drinking beer when there are so many health risks when people over-consume alcoholic beverages? Believe it or not hops have many health benefits and you do not even have to drink beer to take advantage of these.

  • The Health Benefits of Flaxseeds

    The Health Benefits of Flaxseeds

    5 years ago

    Flax seeds are popular throughout the world as, not only a delicious cooking ingredient, but as a household necessity for many health ailments and conditions. When you find about the health benefits of these, you will want to keep them as an addition to your kitchen cabinet.

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    Home Remedies for Sinus, Migraine and Cluster Headaches

    5 years ago

    Headaches are not all the same. While some home remedies can be used on sinus, migraine and cluster headaches, some of these headaches need a specific treatment.

  • How to Get Rid of Tension Headaches With Home Remedies

    How to Get Rid of Tension Headaches With Home Remedies

    5 years ago

    Sometimes headache pain is mild enough when you take an over-the-counter medication, the pain goes away. However, sometimes medications do not work if the pain is severe enough such as in migraine headaches. There are many natural things you can do to make that headache pain go away.

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    The Health Benefits of Bay Leaves

    2 years ago

    Bay leaves are aromatic leaves that are often used in cooking. While these leaves give a distinct fragrance and flavor to many meals, bay leaf has been in use since ancient times to treat many health ailments and conditions.

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    The Health Benefits of Cardamom

    2 years ago

    Commonly used in Indian cuisine, cardamom has reached out to other countries throughout the world as a pleasing, fragrant spice used in many meals. Not only should you keep this spice in your cabinet as an ingredient for your next meal, you should also keep it because of its many health benefits.

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    Home Remedies to Control Your High Blood Pressure

    5 years ago

    High blood pressure is commonly known as the silent killer, because there are usually no symptoms at first and you may not realize that you have it. Discover ways to control your high blood pressure. Even if you don't have it, following the advice may prevent you from getting it.

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    The Healing Properties of Valerian Root

    5 years ago

    The use of Valerian Root dates back to ancient times. This herb contains calming and relaxing properties which was effective against stress and anxiety. If you have a hard time falling asleep, keep some of this on hand.

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    Effective Home Remedies for Insomnia

    5 years ago

    While getting eight hours of sleep a day is ideal, some of us do not always get that amount. Discover reasons why you suffer from insomnia. Then try these remedies to help you get a restful sleep.

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    The Health Benefits of Cloves

    5 years ago

    Cloves are a very popular spice throughout all the regions of the world. Not only should you use cloves to make a delicious spicy curry for its taste, you should include it in your daily diet because of its many health benefits.

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    The Health Benefits of Caraway

    2 years ago

    While your taste buds may like the taste of caraway and your nose love the aroma, your body will love it as well. There are many health benefits to caraway. Not only are the seeds edible, you can also eat the leaves and root as well.

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    The Health Benefits of Basil

    5 years ago

    In ancient Greece, basil was referred to as the "Royal Herb," and basil did earn this name because of its many health benefits. The next time you smell its pleasant aroma as you are cooking, remember the many properties that are beneficial to your health.

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    The Health Benefits of Coriander Seeds

    2 years ago

    While they give a distinct flavor to many meals, coriander seeds have been used since ancient times to relieve many health problems and ailments. The next time you are feeling under the weather, consider using coriander seeds.

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    The Health Benefits of Cinnamon

    5 years ago

    Cinnamon in not only a spice to to keep in your kitchen to make cookies, cakes and pies with. It has many health benefits. Before you run to the drug store, what you need for your ailment may already be in the kitchen. No wonder many people refer to cinnamon as the “miraculous spice.”

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    The Health Benefits of Cayenne Peppers

    2 years ago

    Cayenne pepper has been used since the ancient times, not only as a spicy seasoning to food, but as a medicinal spice. Even though this spice may be too hot for your taste buds, you may change your mind after learning about the health benefits.

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    The Health Benefits of Ginger and Ginger Root

    2 years ago

    While ginger is very popular in cooking and baking, it is also well-known for its health benefits and healing properties. In addition to treating problems with the digestive system, ginger also helps in treating the symptoms of many other ailments.

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    Healthy Cooking Oils to Have on Hand

    5 years ago

    There are many types of oil that you can use in your cooking. Since some oils are healthier than others, you might want to check out these five excellent choices.

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    The Health Benefits of Black Pepper

    2 years ago

    Black pepper is one of the most used spices in almost all of the countries of the world. In use since the ancient times, this spice not only is a flavor enhancer for many meat dishes, soups and salads, there are many health benefits to using black pepper.

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    Home Remedies to Control Your Diabetes

    2 years ago

    At epidemic proportions, over 20 million people are diagnosed with pre-diabetes and Type I and Type II diabetes. Eating healthy, exercising, and following some home remedies, you can control this disease.

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    The Healing Properties of Bistort

    2 years ago

    Are you using bistort in your kitchen? If not, you should be. Native to many countries, bistort is an excellent food source. It also has many healing properties. Read on for everything you need to know about this amazing herb.

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    The Health Benefits of Black Cumin Seeds

    2 years ago

    While used as a spice for many dishes, black cumin seeds are effective at treating a wide variety of illnesses and diseases. You can find them at most health food stores.

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    Home Remedies for Back Pain

    2 years ago

    Back pain is one of the most common health problems. There are many natural remedies you can try.

  • Herbal Tea for Herbal Healing

    Herbal Tea for Herbal Healing

    7 years ago

    Why would you want to brew your own teas at home when you can purchase a countless variety of tea that is already bagged? The reason is they are healthier than the teas you buy at the store.

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    Healthy Spices to Keep in Your Kitchen Cabinet

    4 years ago

    What kitchen does not have a supply of spices? Made from different parts of plants such as roots, stems, seeds and bark, spices bring many health benefits that your body needs.

  • Natural Ways to Aid Sleeping

    Natural Ways to Aid Sleeping

    6 years ago

    If you have trouble falling asleep at night, try these natural way to aid sleeping. They are safer than taking sleeping pills.

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    The Health Benefits of Peanuts

    2 years ago

    Many people are allergic to peanuts, but if you're lucky enough to be able to eat them, did you know that they have amazing health benefits? Learn about the variety of health benefits peanuts have to offer.

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    Home Remedies For Arthritis Pain

    7 years ago

    Arthritis can be a painful condition to many people. There are many things you can do to help relieve that pain.

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    Collecting Herbs for Medicinal Use

    2 years ago

    Do you like healing with herbs? It is very important to know which parts of a plant can be used for medicinal healing. It is also important to know how to properly dry and store them. Read on for everything you need to know.

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    The Health Benefits of Honey

    5 years ago

    Honey has many health benefits. Whether it is a sore throat your are treating or maintaining your overall health, you should keep this in your kitchen cabinet.

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    Brew Your Own Herbal Teas

    5 years ago

    Most teas come from the Camilla Sinensis plant. However, did you know that you can brew your own tea from herbs that you grow in your garden?

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    Home Remedies for Anxiety

    5 years ago

    Anxiety is a normal part of everyday life, however, it can control your life if you allow it to get out of hand. Follow these techniques to combat it.

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    Food That Protects You From the Flu, the Sun, and Kidney Problems

    2 years ago

    Various foods have potentially strong health benefits. Discover foods that offer protection from the flu, help to prevent UV radiation, and reduce kidney problems.

  • Common Remedies with Herbs and Spices

    Common Remedies with Herbs and Spices

    5 years ago

    Many herbs and spices can help relieve the symptoms of your health ailments and conditions. All it takes is a little knowledge of which ones work on which ailments.

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    Natural Ways to Preserve Your Eyesight

    2 years ago

    How's your eyesight? You are only born with one set of eyes. Therefore, you should make it a lifelong goal to preserve your eyesight. Rather than wait for them to fail and dealing with the consequences, let's learn how to stop them from failing in the first place.

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    Home Remedies for Acid Reflux

    7 years ago

    GERD is basically known as acid reflux, heartburn, or indigestion. There are many remedies that you can try at home to treat this condition.

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    Foods That Help You Lose Weight

    7 years ago

    Losing weight is not always about counting calories. What matters most is the type of food you are eating.

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    How to Use Medicinal Herbs

    2 years ago

    Herbal medicine has a longer history than modern medicine. With so many herbs, you can save money by treating health ailments naturally.

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    Herbs and Spices That Are Useful for Your Body

    2 years ago

    You do not have to run to the drug store every time you are feeling under the weather. All you need to do is go into your kitchen to treat pain, stomach problems, skin conditions, and insect bites.


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