Cutting ties between the old and new is never easy. Especially when the old way is part and parcel of who we are and where we have been. The new represents only change and uncertainty.
Although the Second Vatican Council in the 60s removed the requirement that Catholics abstain from eating meat on all Fridays, doing so serves as a reminder that it was on a Friday that Jesus made the supreme sacrifice for us.
In the awesome world we live, there are miracles all around us. From the migration of the Monarch to transplanting a human heart to unexplained cures for the incurable.
This annual celebration reminds us that happiness, peace, and love are gifts available to everyone. They only need to be opened.
Everyone's afraid of something. Check your fears at the door and enjoy this trip down phobia lane. You might just find that you really weren't afraid at all, or maybe you were, or maybe, you will be.
Of all that we do in life, service to others just might be the most lasting.
Illegal immigration can be eliminated. Freedom, security and opportunity can be available for all who desire it. The problem is, it's going to take some work, by all involved, the immigrants, employers and most of all, our political leaders.
Fishing has as much to do with the fish as baseball is about the ball. Rather, it is all about scenery and serenity, challenge and comradery, the rhythm of water and sun and wind. It is about the natural human.
The World Series is destined to return to beer town. The Milwaukee Brewers have done the things that other teams have only tried. The difference is, the Brewers are getting it done. It's only a matter of time.
A group of people sat around the kitchen table asking where to find a drug dealer. They were not long-haired dropouts, or college kids looking for a party. They were middle-aged, educated and affluent. They were desperate to find something to ease the pain of a loved one suffering from cancer.
The torment continues. Not so much under the floorboards but throughout the house and life. Anytime, anyplace.