The united states holds the largest market for human trafficking victims. Learn how to fight human trafficking and prevent the next victim. The next victim may be someone you know.
Cervical cancer diagnosis is often related to factors associated with a woman’s race or ethnicity, socioeconomic status, education, and geographic location. These influencers can largely determine diagnosis, treatment, and or survival rates.
The United States healthcare system is facing a rapid rise in expenditure. Furthering costs are increasing insurance premiums and deductibles. Consumer spending on high deductible health plans have increased by $2 million from the previous year alone.
There is an increase in the separation/divorce rates over the pastcouple years. While financial difficulties, stress at the workplace, and medical ailments are factors that affect relationships, this article however, focuses on a major cause of breakups-infidelity. The article particularly...
A tutorial on how to achieve glamorous makeup with red lipstick.
While healthy eating and exercise are key factors to losing weight, it does not guarantee easy weight loss. Certain medical conditions make it difficult for some individuals to lose weight even after adopting a healthy lifestyle.