Auditory Processing Disorder & Asperger's Syndrome - the dynamic duo of the uncoordinated and awkward. There may be a good reason for that chronic case of "in one ear out the other"
Whether you call them subs, hoagies, grinder, hero, or torpedo - nothing tastes better than homemade bread. Here's a tasty recipe that will please any bread aficionado! Makes a great kaiser roll too!
There is a rich history of many religions using aids for prayer and meditation. The Anglican Rosary is the new kid on the block and critical to seeking God in the stillness of contemplation.
The perception of beauty & pursuit of perfection in self-image & outward appearances leads to dangerous and often deadly consequences. We discuss the mind screw that is Anorexia & Bulimia.
Here is a New York City - style pizza crust recipe that is sure to please!
Our ego & psychological development has an intrinsic need to be recognized. Despite social & personal obligations we all hope to build a legacy to answer the question: Do I matter?
Delicious & Soft, this chocolate chip cookie recipe is simply AMAZING.
Effective communication is a learned skill. But when the verbal bullying starts at home and one's self-esteem is bruised, we accept being talked at instead of talked to. Stop the cycle now!
Have you reached your true potential? Do you interpret wants for needs? With insight on Maslow & his humanistic theory perhaps you can begin to prioritize your life and reach the highest echelon.
Ferrets are high-octane, poo everywhere and steal your stuff furbabies. If you decide you still want ferrets after reading this then consider yourself well-informed and ready for parenthood.
This is a perfect pie crust; great for fruit pie or pot pie. It's easy to work with and very delicious.
Get insight into your friends' true personality - watch how they eat fries.
Delicious, quick and easy snack! A gluten-free NO BAKE chocolatey dessert
Mothers and eldest daughters often have complicated relationships where the mother can love her child but at the same time be jealous and resentful of her as well.
Having Asperger's and navigating a social event does not have to be awkward. Here are tips to survive a party from someone who knows exactly what it's like.
It is not easy living with someone on the autism scale. Tempers flare, patience are frayed, things spiral out of control. Here is one way to regain control.
Employers - listen up! It's not easy for a person with autism to apply for a job. Read on for really good reasons to hire a person with Asperger's. It could be a match made in heaven.
Assimilation, coping mechanisms, understanding the outside world... It is not easy when one feels like an alien. We're talking about being on the Autism Spectrum and living with Asperger's.