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You can help prevent diabetes by eating well, exercising and getting your blood sugar tested.
Did you know you could end up loving wearing masks? You could even miss wearing them after the corona season is over. Just find out here why you should wear masks.
Commanding Your Morning by Cindy Trimm. Unleash the power of God in your life. Do you want the power of God to be made manifest in your life? Did you know you can do that by speaking forth God's word?
Could you not tarry one hour? by Larry Lea. Is it "the Lord's prayer" or "the prayer"? Is it a prayer to cram or a prayer outline to guide you on how to pray?
The walk of the Spirit the walk of power by Dave Roberson. The vital role of praying in tongues. Are you really using this gift or you buried it in the ground?
Do you need deliverance? Did you know you can participate in self deliverance as you wait on the Lord?
Revelations for the midnight hour by Dr. Maurice Sklar. Is your lamp filled with the oil of the Holy Spirit? Don't you want to be part of the five wise virgins?
The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. Are you driven by fear or worry? Won't you want to be driven by God's purpose for your life?
Instead of trying to keep others from using social media completely, why not learn how to effectively use it while staying safe.
Writing Christian songs has never been this easy.
This article is about tips on how to prevent having the coronavirus disease and tips on how to recover quickly if you have it.