After moving to Tennessee and starting over, I decided to start documenting my exploits developing a piece of vacant land into a homestead. The first step: getting electricity.
Reduce your risk of cancer by eating these top cancer fighting foods. Many foods have natural cancer fighting properties. Here is a list of the best foods to eat to naturally fight cancer.
Bottled water. It's the cleanest and most pure water you can get right? That's what a lot of people think, but you should find out the real truth. How many plastic bottles are made to bottle all this water anyway? Where do they all go? I bet you'd be surprised to find out the facts.
Here are a few of the most useful, unique, weird, fun or downright fascinating websites I have found. You will want to bookmark many of them to use frequently as I do. I bet there are some on this list that you have never heard of.
Many people think that antibacterial soap and hand sanitizer is the way to prevent germs and disease. But now there is evidence that it does more harm than good. Find out why and decide if you really want to keep using it or not.
Looking for a way to express yourself through writing? Well, now you can and get paid for it too by writing online. Learn how you can make money online several ways by writing articles, blogs, etc. on the internet.