Walt Dianey, in the realization of a dream, released The Song of The South, a movie destined to become a classic. The film was based on the children’s stories of Joel Chandler Harris’s eighteen eighty publication, Uncle Remus: His Songs and His Sayings
Jonah had practiced many hours at home but now it was the moment of truth, all his efforts were to be tested…
The animal stood before the Lord quivering in fear. Then God looked down upon it, and softly whispered, "Please come here". With trembling legs, he obeyed the Lord, and fell down at God’s feet. The dog hung its head in shame, and said to him“...
How will the first executive order effect the US Taxpayers and what will come in the aftermath
“Keith, I understand your dilemma and I incredibly happy to see it when a father is so dedicated to a child out of wedlock. However, she is right, she must give the child a name and accept is as hers before we can even give it a birth certificate, that’s the law.”
Now more than ever individuals need to educate themselves and research the facts that are being skewed on the internet and the media and seek out the truth. Only then can we stake a stand to protect our freedoms and America as a Nation.
The songs and characters will live forever in our hearts as a part of American history. We must preserve this movie and what it offers to us all. If we remove the past from our history, we cannot learn from our mistakes
Bayler's mind wandered onto what Tom McKinney wanted to talk about. It was also strange to him that Tom was so formal on the Radio. He figured it must be important, moreover he decided Tom must be worried someone was monitoring the conversations and didn’t want anything left to chance.
Restoring of an antique Merry Tiller/ Yazoo rototiller form start to finish
President Trump asked congress for 5 billion to complete the wall, Perhaps we need to Perhaps we need to re-evaluate congress, and ask how much we would save if we abolished their separate healthcare plan, and life long pay plan after serving even 1 term in congress.
lessons offered by Leprechans
One of the finest ultra-light Spin fisher reels came from Penn with the inception of the 420 and 430SS reels. These reels even today are bringing a premium on auction sights and vintage fishing retail facilities/ Even with their counterparts the SSG...
Penn Spinfisher rebuilding and refurbishment
She gazed at him and he at her, Unspoken love; no need of words The passion that they felt within He for her and she for him This love was one built over time The gentle touch, rich and sublime Thier love was one shared with no end He for her...
If you’re faint of heart, Draw not close enough to hear For my story might even bring A calloused soul to tears My departed soul returns To entreat of you this day That justice might prevail For evil that came my way On a cool...
McFilbert J Magoulahey was a leprechaun you see He spent his time writing rhymes beneath a knotted tree On his head he wore a hat, that fit him perfectly his suit was green as clover leaves and covered chin to knee T’was his job to...
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, a story created by Ian Flemming for his son, became a classic movie that will be loved for generations to come. Where is this uncatagorical automobile now? In july of 1966 MGM Studios began screen tests for a new family...
Rachel continued her day as always. Inwardly her anticipation for the approaching wedding was growing; four months and three weeks had passed, and Brock should be coming home any time now. She tried hard to loose herself in her work, but...
On the High Seas The morning air was still. No breeze could be felt anywhere on the Horizon. Its front two masts now looked like pylons protruding up from below the decks. Their jagged tops ominous looking, splintered and damaged from the storm,...
Chapter 1 The Storm The cool ocean breeze felt nice as it caught her auburn hair. Rachel looked longingly at the moon rising up from the ocean off in the distance. She wondered about Brock; what he was doing and if he was watching the same moon...
Jonah had practiced many hours at home but now it was the moment of truth, all his efforts were to be tested...
· How do we trump the race card?" We all have seen significant changes in this world we live in, especially in the past fifty years. We have seen our society move from a predominately male work force to one of mixed genders and non stereotypical...