'You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you [shall surely] die.' You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be...
For us to truly exist and derive purpose in life, it is impossible to escape the interconnected cycle of creation and destruction. This process is an intrinsic part of our existence, much like the cycle of birth and death. Where life thrives, death is inevitable.
This hub was inspired by my fellow hubbing friend Castlepaloma; On the forums a question was posed; can Satan be saved? As a result Castlepaloma wrote a hub on Save Satan and is worth the read as he is quite witty in his logic. For some, Satan is...
Beliefs possess an intrinsic fluidity that prevents them from being categorically classified as either true or false. They incessantly transform as we come across fresh knowledge and encounter life's events, integrating or questioning them within ourselves.
When there is division in the collective consciousness, our ability to create the desired change is greatly diminished. If our goal is to establish a more peaceful existence, history reveals both humanity's effort and failure in achieving this due to perceived divisions.
This article delves into the concept that emotions originate internally and, although external events can act as triggers, it is crucial to examine ourselves to comprehend their origins. It highlights the power of the judgments we pass on our thoughts and actions in influencing the emotions..
I have been captivated by the captivating world of unique perceptions for as long as I can remember. The way individuals perceive the world around them has always mesmerized me, leading me into moments of profound contemplation about the incredible diversity of human nature and our extraordinary way