God's Adversary? Can Satan be Saved?
This hub was inspired by my fellow hubbing friend Castlepaloma; On the forums a question was posed; can Satan be saved? As a result Castlepaloma wrote a hub on Save Satan and is worth the read as he is quite witty in his logic.
For some, Satan is always blamed for whatever is perceived as bad and evil. God is praised for whatever is perceived as good. For others whatever is perceived as bad and evil is always blamed on God.
Then there are those who do not attribute the ills or the good of the world to anything or any person or divine being.
There are many questions that arise when one explores the nature of Satan. For instance; Are God and Satan one and the same? Is it merely human nature to attribute any short falls in character, personality or actions to one of these beings/entities/presences? Is it human nature to attribute what is good to God only and bad to Satan only? Are God and Satan separate beings that rule different realms of our universe or minds? These might be ongoing debates that will never be satisfied.
God is in all things
I like to visualize God as an ocean of infinite light and love that is forever expanding and contracting with the most beautiful sound. In this ocean there exists everything and nothing. In this ocean there exists the temporal and the eternal. Out of what is eternal and infinite the temporal is formed through waves of splashing lights of color that merge and exhale, separate and exhale. The infinite light pirouettes daintily aloft delicate wings of more spectacular color creating more waves of light that dive, converge, soar and alight into the patterns it has formed with such complexity that beauty is everywhere to be seen. Through these patterns, matter and the manifest are formed.
There is nowhere that light is not, even in the darkest of manifest forms. There is no where that love is not, even when it may appear to be absent.
We live in a world where opposites are perceived through the temporary senses of our finite minds. Within the temporary however is the eternal and this is comforting to most when understood in its entirety. The eternal has inner senses of the infinite ocean.
The river of life as we know life to be springs from this infinite and eternal ocean. We experience this river of life through our minds. We experience the opposites through our minds. Good and Evil, God and Satan. All experienced through the river of life that flows indiscriminately through our mind. It is our minds that discriminate.
Our levels of realization of both the temporary and the eternal sometimes determines whether or not there is a God or a Satan and whether they are separate or one. What level of realization we are at differs from person to person.
What some see as Satan/Evil, others might see Ego. What some see as God/Good others might see as the higher self. With each person there are variations. However which way one sees it, the experience of both Satan/God Ego/Higher Self is experienced through our minds wholly and completely.
The ego and the higher self are not separate as some might think, they are still one mind. When the ego matures and synchronizes or works with the higher self an integrated mind results. Wholeness or part thereof arises that was not experienced before.
Our level of awareness then understands that we are part of a sum total that Satan or Ego is part of too.
Can Satan be saved then? I say yes!