The American electorate struggles to alter the course of irresponsible government while elected officials peddle their political influence for person gain.
It is rather absurd and naive but the law assumes that only stable, sane, law-abiding buyers attend gun shows where weapons and cash are traded, no questions asked.
A major national debate rages over U. S. government control of immigration and the impact foreign workers exert on the country's economy. While conversations range from bland indifference to outright hostility, the loudest and most incendiary opinions drown out the more moderate voices and dominate...
In a press release entitle “The 9/11 Black Attack on Democrats”, the Reverend Wayne Perryman announced a class action by Black Americans that accuses the Democratic Party in America of racial discrimination from 1792 to 2011. The suit names President Barack Obama as a co-defendant and demands he...
President George W. Bush’s legacy to the United States of America will always include two avoidable military incursions on foreign soil and the largest economic meltdown since the Great Depression. Americans have borne the financial brunt of his...
All humans share one odd characteristic not found in other species. When it comes to God, we are all believers. Most say they believe God exists. Others say they believe a god does not exist. And the rest say they believe god may exist. In the...
An English professor is collaborating with an Alabama publisher to reprint both Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer in a single volume. The announcement sent tremors through the publication world when it heard the new edition will replace the words "nigger" and "injun" with other terms more acceptable...
Thomas Jefferson warned that an uninformed electorate would destroy the freedoms of a republic: "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, expects what never was and never will be." His words are a chilling reminder that the United States...
I receive far too many emails that have little or no value. A large portion of them are from friends and relatives who sincerely believe that transferring junk emails from their in-box to mine is a way of "keeping in touch." I should tell them how I...
A Continuation of Part I, An informal examination of civilization including quotes from notable commentators about its nature, origin, progress, and its ultimate cost to mankind.
An informal examination of civilization including quotes from notable commentators about its nature, origin, progress, and its ultimate cost to mankind.
Powerful suggestions for discussing ideas and opinions with others. Tips on how to disagree without being disagreeable. Techniques to encourage your listeners to consider the value of your beliefs.
Four 9th graders captured the spirit of one woman’s courage and compassion. Their project inspired their community and, ultimately, attracted global attention. This is the life of Irena Sendler in Poland and the students in Kansas who told her amazing story to the entire world.
When Old Man Winter comes to town, he is usually nasty and rarely very nice. I really hate winter. But what I hate the most about winter is the snow.
I can believe in God without having to believe there is a God. There are so many different Gods. The world supports so many different religions. While these Gods and religions claim to share the same goal, that is achieving harmony on earth, the...
The remarkable, tragic events before, during, and after the horrific hurricane devastated the middle Keys of Florida on Labor Day in 1935. A rescue train dispatched by the Florida East Coast Railroad was swept off the tracks by a huge storm surge. Hundreds of lives were lost.
In one of Frank Sinatra’s musical resumes, he sang lyrics by songwriters Kelly Gordon and Dean K. Thompson, "I've been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate, a poet, a pawn, and a king.. ." When I read that line I hear a drum roll of soft P’s that ends...
Altruism is an unselfish concern for the welfare of others: a mother for her children, a soldier falling on a grenade to protect his comrades, Mother Theresa, Mohamad, etc. People do feel the pain and misery of others and they respond in a way that provides some comfort.
Censorship is very good at blending with the social landscape in ways that often make it impossible to recognize. When invisible, it can help to keep society in balance or it can become a blight.
About 40% of all Americans alive today had at least one ancestor who passed through this 27.5-acre portal in New York Harbor now known as Ellis Island, the "Gateway to America."
Whether there is one franchise investor or many, each must understand the universal recipe for starting any new business venture. The necessary ingredients are measures of capital, labor, and time.
The most controversial of all 9/11 memorials sits on the New Jersey shoreline of New York Harbor, just south of the Statue of Liberty. Renowned Russian sculptor Zurab Tsereteli created an extraordinary masterpiece as a gift to the people of the United States of America from the people of Russia.
Owning a successful franchise can be a major step toward realizing the "American Dream."
The recipe for starting a successful small business calls for three basic ingredients: Capital, Labor, and Time. Other items can be added to season the business to suit one’s own tastes, but these three are essential.
As a kid, I wished that I could be like Hopalong Cassidy and own my own white stallion. I wanted to fly faster than a speeding bullet just like Superman. I even saved Oveltine labels and begged my mom for fifteen cents so I could send away for an...
We suddenly become the beneficiaries of a rare and wonderful twist of fate. We realize today is Saturday, it is the Memorial Day Weekend, we are northbound on I-95 and approaching Washington, DC.
According to a 2008 Harris poll, jury duty is the one civil obligation most Americans dread and the one most vigorously avoided. Less then half (44%) of the population reports for duty and only 24% of all Americans actually serve. I just hate the...