Learn the ingredients to look for in acne soaps when shopping or making your own. Also, check out my recipe for natural, homemade soap for acne and oily skin.
Did you ever wish that your favorite television show or book had a video game? Or maybe that your favorite video game had a sequel? Look no further than your fellow fans, who are just as insatiable!
Redundancy and repetition are problems in the RPGMaker game making community, but here are some ways in which you can turn a run of the mill RPG into a well polished indie game.
One out of a million likely unpopular perspectives on religion.
If you've ever tried to cosplay a Homestuck character, you know how much of a hassle it can be. This article includes prop and accessory creation, in addition to tips on make-up and more.
Learn how to build a competitive battling team filled with cute Pokemon.
How are sex and gender separately distinguished, and how does this relate to transgenderism?