LDS president Russell Nelson said "the restoration is only the beginning." This seems to contradict Joseph Smith's declaration that the Church has been fully restored. This article will help us to know the difference between "restoration of the church," and "restoration of all things."
Learn why flashlights have parabolic mirrors, and how you can make your own larger parabolic dish to use as a solar stove.
This is an uplifting Father's Day pass-time. It shows how a child values the time a parent spends with him or her, and even the forgiving nature of children after an oversight that hurts the child.
Good people are not necessarily free from tragedies, nor have they always escaped from the evils of men. This story considers the life of one such person: Avishai, one of the shepherds who witnessed the declaration of the angels who came to deliver the news that their Savior was born, is the main...
I know of no better way to relax or to feel the transcendental peace of heaven than to have someone scratch my feet. It took me a while to arrive at the point of being able to transform a tickling sensation into a massage that has to be unequalled...
Hints for Hives and Allergies Well, it's happened again: One of them dern mosquitoes got to you anyway, in spite of all your advanced technological efforts to ward them off. Now what? If you scratch it, it gets bigger and itches more. Is it time...