So your child with special needs has started school and you need to meet with the teacher to develop some goals. Where do you begin? Here I discuss five main areas to consider when planning.
iPads are becoming more popular as a tool to use with students with special needs, however many teachers are unsure how to get the most out of them. Here are 50 ways they can be used in the classroom.
This hub contains 50 stories, each with exactly 50 words, and each with a twist.
Some great tips on how to save money at the supermarket.
Michelle Meiklejohn Millions of people around the world are currently undergoing weightloss battles. Millions of us are overweight and obese, and struggling to reach a healthy weight. This article is about "Exercise Snacking," a technique you can...
Colour Therapy, also known as Chromatherapy, is used to bring a person's unbalanced energies back to a balanced state. Read on to find out more.
Information about reiki, a technique used to help alleviate stress.
A brief summary of the current research on the use of ginseng for medicinal purposes.
Five everyday household items that can be used to benefit health.
The use of St. John's Wort to help people with depression.
Considering using a weighted vest with your child with autism, SPD, or ADHD? Read this first!
Stuck for ideas this Valentine's Day? Check this out for ten unique Valentine's Day gifts that are sure to be loved by your significant other.
Interested in buying weight loss pills online? Read this first to find out what the current research says about pills including Apidexin and Acai Berry.
This is an analysis of PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System). It is used to help people with disorders such as autism communicate.
Some helpful tips to help you choose a reading program for your child with special needs.
Learn about the importance of helping children with special needs develop certain skills.
This article is about chewy tubes, and using them with children with special needs. It also provides links to purchase cheap chewies.
Learn the correct terminology to use when talking about people with disabilities.