Nightmare Eater Unleashed is a story that is made for those who love horror stories.
Grab a coffee and enjoy...
How do I teach my class effectively?
Earnest Hemingway is one of the most famous American writers and a great thinker. His writings gave readers a chance to dive deeper into their own minds with the iceberg theory.
There are so many things that we do not see. Behind all of the unclear incidents, there is a hidden story that no one never expected.
In our lives we must face challenges.
Sometimes we feel lonely and helpless. But it can be changed by friends. Having friends means, owning a happy life.
Action And Reaction is a short story written by Chitra Fernando who is known as a Sri Lankan author. This story includes some Sinhala expressions, and the story is based in Sri Lankan Village.
Life is very enjoyable. But most of the people don't know how to enjoy. If you want to be happy, you must think positive.
Life is a challenge. We must face challenges to life our lives. If life don't give you challenges, it is boring and most of all it cannot be considered to be a life at all!
I listen K-pop songs very often. From all the songs that I have listened, I chose the top ten songs. In 2020 there are thousands of good K-pop songs. But according to my choice I listed them. Check whether you like them too.
K-pop is a very popular topic in the present among all of us. And there was a competition named Road To Kingdom. There lot of K-pop lovers who saw newbies perform as professionals. Who are those? And how was there performance?
Seoul received a mirror from the post and according to her cousin, it is going to take her to the death. Now her cousin is trying to save her. How will she save Seoul?
Jeon Seoul is an orphan. She lives alone in a house with a good economy. She receives a box from the post and in the box there is a mirror with a letter and according to the letter the mirror is haunted.
The Daniel family moves to Canada for business work. They rent a house and the youngest of the family, Michel fins out that the house is haunted. But he thinks that, if he talk about this with his parents, the matters will be worst. What will happen to the Daniel family?
Mary is living alone in her house. She wanted to do an experiment about ghosts and unfortunately while she was continuing it she realized that she was spelling wrong. So she had to face a horror experience.
It is necessary to know how to write a letter of apology for several occasions in life.
This is a poem which is written by John Keats. He is a Romantic poet. He has experienced physical discomforts due to the fatal disease Tuberculosis. He had written three odes and an epic and more poems
The poem 'Chimney Sweeper' was written by William Blake, who is described as a romantic poet. He is a British. The poem describes about the life and feelings of a chimney sweeper.