If you have never actually suffered from Depression first-hand, then you probably don't understand the difference between just feeling sad and being depressed.... I'll do my best to help you understand.
I have been beaten, I have been choked, I have been raped, I have been abandoned. Satan tried to take me down but just strengthened my armor... I know that I survived all of that, so I am strong enough to survive almost anything.
True happiness is not going to be found by following the "norms of society".. by doing what we're told. If you live life on other people's terms, you're not really living your own life! So, what are we waiting for? Let's break free from society's expectations. Let's go find TRUE happiness!
I am a single mother to 3 AMAZING boys. They are all so very talented and smart- it blows my mind every day. Death has knocked on my door many times, and I believe with all my heart that if it weren't for my kids, I wouldn't still be alive. They truly are my guardian angels.
Poem about a single mother who has a "duel diagnosis" which means diagnosed with mental illness while also being a drug or alcohol addict. Most of us are just trying to self medicate to try to feel Comfortable in our own skin. I was frozen with fear, anxiety and depression when I first got clean!
All different types of people come from all walks of life... Addiction, mental illness can just as easily happen to a brain surgeon as it can to a custodian. People will surprise you if you actually pay attention.
This is a poem about the mental illness, depression. It explains how hard it is to see the positive side of life when you're stuck in a depressive state. It describes some of the feelings and emotions that come along with depression and how difficult it is to be stuck feeling hopeless and sad.
My mother and I have always had a rough relationship. I haven't even felt like I had a mother at times. She acts so cold... like she hates me, like I am a huge disappointment to her. My sons will NEVER have to wonder if I love them or not... I remind them every single day. ❤️
It is very difficult to explain depression to someone who hasn't experienced it. Often someone will ask me what I'm depressed about.. It isn't usually caused by anything external. It is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain that makes everything seem terrible.
Depression can be deadly. If someone you know shows signs of being depressed, please don't take it lightly. Show them that you care, don't assume that they already know... Check up on them... Let them know that you're there for them.
This poem is about empathy and how it can be a curse but it can also be a gift. It's not easy to be this way because it's hard enough to sort out my own feelings. On the other hand, a lot of what's wrong with the world is that too many people lack empathy. Empathy isn't something that can be taught.
Here is a little glimpse inside the mind of a heroin addict...
Here are some thoughts from my dome...
Most adults have a job, a car, a house and a career... She didn't have those things. She had mental illness and disease called "Hashimotos" that prevent her from working and leading a normal life. It's not fair to her three sons... If only she could be normal.
Is drug addiction caused by genetics? Mental Illness? Or is it simply caused by the personal choices one makes to continue using/drinking, leading to addiction?
Hypothyroidism, an autoimmune disease which attacks the thyroid, severe mental illness, in recovery for drug and alcohol addiction and a past full of trauma and abuse... I'm one one tough Mama.. (My Story)