sonfollowers profile image79


Joined 13 years ago from Alpharetta, GA

  • 29
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    Seeing God's Design: The Human Body

    2 years ago

    There are design principles that are clearly seen in the inner workings of the human body. In fact, they are not just present in a scattered way. They are consistently present throughout. I myself am actually a designer, and I believe that the examples of these principles are so easy to see that...

  • Desperately Seeking Baby:  Believing in an Invisible Hope

    Desperately Seeking Baby: Believing in an Invisible Hope

    2 years ago

    What are infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss? How do they affect couples who are dealing with them? This story provides a glimpse into these painful situations for couples who simply want to bring home a baby of their own.

  • Online Dating: Avoiding Witches and Flying Monkeys

    Online Dating: Avoiding Witches and Flying Monkeys

    2 years ago

    While online dating makes some things simpler, dating is never easy. What are the pitfalls of online dating, and how can we avoid them?

  • The Destination of Procrastination

    The Destination of Procrastination

    5 years ago

    Don't we know intuitively that our level of certainty regarding our future is extremely low? Still we procrastinate, putting important things off for months or years. Many of us have had our procrastinations come back to haunt us. Could that be your future? If so, what will you do about it?

  • Romance for the Clueless Husband Part II - Tilling the Soil

    Romance for the Clueless Husband Part II - Tilling the Soil

    2 years ago

    Men, we desperately need to add tools to our romantic toolbox. But first, we need to start thinking of romantic gestures as if they're seeds that you want to plant. Good luck getting anything to grow if the soil you're working with is bad. And yes, your wife is the soil.

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    Poem: My Life as a Slave

    6 years ago

    Are you a slave? Maybe you are and you don't know it yet. For all of us, this is a question worth answering. If it turns out that the answer is yes, where do you go from here? How do you respond?

  • Poem: Freedom to Soar

    Poem: Freedom to Soar

    2 years ago

    This poem is about a bird who struggles with doubt. Do I dare to try to leave the nest? Will my wings carry me? Can I really trust the wind?

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    How to Be Saved According to the Bible

    2 years ago

    How to receive Biblical salvation can be a tricky subject, especially since every Christian denomination seems to have a different take on how this works. In this hub, we examine the relevent passages of scripture to try to gain a better understanding of what the Bible actually has to say on the...

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    Apostle Paul Attacked Part II - Defending Paul's Character

    6 years ago

    In part 1, we looked at Paul's apostleship. In part 2, we will examine the claims by some that Paul is a liar and a deceiver of those who follow him. Did Paul lie to King Agrippa about his Damascus experience? If so, what does that mean for Christianity and for the millions who accept his...

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    Short Story: The Gardener

    2 years ago

    It seems like some people expect those they're in a dating relationship with to walk on water while others are happy that you have two legs and walk upright. What would a balanced approach look like?

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    Apostle Paul Attacked Part I - Was He a True Apostle?

    21 months ago

    There are those who follow Christ and yet really believe that Paul is a false teacher and not really an apostle of Jesus at all. Is there evidence to support such a claim?

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    Words for the Argumentative Christian

    2 years ago

    How should we as Christians treat those around us who disagree with us? What the Bible has to say isn't necessarily untuitive. In fact, you'll find that you can be exactly right and exactly wrong at exactly the same time.


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