Using accent marks, or tildes, can be confusing. These are the basic rules and some examples that should never fail.
It can be confusing to know when to use the subjunctive. Here is an outline of when to use it with adverbial clauses. The types of clauses are categorized to help you decide if you need to use the subjunctive or not depending on the verb in the main clause.
The subjunctive can be complicated but here is an overview of how it works and how each of the four tenses are formed and used.
There are several ways to express the past in Spanish. One of the most common and most difficult is the preterite. It contains many irregularities but they are outlined here and categorized. This will help you put any verb into the preterite correctly every time.
This is a method of learning verbs so that you will always know which verbs are irregular and which tenses are affected by the change. It will help simplify verbs and make them more organized to help learn and remember them.
Spanish evolved from Latin, but what does that mean? Here a brief description of how Latin works that may make some aspects of Spanish clearer.
Learn new vocabulary without having to look up each new word or memorize lists of words by learning how words are made in the first place. Knowing prefixes, suffixes and word families will make adding new words to your vocabulary easier.
Grammatical gender in Spanish is not random but rather has rules and tricks to remember and help you guess that the right form. Grammatical gender has nothing to do with biological gender and should not be confused with it. In come cases it is unavoidable that a language learner with have to simply...