Song lyrics/poem about the current coronavirus global pandemic. Contains explicit lyrics.
Learn how narcissists use a distortion campaign of your reputation to defame and slander you and to build an army of flying monkeys.
Why is Freemasonry so controversial? Why do they have so many secrets to keep? What really goes on in their temples? Find the answers here and learn about the fake Freemasons or the O.T.O.
"Mental abuse" and "psychological abuse" are terms that are seldom understood by many people, including people who work in the mental health profession - people who NEED to know what it is and to acknowledge it as a reality..
It's about time that victims of narcissistic abuse speak out about their experiences, about the pain that's been inflicted on them, about how the abuse works, about how it affects their mental, emotional and physical health and how they were cornered into the situation in the first place.
Details of my new book/ebook on Narcissistic Personality Disorder, a book where victims of narc abuse speak out about their experiences and what they've learned and discovered through being manipulated by narcissists - the best people to write such a book, a book which could also help professionals.
What happened to Frederick Valentich in 1978 after reporting that he was being followed by a UFO? Where did he disappear to? Was he abducted?
A true account of how I was miraculously healed and cured of illness by none other than the Lord Jesus Christ himself... but was it really Jesus? Or was it someone or something else?
A list of alternative self-help therapies which can be used to improve your health and well-being, either for the sake of living a healthier life or to be used in conjunction with medical treatment.
The flat Earth theory is incorrect. The globe shape of Earth is wrong. Earth is not round, flat or hollow. It's heart-shaped! Earth is the human heart.
Empaths: Learn how to shield yourself from others emotions, protect yourself from harmful thoughts of others and how to stay grounded with these ten excellent tips.
Many people are quick to dismiss the idea that crystals can heal, yet scientific evidence clearly shows that crystals may indeed have healing properties, along with other capabilities and uses.
Healing the world with the incredible power of biophotons, epigenetics, and the science of the DNA light body, which creates the template for the morphogenetic field to bring about a new Earth.
Being in a relationship with someone who is narcissistic, or who suffers with the full disorder, can be a long and painful path to bear. They are certainly not easy people to deal with...
The idea of a universal life force that permeates the entire universe and everything in it is a concept that has reverberated throughout the centuries. Does such a universal life force really exist?
Does the phenomenon of a caterpillar eating 300 times it's own weight then morphing into a chrysalis before becoming a butterfly scientifically prove that reincarnation is possible?
10 Unbelievable and amazing facts about the human mind and brain, some of which will leave you baffled. Learn ten facts about the most powerful instrument we know of in the entire unic
Energy drinks like Red Bull are taking the UK by storm. But do these energy drinks really do what they claim? Find out the science behind energy drinks here.
A professor from Manchester Metropolitan University claims to have obtained genuine photographic evidence of fairies, from the forests of Lancashire, England.
Narcissistic Linguistic Programming - Learn how narcissists use linguistic techniques to speak directly to the subconscious and lie when they tell the truth.
Not only are linguistics one of the most powerful ways of programming the human mind but they also influence your decisions each and every day. Symbolism, metaphor and circumstances also do the same.
Mind tricks can be fun to play on family and friends (with their consent, of course). Here are some easy psychological games to play with friends.
Find out here about ten of the most peculiar and weirdest mental health disorders that exist, from believing that other people are shape-shifters in disguise to experiencing a pseudocoma.
In 1917, the three secrets of Fatima were revealed by an apparition. It has been claimed that the Vatican did not want the public knowing that the third secret relates to Nibiru/Wormwood/Planet X.
Differences between self styled narcissists and real narcissists, why you shouldn't take a narcissist to therapy and the difference between Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Malignant Narcissism.
Is it possible that technology is being integrated with biology, most notably the human brain, in order to intentionally turn humans into cyborg/android servants within the next 100 years?
Something which is very rarely mentioned any more is Sadistic Personality Disorder. Whilst there is no longer an official diagnosis of a sadistic personality, it is acknowledged that sadism exists....
Operation Saucer Declassified: Details of the 8-month long UFO attack to happen in Colores, Brazil in 1977/78. Find out here the results of the Brazilian military's investigation into the UFO attack.
We know that the human mind is the most powerful tool in the world but just how powerful, exactly, is the human mind? Can we accomplish ESP? Telepathy? What realities happen at other frequencies?
In a deathbed testimony, William Pawelec claimed that there are plans to use RFID chips (often produced by Alien Technology) to implement a digital, one-world currency through wireless transmissions.
Recent scientific discoveries seem to indicate that the Atacama desert could be home to both ethereal and biological life-forms, some of whom may even be extraterrestrial in origin.
After five years on HubPages, I have learned a lot about writing, publishing and earning money online. Here are my top ten tips for earning money online at HubPages.
Settling the myths and misconceptions surrounding stealth narcissism, co-dependence and co-narcissism - Narcissistic Personality Disorder).
Narcissists are extremely difficult people to cope with and it can be tricky trying not to become victimized by an NPD. Unfortunately, many people do fall into their trap and are unable to escape.
Cloud-seeding and atmospheric sulfate aerosols (chemtrails) are not just a conspiracy theory and have become a fully acknowledged reality in recent times. Weather modification has many purposes.
The model of NLP is structured on a framework of underlying attitudes and beliefs. There are four core aspects of NLP, known as The Four Pillars.
Not all narcissists are the same. Despite commonly held beliefs, not all narcissists are either cerebral or somatic. There are actually many types/subtypes of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Was the UFO that crashed in Roswell in 1947 really an alien spacecraft? Or was it, as Annie Jacobsen claims, a genetic experiment involving children perpetrated by the Russian government?
Russia join the worldwide UFO disclosure movement with former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev confirming that alien visitation is an ongoing reality on our planet... and no, he wasn't joking!
Reading people's body language is a great way of knowing what they're really thinking. Learn how to understand the subconscious cues that give away what many people are truly feeling and thinking.
Although you may not realize it, anger can give you the motivation and drive you need to achieve your goals. However, if not channeled properly, anger can lead you into a downwards spiral.
There are many misconceptions and myths among the general public about Narcissistic Personality Disorder and what a narcissist actually is.
The vampire squid or vampiric squid is a creature which takes it's name from the latin 'vampyroteuthis infernalis' which literally translates to 'vampire squid of Hell'.
How to overcome your fear/phobia of spiders (arachnophobia), without resorting to exposure therapy, as often proposed by therapists. You don't have to face your fears to combat them.
Learn how to recognize and identify the emotional design of the narcissist and escape their insidious narcissistic abuse.
Back in the early nineties I had a friend who would read many books written by government whistleblowers. Some of these writers claimed there was an alien presence on Earth, others claimed that we had been conditioned to believe government lies for...
Find out what goes on in the mind of a pathological narcissist - NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder / Malignant (pathological) Self-Love (Narcissism)
This article will show you how to upload and publish your Android apps for free while avoiding the fees associated with Google Play.
What do government officials say about UFO's? Do they have any smoking gun evidence? Is UFO disclosure about to happen in Russia? Are UFO's really of extraterrestrial origin?
Despite many people assuming it to be just conspiracy theory, there may actually be an abundant amount of evidence which suggests that alien life and extraterrestrial intelligence really exists.
Narcissism is a completely natural human trait which is present in all of us and is a necessity for survival... but in recent times narcissism is becoming increasingly more malignant.
Female abuse is encouraged and condoned by society, the governments, the justice system, etc., yet the common belief in society is that most abusers are men. But is this true?
The skewed reality and distorted ideology of malignant narcissism in bloodlines, which leads many narcissistic people into thinking that narcissistic abuse is a normal thing.
Always questioning yourself and wondering "is it me?" If so, somebody could be trying to drive you crazy... and they could be a narcissist!
Representational Systems in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) can give away many subconscious cues as to what a person is truly thinking or feeling, or what their primary mode of understanding is.
Narcissists cause extreme damage and can leave a trail of destruction behind them everywhere they go. Have you fallen victim to a narcissist? Find out about the aftermath of a narcissist.
How to recognize psychological abuse and mental rape - the act of stealing a victims thoughts and reporting them back to the abuser.
A look into the claims of Colonel Philip J Corso, the highest ranking and most highly respected government whistleblower to come forward to tell the truth about Roswell.
Murder via covert or pernicious abuse—psychological murder—is one of the most unrecognized forms of abuse that exists. It is so obscure that nobody has ever been convicted of committing the devastating crime.
How to recognize covert narcissistic (emotional and mental) abuse and stealth psychological manipulation perpetrated by narcissists.
Covert narcissists, also known as stealth or closet narcissists, get away with mental and emotional abuse. They are mastermind manipulators and work behind the scenes to control their victims.
How to recognize a narcissist - recognizing if someone has Narcissistic Personality Disorder can be extremely tricky and can only be done in the long-term.
A description of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), also known as malignant self-love/narcissism, and the controversial personality disorder's symptoms.