Hilda Conkling was a child poet of unusual talent and creativity. Her poems were composed when she was four to twelve years old and then stopped. Why did Hilda not continue to write as an adult?
In Victorian society, it was considered quite normal to take posed photographs of the deceased. Why did they want to take pictures of the dead? Here are some facts about this bizarre practice.
Some women are blessed with wonderful best friends for a lifetime. Others seem to struggle to keep friends close. Here are some ways to be a good best friend and hang on to that bestie forever.
Before parents begin to try different strategies to get their picky child to eat, it is important that they understand why the child is fussy in the first place. Here is what causes a picky child.
Here are some easy to do strategies that will help your picky eater become more willing to try new foods and more likely to become a better eater.
Why is it that baseball is no longer considered the premier American pastime? However, it stands out in comparison to football, especially from a woman's perspective. Find out why women prefer baseball over football.
Decos are a combination of a paper craft and mail art. These fun hand crafted booklets go around the world and come back to you. Learn about making decos.
The first wave of the Black Death, or Bubonic Plague, in England 1348 devastated the population leaving up to half the people dead. What was it like to live through this terrible event?
Should the national anthem be changed? Many feel that The Star Spangled Banner should be replaced by America the Beautiful. What is the basis of the controversy?
Lizzie Borden was acquitted of the murders of her father and stepmother in 1892. No one else was ever charged. If Lizzie didn't commit this heinous crime, who did?
In 1889, more than 2,000 people lost their lives in a horrific disaster in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. The Johnstown Flood remains one of the deadliest disasters in American history.
Three common grammatical mistakes that can make your writing look sloppy: Too and to, your and you're and use of apostrophe with "s".
How can you start your children off to school with as little stress as possible? Follow these five steps and have a smooth transition back to school.
You don't need to count syllables to write a true haiku poem. Learn about the elements of a real haiku.
Learn about collecting egg cups!
How did King Henry VIII feel about the six women whose lives he shared? Was he a monster without feelings, or did he truly love his wives?
The town of Dennis, Cape Cod is a wonderful place to visit. Scargo tower is located there, and there is an ancient legend associated with it: the legend of Princess Scargo.
In January of 1919, a bizarre and deadly event occurred in Boston, Massachusetts that became known as the Great Molasses Flood. Here is the harrowing story of this odd disaster.
The life of Anne Sullivan Macy is perhaps even more inspiring than that of Helen Keller, for whom she was a lifelong teacher. Anne overcame nearly insurmountable odds to triumph and succeed in a way that few from such backgrounds have been able to.
Have you always wanted to be able to write a sonnet? Here are clear instructions and tips on how to write an English sonnet like Shakespeare!
The proper use of discipline is the best way to manage your child's behavior. Here are examples and tips for using discipline instead of punishment.
Struggling to write poetry with a meter? It can be challenging! Here is one method to teach yourself how to write a poem in iambic pentameter.
The English language has a unique and fascinating history. Here are some little known facts about our mother tongue.
Should children get an allowance? Teaching children to be responsible with money is an important parenting task.
Have you ever wondered how the Teddy Bear got started? From Germany to the United States and back to the UK, here is the history of the famous and cuddly Teddy bear.
Have you ever experienced a haunting? Seen a ghost? Seen your double? This article explores the six types of hauntings, with examples for each.
Many people have heard of the UU church, but do not really understand what Unitarian Universalism is all about. This article will answer many of the questions about this unique faith.
Learn to sharpen and develop your ESP by reading objects. You can sense a lot about the person who owns an object!
Popular first names go in trends over the decades, but the history of first names is more surprising than you may realize. See if your name is mentioned in this article about the history of first names!
Family dinnertime is an important part of raising successful children. Here's how to make your family dinners peaceful and pleasant with examples of good table etiquette for kids.
Do you enjoy writing poetry, or would you like to try writing some? Here's how to invent your own poetry form and learn an invented form, the Sparrowlet poem!
Old cemeteries hold long forgotten secrets and the stones sometimes tell a tale. Here is one story of the tragedy that befell one New England family.
Learn how to write a triolet poem. This form is melodic and fun to compose.
How do optical illusions work on the brain? Take a look at these examples and see!
Try handmade soaps for quality and luxury! Here's what to look for when you buy handmade soaps and their many benefits.
A family crest or coat of arms distinguishes an individual or a family from others and is often displayed proudly on clothing, flags, and other items. Learn how to find your family's coat of arms or how to create your own!
Learn to write a swap quatrain poem. This musical form is easy to learn and fun to write. Warning! They're addictive!
Your child is swearing, what do you do? What kind of discipline works, and is it ever okay to curse?
Is spanking as discipline the best method? Read about punishment and disciplining your child.
Frustrated with a messy child who won't clean his room? Here is help for parents.
Explore the lives of these six lesbian women in history and answer the question: were they, or weren't they?
Laundry never ends. If you are constantly behind in your laundry, here are five tips to help you stay organized and on top of it. Get ready to conquer your laundry problems!
The oubliette was a horrifying form of torture used in medieval and Renaissance European castles. Read on to learn about oubliettes and read a macabre poem about them.