The shortest heart break!
This era seems to be a complicated one specially in term of relationships. If you are in this type of On-Again-Off Again Relationship this article is for you.
Are you looking for some Indian TV shows for Binge Watching this holiday seasons? Here is my watchlist for you to enjoy!
Its all about dressing up according to your body type!
There are two notions upon building and maintaining "relationships." Do you want to know about them? Are you interested to find the recipe to the successful relationship building? Read my article to find about it all.
Here is the new reading list for all the book lovers!
Can lovers be "Nomads?" Can you categorize your lover? Do you know who "Nomad Lovers" are? Read and find out for yourself in my article!
Here is my latest reviews collection for the readers!
Are you looking for some good books? Here
For all the crime lovers, here are the seasons you must watch!
When you have every single day available to you as a Mothers' Day because she is the reason you are here in the world. So just be thankful and be loving to her every day. Don't wait for any special day to say "I Love You Mom!"
Don't take life too seriously because nobody makes it alive at the end after all! Be young and silly. Be you, me and us to live it and strive past.
When the world gives you thousand reasons to doom, just let the bloom, bloom!
The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth!
Some stories are meant to remain unended in the life.
Life is full of so many why, where, how, wow, bravo and yet it is the death we all redeem!
How slowly and gradually our existence turns out to be the non- existence. This leads to our resurrection of the mortal life.
Silence seems to be an Asylum at times! The people suffer in it silently.
When we breed sins in life, we are leading a sinful life!
Let the life be like a snow to fall and be gone. Let it be like an empty page everday as the snow to pour down and be gone!
How does "that into you" turns out "not that into you"? It is the most prevailing question in dating these days. The reasons are simple yet mind boggling to the present generation.
Helen Keller learned this beautiful Art of Living. She compels the reader in her essay "Three Days to see" to be a good seer to master this art of living.
Kashmir is considered a paradise on Earth. It's a story of a young boy named Ali. He had a dream to see the freedom of Kashmir. What happened to his dream and the freedom movement is every person's story in the paradise of Kashmir till date.
The losses become an asset in life after getting habitual to them.
A poem that speaks to all those who lose their faith at times. When you are feeling too low just believe in the power of prayers and the God. He is the ultimate truth!
It's just Me, Myself and I! I believe in to live by.
To all the strong women out there! This one is for you. Never underestimate yourself and never surrender to the circumstances instead stand up and stay strong. You are a gem as a woman and feel like it too!
Elizabeth Bishop has learned this art of losing perfectly. She wrote the poem "One Art" to inspire the reader to learn and master this one art we are always afraid of learning.
A man who dared while others laughed. He is the newly elected Prime Minister of Pakistan. A ray of hope for Pakistanis worldwide. A man with a New Pakistan Slogan!
No matter how much negativity has been generated for this show, as an educationist, I feel the show contains a bitter truth and a harsh reality to be brought into the light. It provides insights into the life of victims of bullying, rape & suicide.
If you want to be a writer, you got to be a good reader first. It takes time to develop writing skills. You have to show commitment to reading in order to opt for writing. Read more and more to become a quality writer.