Does anyone remember reading Milly Molly Mandy Books when they were kids? Back in the late 1960s and early 1970s I remember reading Milly Molly Mandy books. This is the cover I remember most. This book is the first collection of Milly Molly Mandy...
In 1588 (as we all should know) England had decisively won the battle against the Spanish Armada and rendered Spain powerless, thus allowing England to become the dominant power at sea over the next 3 centuries. Despite that loss however, the...
Her name was Gudrid Thorbjarnardottir. She was a daughter, a wife, a mother, a farmer, a pilgrim and a VIKING. She was born in Iceland (985 CE), married in Greenland, gave birth to her son in North America, went on a pilgrimage to Rome and died in...
When we think of pirates, we often think of dirty, unsavory fellows with no allegiance to anyone but their crew. However, during much of 1600s and 1700s, there were also state sanctioned pirates. Backed by a country to sack the ships of an enemy...
Way back in the 1980s, back in New Zealand, my parents purchased a book of poems and a record LP of an English entertainer named Pam Ayres. For some unknown reason, today she just popped into my brain. I havent heard or seen anything about her for...
Three months ago in January 2011, I was challenged in the Jenga Game to make a lens about Canadian women's history. So I created this lens about the Womens Suffragette movement focusing on Nellie McClung, one of its earliest and most vocal leaders....
David James Elliott's real name is actually David William Smith. He was born in Milton, Ontario, Canada in 1960. He is best known for playing the character of Commander Harmon Rabb Junior on the TV series JAG which ran from 1995 to 2005. David...
Everyone has heard of Nancy Drew, right? She is the young female literary detective who is best known in her most recent movie as portrayed by Emma Roberts (left - niece of Julia Roberts). But in this day and age, (21st century) most young people...
How to make marbled paper.
There have been 5 different Star Trek TV series and 11 Star Trek movies. This is a brief introduction to some of the more famous Vulcans. Spock is not covered as he has already been profiled on another lens. Names in this introduction include...
I have made this lens for Rocket Moms University - Session 12 - Lesson 2 - Let's Get Niche My Niche Topic is - Books, Poetry & Writing » Authors » Non Fiction Authors. Pierre Berton's life is divided into 3 distinct periods for the most...