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Teresa Coppens

Apprenticeship Alum

Joined 13 years ago from Ontario, Canada

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    How to Meet New York Giants Football Players

    6 years ago

    Do you love the New York Giants Football Team. Read on to discover how to increase your odds of meeting members of the team!

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    Learning Disabled Children: Teaching Strategies

    7 years ago

    Learning disabled children are usually bright and can succeed in the classroom environment. With care, ingenuity and some often simple changes, a frustrated child can become a happy, engaged learner.

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    The History of Phineas Barnum's American Museum in New York

    15 months ago

    Phineas Barnum's American Museum in New York capitalized on the Cabinets of Curiosities, which originated in Europe and comprised impressive collections of oddities collected by the rich and elite.

  • Excavating King Richard III

    Excavating King Richard III

    7 years ago

    King Richard III died in disgrace and humiliation. Bones discovered in the site of an abbey were identified as the King with the help of two Canadians - a distant relative and a geneticist.

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    Genetic Counselors: Role in Family Planning

    7 years ago

    Genetic Counselors provide a valuable community resource. They guide traumatized families by helping them deal with genetic disorders or the possibility of passing one on to future children.

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    How to Encourage Someone After Failing an Exam or Test

    17 months ago

    Helping a friend through the struggle of regaining self-esteem after failing an exam can be a daunting task. Success can be difficult, and regaining the strength to persevere after failure can be hard. A number of strategies are provided for when you have a friend in need after exam failure.

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    How to Make a Comfortable Workspace for Doing Homework

    17 months ago

    Designing a workspace for homework can increase your academic success. Here are some tips for creating the perfect homework space which will contribute to your academic success.

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    Be the Smartest Person in Class: Study Tips

    12 years ago

    Following a yearly plan during the academic year can make you the smartest person in class or at least one of the smartest. Last minute studying and merely reading over notes are not effective strategies. Follow the advice laid out in this hub regarding study tips and increase your chances of...

  • How to Better Remember Information You've Studied

    How to Better Remember Information You've Studied

    11 years ago

    Studying effectively for school tests and exams can be difficult for many children and adults. There are key strategies that can help make new information meaningful and better organized to help push those ideas from short-term into long-term memory. Utilization of even a few of these strategies...

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    How to Tell a Tree's Age

    7 years ago

    Trees are important both ecologically and aesthetically. Learn about methods used by foresters to estimate tree age for ecological, commercial and historical reasons.

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    How to Organize a Study Notebook

    12 years ago

    Are you or a child suffering academically because of a poorly organized notebook. This guide will help to organize school materials in an efficient manner to help you or your child achieve maximum academic potential.

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    Relationship of Reptiles and Birds

    7 years ago

    Birds have many characteristics in common with reptiles. Due to these shared characteristics and genetic overlaps many scientists are classifying birds as reptiles, in particular avian dinosaurs. Read on and judge for yourself!

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    What Is Momentum?

    7 years ago

    Momentum is part of the study of mechanics in physics. It is derived largely from Newton's Three Laws of Motion. What is momentum? Read on to discover!

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    What Is Forensic Entomology?

    7 years ago

    Forensic entomology is a fascinating field of study for anyone who loves insects and loves solving puzzles. Read on and discover the history of forensic entomology, the roles of the entomologist at a crime scene and the education required and job oportunities available.

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    Investigate Phases of the Moon: Science Activity for Middle School Students

    10 years ago

    Middle school curriculum can be made more exciting and hands on by adding fun, meaningful activities to bolster the understanding of written text. This science activity is a great hands-on means of learning why the moon appears in different phases during various times in a calendar month.

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    The Crushing Can Demonstration: Physics of Atmospheric Pressure

    19 months ago

    Discover the wonders of atmospheric pressure on an aluminum can.This article will teach you how to conduct this experiment and explain how and why it works.

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    NASCAR Drivers and Crew: A Winning Chemistry

    2 years ago

    Chemistry is an important element of the NASCAR racing industry. The drivers and their crew must not only understand the chemical science involved in making their cars run fast—they must also develop a personal chemistry, allowing for the direct and subliminal communication that brings out the best...

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    Life on Earth During the Miocene Epoch

    10 years ago

    The Miocene Epoch was a time of a shift from tropical forest to grassland domination due in part to xtensive mountain building which disrupted air circulation patterns creating drier conditions. As a result, a number of animal lines highly adapted to forest life without the attributes to survive...

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    Study the Water Cycle with Terrariums: Lesson Plan for Middle School

    12 years ago

    Terrariums are easy for students to set up in the classroom and make an excellent tool for observing the water cycle. Create these mini ecosystems with your class and have your students investigate this most important earth process. They will gain inquiry and analytic skills through this fun...

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    How To Make Glass Container Terrariums

    12 years ago

    Create an easy to maintain, beautiful living piece of art. Display it in your home, your office or classroom. Terrariums are easy to create whether you have a natural green thumb or not. Glass container terrariums are back in vogue again. Why not try your hand making one for yourself and one...

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    Meaning of Biology Prefix Meso-

    12 years ago

    The study of biology requires the memorization of a huge number of terms. Many of these terms, however, have common prefixes and suffixes. The prefix 'meso' is found in a large number of biology terms. Learning the meaning of this prefix and others can simplify the process of memorizing...

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    Facts on Pirate "Black Bart" Roberts

    10 months ago

    Bartholomew "Black Bart" Roberts, although not the most famous pirate, was the most prolific pirate of the Golden Age of Piracy. Read on to discover more facts.

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    15+ Famous Pirate Quotes (From Blackbeard to Black Bart)

    16 months ago

    Pirates are known for memorable quotes. From Blackbeard to Black Bart, here are the most famous and insightful pirate quotes.

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    History of the Henrietta Marie Slave Ship

    11 years ago

    The Henrietta Marie was a slave ship of the late 17th C. It was responsible for the transportation of hundreds of captives from the western coast of Africa to the West Indies. Captives were transported in deplorable conditions and many did not survive the voyage. The Marie met a violent end in a...

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    Neck Osteoarthritis (Cervical Spondylosis)

    12 years ago

    Neck Osteoarthritis is a condition that affects most people over 40 to some degree. For most the degradation of the cervical spine produces manageable pain. There are specific protocols followed when diagnosing the condition and the treatment options are variable depending on the degree of pain...

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    History of Christmas Carols: "Silver Bells"

    10 months ago

    "Silver Bells" is a recent addition to the ranks of hundreds of carols written through the 19th and 20th centuries. It has a unique story and was written for a Christmas movie starring Bob Hope.

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    Rock Art of Ancient Peoples

    5 years ago

    Rock Art is a form of ancient artistic expression. Petroglyphs and pictographs are the two forms of this art which has been discovered all over the world, in many cultures and many time periods.

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    What Is the Biological Perspective?

    13 months ago

    Biological perspective links the studies of biology and psychology. Physiological changes and genetics are believed to play a large role in the behaviors of humans and other animals. Biological perspective is the study in psychology that evaluates the physiological and genetic roots of behaviour.

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    American Football History

    10 years ago

    All three of my teenage sons play American style football. Because my experience as a football mom and their fascination with the sport, I was inspired to investigate the history of the most popular competitive sport in North America.

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    What Are the Steps of the Water Cycle?

    14 months ago

    Explore the steps of the traditional atmospheric water cycle and a newer theory that demonstrates an interaction between oceanic, atmospheric and cosmic water cycles.

  • How Were the Rings of Saturn Formed?

    How Were the Rings of Saturn Formed?

    12 years ago

    Saturn is one of the gas giants with amazing rings which have a mysterious origin. Read on to discover on astronomers strongly supported theory as to the origin of Saturn's Rings.

  • How to Make a Solar Water Purifier

    How to Make a Solar Water Purifier

    12 years ago

    Stranded on a desert island or shipwrecked at sea on a dingy floating while the hot sun beats down upon you or more realistically lost in the wilderness while hiking? Learn how to survive by making a Solar Water Purifier to procure fresh drinking water!

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    How to Make a Salt Water Circuit

    12 years ago

    Investigate the electrical potential of water, especially well water or bath water enhanced with bath salts using a Salt Water Circuit. Learn the importance of never, never using electrical appliances near the tub especially while you are in it!

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    Cool Space Facts for Kids

    6 years ago

    Kids love space adventure and exploration. Find within many cool and interesting facts about our solar system and it's planets.

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    How Does the Moon Affect the Tides?

    8 years ago

    Tidal Movements are influenced by both the Sun and the Moon but the Moon has by far the greater effect on our tides. These tides which occur twice daily rely on the rotational harmony between these two celestial bodies as well as the merging of their gravitational forces.

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    The Astrolabe: How to Make One and Understanding Its Use

    13 months ago

    Build your own simple astrolabe to determine your latitude, as the ancient sailors did, or use it in conjunction with trigonometry to determine the height of a very tall object!

  • How Does the Solar Cycle Work?

    How Does the Solar Cycle Work?

    9 years ago

    The sun like the earth experiences cyclical periods of activity. The solar cycle operates on an approximately 11 year period during which time solar activity waxes and wanes. During a solar maximum or period of heightened solar activity, a number of primarily negative repercussions may affect our...

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    How to Make a Morse Telegraph Key

    14 months ago

    The Morse Telegraph was the most popular and efficient means of communicating information in the mid-19th century. Learn the physics and create your own Morse key!

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    What Is Paper Chromatography and How Does It Work?

    13 months ago

    Paper chromatography is a useful technique used to separate the components of a solution. Kids can learn some simple chemistry by watching or performing this process.

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    Famous Ghost Ships

    7 years ago

    Ghost ships have sparked the imagination of many a sailor or landlubber for centuries. Read on and discover the stories of four such ghost ships: The Flying Dutchman, The Mary Celeste, The Octavius and Le Caleuche.

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    Famous Pirate Ships

    7 years ago

    Pirates needed a ship for all their nefarious, shifty activities at sea. A vessel with top speed and maneuverability with the ability to reach inland and avoid pursuit and yet be able to hold lots of fighting men and even more booty was the pirate's mainstay. There were a number of favourite...

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    Pirates: Separating Fact from Mythology

    12 years ago

    We all love to parody these rogues of the Caribbean and various other seas. But is all that we hold dear about pirates true or are many of the stereotypes bred in the fertile imaginations of authors and film makers. Well, me hearties, read on and discover for yourself!

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    Rational and Fantastical Theories Explaining the Bermuda Triangle: The Unexplained

    12 years ago

    Like Area 51, the Bermuda Triangle has been and still is a place shrouded in intrigue and mystery. The ocean depths being relatively uncharted territory are a breeding ground for theories both rational and fantastical and with this disappearance so began a multitude of theories.

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    What Is Electricity? Lesson Plan for High School Students

    17 months ago

    Understanding the power of electricity we humans harness is necessary for the wise use and creation of this valuable resource.

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    How to Make a Circuit Board to Demonstrate Simple Electrical Circuits for Kids

    13 months ago

    Investigating current electricity is a great hands-on experience for kids to grasp the basic concepts of a resource so important to their daily lives. A circuit board makes the experience less frustrating and so much easier to demonstrate.

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    How to Teach Color Theory to Preschoolers

    19 months ago

    Concepts learned at school are learned faster and retained longer when kids participate in an activity. The lesson plan below presents a fun way to teach primary and secondary colours!

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    How to Make a Monofilament Floating Necklace without Crimps

    12 years ago

    Making your own jewelry creates pride in ownership and allows you to easily match your own style. The floating necklace creates the illusion of beads suspended around your neck. It is a timeless, yet magical style that you can easily create at home!

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    How to Make a Hummingbird/Oriole Feeder from Recycled Plastic Containers

    12 years ago

    Attracting hummingbirds and orioles to your garden is an added to treat to the joy of birdwatching! The blur of hummingbird wings as they hover over your feeder will provide hours of enjoyment as will the attentions of magnificent orange and black orioles visiting your garden for a sip of your...

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    How to Make Bird Feeders From Recycled Plastic Bottles

    22 months ago

    Enhance your bird-watching experience by crafting this easy-to-make bird feeder using recycled plastic containers! Read to learn how to make this DIY bird feeder.

  • How the Striped Zebra Evolved

    How the Striped Zebra Evolved

    7 years ago

    An old African Legend tells of a young zebra and baboon arguing about getting a drink at a waterhole. Although this is a charming explanation for zebra stripes, evolutionary biology tends to work in much more practical ways. Characteristics develop within a species or group because they provide a...

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    Uffington White Horse: Mysterious Places in Britain

    8 years ago

    Uffington White Horse is an awe inspiring site that can seen from miles away overlooking the head of a dry valley in Ridgeway Escarpment. It is the oldest of all of Britain's white horses by thousands of years and it is the oldest hill figure in Britain. Other chalk horses exist in Britain, but...

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    Bird Behaviour at Bird Feeders: Lesson Plan for Elementary Students

    10 years ago

    Bird watching is an activity enjoyed by the old and young. Providing opportunities for kids to become involved in birding is a wonderful educational experience. Bird feeders can be bought or assembled and can range from simple tray feeders to the more complex or ornamental. Whether the observation...

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    Stonehenge: Mysterious Places in Britain

    16 months ago

    Stonehenge is an impressively huge monument on the Salisbury Plain in Southern England.

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    How to Format and Write a Professional Business Letter

    2 years ago

    A well-written business letter can make or break a deal. Learn how to write and format a professional business letter with these tips.

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    Interpersonal Skills that Give You a Career Advantage

    5 years ago

    nterpersonal skills are used everyday, by everyone, to communicate and interact with other individuals and groups of people. These skills include communication in all of its forms with others, confidence and perhaps most importantly, the ability to listen and understand others.Beyond the specific...

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    How to Protect Turtles: Practical Ways to Help an Endangered Species Survive

    9 years ago

    Turtles have walked the earth and inhabited the oceans since prehistoric times. They are the denizens of wetlands living on bugs, sometimes small fish, aquatic plants and algae. Unfortunately, civilization has damaged and reduced turtle habitat resulting in many turtle species becoming endangered....

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    Life Cycle of a Frog: Lesson Plan for Elementary Students

    17 months ago

    Frogs are fascinating creatures for young children. They make excellent specimens for the live study of life cycles or metamorphosis as the young are quite easy to raise to adulthood. Use this lesson plan to create a memorable school project.

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    How to Make a Men's Hemp Bracelet

    12 years ago

    Men wear jewelry too and the masculine tones of a hemp bracelet with simple wooden or plastic large hole beads make an attractive accessory for men. I have been making women’s jewelry for some time now utilizing metal and beading techniques to make necklaces and earrings to fit my own wardrobe and...

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    What Is Forensic Archaeology?

    2 years ago

    What is forensic archaeology, and how does it differ from traditional archaeology?

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    Physical Science Jobs and Careers

    7 years ago

    Physical science explores the study of non-living systems and includes physics, chemistry and earth sciences such as geology, geography and geophysics. The study of science in school appears to be dropping in the U.S.; therefore, there is currently a large demand for those qualified for positions...

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    What is Cryptozoology? Examples of Cryptids.

    8 years ago

    The field of cryptozoology has been inspired by many ancient tales of monsters and sea serpents. Cryptozoology refers to the study of hidden animals. Cryptozoologists study animals whose existence is not yet proven. It is not a recognized branch of zoology and by many it is regarded as a...

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    How to Become an Archaeologist

    11 months ago

    When people say archaeology, most people think of buried treasure and Indiana Jones. Archaeology isn't about fame and danger, but about learning about people in the past.So, you want to be an archaeologist! Read on and explore: What is Archeology? Why Become an Archaeologist? Types of...

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    Jewelry-Making Supplies for Beginners

    2 years ago

    What tools and supplies does a beginner really need? This article discusses what I consider the bare bones of jewelry making supplies for beginners.

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    Tips for Raising a Gentle Dog

    23 months ago

    We have always opted for rearing puppies, as we felt it was the best option while having young children. We have learned a lot from our past experiences, and I hope you can learn something about raising a gentle, sweet dog that's good with kids.

  • What are Learning Disabilities and Learning to Live with Them:  My Son's Story

    What are Learning Disabilities and Learning to Live with Them: My Son's Story

    9 years ago

    Learning disabilities affect adults and children alike in larger numbers than might be realized. According to the Learning Disabilities Association of Peterborough, one in ten Canadians is affected by a learning disability.1[1] According to the U.S. Department of Education, learning disabilities...

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    Major Inventions Timeline: The 21st Century

    8 years ago

    Inventions in the first decade of the 21st Century have run the gamut from high tech improvements of old ideas to inventions radically new and awe inspiring. The miraculous nature of invention will continue unabated well into this century. Who knows what will come next. Many of "Star Trek's"...

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    Major Inventions Timeline: 20th Century

    11 years ago

    The 20th century saw an unprecedented level of advancement in science, technology and invention. At the beginning of this century, the air and land were conquered with such inventions as the airplane, radio and the automobile. These infant inventions quickly evolved into supersonic flight, wireless...

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    Major inventions Timeline: 18th Century and 19th Century

    10 years ago

    The First Industrial Revolution began in the 18th century with the development of the steam engine which replaced animal power. The 19th century was an age of machine tools that made parts for other machines leading eventually to assembly line manufacturing.

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    How to Make Dutch Kroketten (Beef Croquettes)

    2 years ago

    Croquettes are extremely tasty deep-fried balls of meat that make excellent hors d'oeuvres. So, call your best friends, and once you have cleared a three-day period, break out the wine and have the following instructions handy to create this tasty Dutch tradition!

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    Major Inventions Timeline - The Dawn of the Common Era to the End of the 17th Century

    7 years ago

    Necessity is the mother of invention and the period of 1000 CE to 1699 CE was rife with inventiveness. Many of the inventions of this period centered around agriculture, hunting game and of course warfare and exploration to keep what had been gained and to gain ever more 'necessities'!

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    Major Inventions Timeline - Before the Common Era

    13 years ago

    Many inventions, such as the wheel, have been crucial in the further technological development of man. It is interesting to note that many modern inventions are merely reinventions of ideas developed in ancient times. Deep-well drilling and the electric battery are two examples of this phenomenon!

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    How to Build a Mousetrap Car for Science Class

    19 months ago

    From internet research and two separate school projects requiring this design, my son has made a mousetrap car that goes the distance!

  • Supernatural Pursuit

    Supernatural Pursuit

    5 years ago

    Hotly pursued by an enemy interested in their daughter Rhianna, Mara and Patrick drive, panic-stricken,to evade capture. A high-speed chase and unusual get-away are the focus of this supernatural vignette.

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    Cryptozoology Looks at Four Cryptids

    6 years ago

    Cryptozoologists study those creatures that are strange and weird and bring out the fear factor we love to celebrate at Halloween. Here be monsters you may be familiar with but whose existence is a mystery. Do you believe?

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    Changes In Body Chemistry In The Face of Fear

    8 years ago

    Watching a particularly scary movie while babysitting can elicit a number of fear reactions including sweaty palms, the hairs rising on the nape of the neck and pounding heart. There are biological reasons for these reactions that go back to our days as the hunted rather than the hunter. The...

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    Healthy Raising of Chickens for Eggs and Meat

    7 years ago

    Raising chickens for eggs and meat is a rewarding venture. Raising meat birds, although extremely time consuming and very stinky provides a superior roasting bird. Egg layers are less energy intensive and far less stinky and always provide fantastic tasting eggs the extra of which are usually...


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