It started innocently enough with either slow network speeds or brief periods of time when our network was nonfunctional. Over the course of a year the outages increased in both frequency and duration, and a little probing revealed that we weren't...
Most teens today visit media sharing websites that utilize torrent or peer-to-peer technology. These types of websites, by their very nature, require users to open channels into their network that can leave it vulnerable.
Every few years I end up researching fountains. That's why I originally wrote this. So I'd have a resource for all my favorite fountain links. It's 2015 & again it's time to replace our fountain.
I love vacuums. All who know me, know this about me. When a friend needs a new vacuum, they seek out my advice. My SEBO is the reason I love vacuums so much...if you own one you'll know what I mean!
Running with the Dogs is a deeply moving book written be a Korean veteran who gave his life first for his country then refused to give up on it until he completed this memoir.
The 1971 film 'Friends' is a poignant 'coming of age' movie. It struck a deep chord with teens back then. Many of them consider the film to be one of their all time favorites.
Evernote: a free app that many people feel is as an extension to their brain. For me it's meant the difference between feeling constantly overwhelmed by data to feeling in control and maintaining a highly productive lifestyle.
The GOES program has saved my family several times, when we wouldn't have made it to the gate on time for our flight due to the long lines at security. This explains how to join the program.
The 2nd UP Band came out in 2012. This is a story about how I learned to use mine and how I use it today, in 2015. It's a Work In Progress so I'm keeping available as I work on updating it for 2015.
Coming up with a last minute spring break travel itinerary when you're short on time isn't easy. A cruise may be a great option. We did this one year and were very pleasantly surprised!
I received the iPad mini as a Christmas present from my husband. At first I was super excited, but then as I began setting it up and using it I noticed some big deficiencies for me personally. The absolute number one problem I had with it was the...
The purpose of this article is to help you find the best tweezers. To teach you what features to look for in great tweezers and to tell you about Rubis tweezers which I think are the greatest!
A brief excursion into the life of a beginning blogger and learning to write a product review. Plus a review of a great keyboard. I still love this keyboard as much as the day I first used it!